
Thursday, March 29, 2007

NIcholas Rivera and Greg on Nancy Pelosi


I learned yesterday from this article that Nancy Pelosi personally invited the President of the Order's University of San Francisco Stephen A. Privett SJ to give the Invocation for her Swearing-In as Speaker of the House. Pelosi attended several masses prior to that day with her family.

Quote from the article: "I really enjoyed meeting members of the Congress like Anna Eshoo and [Prince Hall Freemason] Charlie Rangle," said Privett. "Everyone I met was warm, welcoming and upbeat. I feel that the House is in good hands, that the Democrats will work hard to counter the narrow partisanship that has characterized Congress to this point in an effort to address issues that really concern all of us." Being present at this historical moment ranks at the top of Privett's 47 years as a Jesuit. "It was all the more meaningful for me knowing that the United States' first woman Speaker of the House was Nancy Pelosi from San Francisco, who has a strong relationship with USF and the Jesuits."According to the article "Congress has more religious diversity than ever before""Catholics remain the largest denominational group in Congress, with 155 members -- 25 in the Senate and 130 in the House. But there are fewer Catholic Republicans in both houses since the 109th Congress and many more Catholic Democrats" In the last Senate, Catholic members were nearly evenly split between the parties, with 11 Republicans and 13 Democrats. Now there are 9 Catholic Republicans and 16 Catholic Democrats in the Senate.In the House at the start of the 109th Congress, there were 129 Catholics -- 57 Republicans and 72 Democrats. Although the total number of House Catholics in the 110th Congress is nearly the same at 130, the current group includes 42 Republicans and 88 Democrats. Even Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., a Muslim who was sworn in as a member of Congress using a Quran once owned by President Thomas Jefferson, was raised a Catholic.

He became a Muslim while in college at Wayne State University in Detroit. Ellison's mother, Clida Ellison, recently told The Associated Press that she remains a practicing Catholic and attends Mass daily. But she said the controversy over her son's decision to be sworn in using the Quran rather than a Bible was a good thing, "because many people in America are going to learn what the diversity of America is all about." The two new Buddhist members of Congress -- Democratic Reps. Mazie Hirono of Hawaii and Hank Johnson of Georgia -- have not spoken publicly about their religion.Hirono is among 54 members of the 110th Congress who attended Jesuit institutions of higher education, according to a list compiled by the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities . She earned her law degree in 1978 at Georgetown University Law School in Washington.The number represents a nearly 15 percent increase compared to the 109th Congress, in which 47 of the 535 members were alumni of Jesuit colleges or universities , the association said.Jesuit Father Charles Currie, association president, called the latest figures "an important reminder that a Jesuit education is meant to lead to lives of leadership and service." "We are proud that this goal is realized at the highest levels of public service, as well as in countless other ways across the country and around the world," he added in a statement.With the election of Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., as Senate majority leader, the 110th Congress also marks the highest congressional leadership position ever achieved by a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, also known as Mormons. Before she was made Speaker she was and still is subordinate to the current Provincial of the California Province John P. McGarry SJ and previously Tom Smolich SJ. Pelosi's husband was Jesuit-trained at Georgetown. As for her children, her daughter Alexandra was trained by Jesuits at Loyola Marymount. Jesuit Robert F. Drinan before he went on to everlasting fire and torment said a mass at Nancy Pelosi's alma mater the Romanist Trinity University in Washington DC.

This mass was said by the request of Pelosi herself. Pelosi gave a eulogy at Jesuit Drinan's funeral. Caption: U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi holds up a photo of Jesuit Father Robert F. Drinan while delivering a eulogy during a Mass for the late priest at St. Aloysius Church in Washington Feb. 1. Father Drinan, longtime Georgetown University law professor who served in the House 1971-81 as a Massachusetts representative, died Jan. 2; he was 86 years old.

Nancy Pelosi pictured with Jesuit Drinan when he was awarded the Congressional Service Award May 2006.Only recently since Drinan went to a Christless fiery eternity in hell has it been revealed that Jesuit Drinan advised Roman Catholic CFR member Skull and Bones Illuminist Luciferian John Kerry (Kohn-he has Jewish ancestry which is probably why Cardinal Egan did not pick him despite his Jesuit training at Boston College Law, CFR membership, and the fact he is a Bonesman) on "religious affairs" during his 2004 Presidential campaign. I watched on C-SPAN as the votes were taken for Speaker of the House and it was between Roman Catholic Pelosi and Roman Catholic Jesuit-trained K of C John Boehner. The other key leaders in the House today are Harry Reid, a Mormon, and Roy Blunt a "Baptist" and Freemason.

This is no coincidence. The Jesuits control the Congress from Georgetown University and in the coming years that fact will be all too clear. The Order's Fourth Reich Drug Trust Run Buy Their SMOM (This an excellent expose of the drug companies and how they are connected to the Knights of Malta,CFR, Chase Manhattan Bank, Bank of America, Iluminati Rockefellers and the Guards of the Vatican Treasury the Rothschilds. Scroll down a little until you see "THE DRUG TRUST"

-Brother Nicholas N. Rivera


Pelosi Is Just Another Paid Vatican Shill?Why Won’t She Answer Questions or Consider Vatican and Jesuit Involvement in New World Order?By Greg SzymanskiMar. 29, 2007 Arctic Beacon months ago went on the record saying the crowning of Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Ca) as House Speaker would bring no changes and nothing good for the American people. In fact, when Pelosi was elevated to the top post in the U.S. House, the Arctic Beacon asked her to respond to serious questions about the Vatican’s control over foreign and domestic policy.Of course, Pelosi like the other Vatican paid shills in the U.S. House and Senate, refused to respond. And her refusal means she is just another one of the “big time Vatican puppets” having been paid off to keep the truth from the American people while selling out her country for her loyalty to Rome and the New World Order.To show Pelosi’s Vatican connection the following research was provided by true patriots, trying to awaken Americans to the real beast residing in Rome. And after reading the following information ask why, when considering who is really behind the New World Order, The Vatican connection is never mentioned. Also ask: if there exists free and honest debate in this country, why are the Vatican’s tentacles of evil never mentioned even though it has been well documented throughout history by bloodshed and genocide.Here are some facts provided to the Arctic Beacon by Nick Rivera about Pelosi’s Vatican connection as well as other facts regarding Vatican influence within the halls of the U.S. government:

Free Speech

Mark Cuban said he will finance a cinematic release of "Loose Change." I believe in free speech since that's apart of the Bill of Rights. Charlie Sheen is planned to narrate the movie. Loose Change is about saying that the White House was involved in the 911 attack and now the White House is waging illegal and violating people's constitutional rights. I have my qualms with Sheen (about his links with the Jesuits, etc.), but I do believe that Loose Change should be aired for in support of Free Speech. Cuban obviously won't be intimidated by the lies of Bill O'Reilly. Bill Maher Discusses Bush's 9/11 Non-Reaction On Olbermann's show. The answer to that question is why Bush passed W199I restricted investigations of "terrorists" or why NORAD failed its standard operating procedures during 9/11. The blueprints of the WTC was recently released by a whistleblower. The blueprints show that FEMA's report was inaccurate in stating that core columns were "freestanding" when in fact large horizontal beams cross-connected the core columns in a three-dimensional matrix of steel. BBC on Thursday at March 29, 2007 wrote that Iran wants to need the British hostages if the British admitted that the marines were in international waters. Reuters on March 27, 2007 had prose written by Ed Stoddard. Stoddard wrote that Texas passed a gun law. That law promoted self defense against criminals who threaten someone's life. The law will take effect in September 1.

By Timothy

Cuban Resolute Against Neo-Con Intimidation


Cuban Resolute Against Neo-Con Intimidation

Billionaire remains determined to bring Loose Change to big screen in face of threats

Paul Joseph WatsonPrison PlanetThursday, March 29, 2007
digg_url =
digg_title = 'Cuban Resolute Against Neo-Con Intimidation';
digg_bodytext = 'Despite several attempts on behalf Neo-Con and thugs and their mindless cheerleaders to threaten billionaire Mark Cuban into backing away from a project to mass distribute Loose Change, Cuban has remained resolute in his determination to bring the film to the big screen.';
digg_topic = 'politics';

Despite several attempts on behalf Neo-Con and thugs and their mindless cheerleaders to threaten billionaire Mark Cuban into backing away from a project to mass distribute Loose Change, Cuban has remained resolute in his determination to bring the film to the big screen.
During a radio interview last Friday, Fox bully Bill O'Reilly warned Cuban as well as Charlie Sheen who is set to narrate the movie, that he would be "looking out" for them and that Sheen's career would be "finished" if he went ahead with the project.

In an interview with the Dallas Morning News, Cuban restates his intention to distribute the film and fends off the intimidation of the attack dogs who wish to see the entire venture deep sixed.
Dallas Mavericks owner Cuban quotes JFK in citing the necessity of giving an open forum to controversial subjects.

"We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people."

--The Internet leader in activist media - Prison Thousands of special reports, videos, MP3's, interviews, conferences, speeches, events, documentary films, books and more - all for just 15 cents a day! Click here to subscribe! Find out the true story behind government sponsored terror, 7/7, Gladio and 9/11, get Terror Storm!-----------

"I happen to think we live in a city of smart and educated people who don't need anyone to censor for them," he said. "They can make up their own minds," states Cuban.
"I do believe that lies in the shadows are far more dangerous than lies you can confront and refute."

Cuban's promise that he would be happy to distribute a film that refutes the evidence presented in Loose Change isn't enough for the debunkers, because they know they cant win an argument when there's a level playing field - for the very simple reason that the facts aren't on their side.
Mark Cuban should be commended for facing down the imposing attempts by Neo-Con apologists for the Bush administration to employ a chilling effect in an effort to shoot down the mass availability of Loose Change.

Responding and Fighting Back

As the temperature is rising with the shifting of the seasons, more heat is corresponded unto the Bush White House. Alberto Gonzales's assistant named Monica Goodling pledged the 5th Amendment in refusing to blatantly testify to Congress under oath. My personal opinion is that Alberto Gonzales won't be fired in the reminder of the Presidency. The reason is that Bush has less than 2 years left. If an attempt is made to nominate a new Attorney general, that process would be difficult to surmount. What's shocking is that Journalist Jerome Corsi appeared on the Alex Jones show presenting evidence of a coverup Alberto Gonzales was involved in dealing with a pedophilia scandal. It occured in Texas. Some Neo Cons like Sean Hannity, Michael Reagan, Silwa, etc. mayh say that we need to be pragmatic in voting for a fake conservative like Rudy Guiliani. The truth is that no one should forsake their virtues or principles at the expense of political expediency. I just repudiate the precepts of sucking up to evil. The Hollywood crowd is more and more prominent in the arena of politics. It's really no secret that the vast majority of Hollywood "stars" are liberal.

Sean Penn (whose father Leo Penn was a member of the Communist party and temporary didn't want WWII. Stalin and Hitler had a short lived treaty called the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact in 1939) said that the Iraq War was wrong. Penn also compared Bush and their allies in the media (we know who they are) as like soiled, bloody underwear. That's very bizarre and weird. Penn is naive to ignore how strident the problems are caused by many Muslim radicals in the Middle East. He is right on the error of going into the Iraq War though. Certain forms of extremism can be dangerous to society or a nation. For example, the government should never acquire too much power over the citizens, while compassion ought not be denied unto the poor in legitimate ways. A thought can into my head. I recall the Knight of Malta link to the JFK assassination and cover up. For example, J. Peter Grace (one of the most powerful men in America during 1963) was the head of the American Branch of the Knights of Malta or SMOM. He led men like Lee Iacocca (who sent the blood stained limousine from Dallas to D.C. and Ohio), Frank Shakespeare (of CBS using Demolay & CFR member Walter Cronkite promoting the offical story), and DeLoach (of the FBI). This same power structure exists today. In 2007, Knights of Malta Alexander Haig (on the board of COSCO) and Geoffrey T. Boisi (of the Carnegie Corporation) have weight in the world stage, who are controlled by Pope Benedict XVI. According to Eric Jon Phelps, Greg, and others, the Pope is controlled by Jesuit Superior General Peter-Hans Kolvenbach. The Jesuits are ever present in the media, especially education, politics, science, theology, and other spheres of the world. In fact, Jesuit Joseph A. O'Hare is a Presider of the Council on Foreign Relations. Historically, the real rulers of the world (found in the Vatican/Jesuits, high level Freemasons, the Pilgrim Society, etc.) can be found of their tracks in WWI, WWII, the Ratlines, and even the present era. As for the captured British marines by Iranians, if they were in Iraqi waters they should be released. If they weren't, then they should be dealt legitimately. I don't believe the marines deserve death, torture, or extreme hardcore imprisonment though. candidates to carry the banner for them. Former governor Jim Gilmore hopes to be that candidate and said he's strongly supported the pro-life community, but he also backs legal abortions up to eight weeks. wow, I didn't know that. I disagree with abortion at any time after conception. I believe in responding and fighting back wholeheartedly.

By Timothy

Brother Nicholas Rivera's words.

In response to your question AntiSionist,

Michael Chertoff is credited as the architect of the USA PATRIOT Act but he in fact co-authored it with Viet E. Dinh of Jesuit Georgetown Law. I am certain that Dinh consulted with the Jesuit community there as it was being written up because the Order had similar laws passed throughout the world which it considers to be their provinces and assistancies. John C. Gannon is a member of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps meaning he is admittedly a Temporal Coadjutor as well as a lay Jesuit. Gannon is the founder of the Department of Homeland Security so while Papal Court Jew Chertoff is visible, Gannon is his boss and that of SMOM Emilio T. Gonzalez.

Knight of Malta Emilio T. Gonzalez is the head of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services for the Jesuits' Department of Homeland Security and he answers to Edward Cardinal Egan. The connection between the American Fourth Reich's DHS, SMOM and Georgetown University is undeniable. is an example, pictorial proof of the aforementioned connection DHS Deputy Secretary Michael P. Jackson a Georgetown alum, SMOM Gonzalez and Papal Court Jew Chertoff. this info helps.

-Brother Nick Rivera


Days ago, many British soldiers were captured by Iranian military officals. Some believe that this is another agitation for those who want war with Iran. It's wierd to see these things happen. The PNAC-neo con crowd and others desire a war with Iran. I'm not too fond of Iran's human rights' record, but I don't subscribe to bombing the mess out of that nation because of disagreements. The truth of the matter is that Iran isn't sending thousands of troops into neighboring countries and they aren't a direct threat to America. Also, they developed no nuclear weapons so far. The European Union is 50 years old now. The UK Daily Mail on Monday at March 26, 2007 describe on how the EU want a Constitution by 2009. The EU has been an anti-national sovereignity group from 1947. James P. Tucker Jr. from the American Free Press on Monday at March 26, 2007 describe on how the Trilateral Commission wants a tax hike. John Deutch, former head of the Central Intelligence Agency, wants a a $1-pergallon increase in the gasoline tax as penance for causing pollution. This is silly, but the elite wants this. Now, real alternative energy can reduce the need for fossil feuls, but the big corporations aren't really embracing real alternative energy. James Tucker wrote that a new generation of Trilateralists are coming up. The Trilateral Commission have been involved in intergating the economies of the world.

Human Events on March 13, 2007 had an article by Mac Johnson discussing the court rightfully learning about the individual rights of the Second Amendment. The court of the District of Columbia's is reviewing the handgun ban. Hopefully, they can get rid of the gun ban. D.C.'s crime rate is 26% higher than it was when the gun ban was put in place in 1978. Some interesting news came up. The Associated Press on March 24, 2007 had a piece written by LARA JAKES JORDAN. Jordan wrote that Gonzales denied that he in any discussions about the firings of attorneys. The truth is that emails confirm that Gonzales' participation in a Nov. 27 meeting where such plans were discussed. Basically, much of the evil is happening in the world is for the purpose of consolodating power, ecomonies, and religions into monopolies or in the hands of the few. Who are these few? They are groups such as the Vatican/Jesuits, high level Freemasonry (and other occult orders. In Masonry, they promote the Mysteries. Manly P. Hall, a 33rd Degree Freemason blatantly promoted Lucifer when a Mason learns the Craft conclusively. The craft is known as witchcraft. That's Masonry since both have similar iniations and rituals. Masons embrace the Kabbala. Lucis Trust are occult enemies as well. Many Masonic Jewish people like Schumer, the B'nai B'rith etc. have been far left. Wicked Masonic Jews and wicked Muslim radicals ought to be condemned and exposed indeed. Although, many Jewish people and many Arabic people are righteous, patriotic, and God-fearing. I want to make that clear as well), and the Pilgrim Society (which helped invent and control the CFR, Bilderberg Group, and the Trilateral Commission. It's interesting to note that the CFR has a logo of a man riding a horse. The inner councils of all 3 groups are run by the Pilgrims. The CFR notoriously have been in favor of the North American Union).

By Timothy

Getting it out in the open

There is nothing wrong with getting things out in the open. Lately, attacks on the 911 Truth Movement has increased by the CFR-controlled mainstream media. Bill O'Reilly is having his attacks and Mr. Posner (with connections to the CIA). Ponser compared 911 Truthers to Holocaust deniers, which is a ludicrious comparison. Also, O'reilly said that Mark Cuban and Sheen shouldn't be involved in Loose Change's 911 Truth film. O'Reilly is the one that denies the U.S. tortures after 911, which is a lie. O'Reilly is a hypocrite by saying he's against the death penalty, but he wants suspects of "terror" to be executed. Bo Deitl, O'Reilly, and Posner yesterday said that Building Number Seven fell by the debris from the Twin Towers. This is false since WTC 7 was the farthest away from the complex. Even the NIST refuses to outline a definitive decision on why WTC 7 fell down. WTC 7 had limited fires and fell symmterically, which was a little less than normal gravity would allow. Many scholars like controlled demolitions expert Danny Jowenko commented that WTC 7 was deliberately demolished. I believe in 911 Truth and 911 was an inside job by a mountain load of evidence. I like the film "the Global Warming Swindle." It presents tons of evidence like the CO2 naturally not as a pollutant, but part of many organisms and the cycles of climate changes through the ages.

The battle between truth and lies is not only political, it's moral and spiritual. For a very long time, the priests in secrets worshipped the male organ, the sun, Sirius, and other creations. This was the foundation of the Modern day cults, false religions, and Secret Societies like Freemasonry (in their Entered Enterprise, you swear a death oath. There are tons of symbolism in that group. Master Masons wear jewels to recognize each other. One is the Square and the Compass representing generation or the male and female reproduction organs. Another is a 2 ball cane), the Rosicrucians (whose goal was to merge Christian principles with the Mysteries. That's why their symbol was the Rose and the Cross. They were involved in the occult aspect of American history from Russian mystic Nicholas Roerich's role in the One Dollar Bill having an occult design to other things), the Jesuits (this group is known for its far-left politics and trained many world leaders from Stalin, Castro, to Bill Clinton), Hinduism, etc. The present themselves under the guise of morality and brotherhood, but they on times overtly embrace the Kabbala, Gnosticism, and the occult (even mentioned in their own literature). Online Journal on March 22, 2007 had an article by Max Fuller writing about more evidence of U.S. orchestration of death squads in Iraq. This isn't unusual since Rumsfeld support the P2OG program that promoted terrorism to provoke terrorism. That's wierd, but it's true. I still believe in culture improvement. I still hate pornography, I still hate abortion, and I still hate the agenda of perverts. I will continue forward.

By Timothy


From Police Harass 9/11 Truthers Outside ABC Studios

Group supporting Rosie O'Donnell intimidated, fracas causes O'Donnell to leave Paul Joseph WatsonPrison PlanetWednesday, March 21, 2007digg_url =
'';digg_title = 'Police Harass 9/11 Truthers Outside ABC Studios';digg_bodytext = 'A 9/11 truth organization supporting and attempting to speak with Rosie O Donnell about her recent comments regarding the September 11 attacks outside the ABC studios were harassed and intimidated by New York City police, a scene that caused O Donnell to prematurely leave.';digg_topic = 'politics';A 9/11 truth organization supporting and attempting to speak with Rosie O'Donnell about her recent comments regarding the September 11 attacks outside the ABC studios were harassed and intimidated by New York City police, a scene that caused O'Donnell to prematurely leave.O'Donnell has been attacked by Neo-Con webzines over the last few days but completely ignored by the corporate media for controversial comments questioning the official 9/11 story.
Police were out in force to harass a group of about twenty 9/11 truth movement activists, led by Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change, telling them to take down signs, turn off video cameras and cell phones, checking ID's and taking information - despite the fact that they were simply news gathering and exercising their first amendment.Officers were uncomfortable that their own image would be caught on camera, despite their demands for information from the group and a myriad of surveillance cameras pointed at the protesters from police cars and nearby buildings.-----------

----The Internet leader in activist media - Prison Thousands of special reports, videos, MP3's, interviews, conferences, speeches, events, documentary films, books and more - all for just 15 cents a day! Click here to subscribe! Find out the true story behind government sponsored terror, 7/7, Gladio and 9/11, get Terror Storm!------------

Cops soon asked the small party to leave, yelling at them "the party's over," but Rudkowski and his cameramen withstood the intimidation and refused to go, despite being aggressively questioned on numerous occasions.Eventually, an ABC representative emerged to inform the group that O'Donnell had left as a consequence of the police presence.A New York Post reporter was also outside the studios attempting to talk to O'Donnell after she reportedly mentioned 9/11 truth again on her show today. It remains to be seen whether the statement is edited out of the episode which is set to air tomorrow, but sources inside The View expect that to be the case. postCount('210307studios');Comments (46) postCountTB('210307studios'); Trackback


Debunking NY Post's Tabloid Hit Piece On Sheen/O'Donnell

As sophisticated as a Chicago Bears fan after a heavy drinking sessionPaul Joseph Watson & Steve WatsonPrison PlanetThursday, March 22, 2007digg_url = '';digg_title = 'Debunking NY Post Tabloid Hit Piece On Sheen/Rosie';digg_bodytext = 'As far as hit pieces go, gossip writer Richard Johnsons scribe is about as sophisticated as a Chicago Bears fan after a heavy drinking session, but considering his other stories today were about Paul McCartney sending a bunch of flowers and Jay-Z making a bet with the editor of Playboy, we shouldn't expect too much.';digg_topic = 'politics';
The New York Post has produced a typically and purposefully ignorant hit piece against both Rosie O'Donnell and Charlie Sheen for going public with their views on 9/11, commenting that they should "keep their traps shut".As far as hit pieces go, gossip writer Richard Johnson's scribe is about as sophisticated as a Chicago Bears fan after a heavy drinking session, but considering his other stories today were about Paul McCartney sending a bunch of flowers and Jay-Z making a bet with the editor of Playboy, we shouldn't expect too much.The piece, clearly aimed at those who don't have the attention span to read the entire word "Hollywood," headlined as it is "H'Wood," labels Sheen as a "hooker-loving Hollywood hunk," denounces his father, Martin Sheen, for having been arrested in the past for protesting and calls Loose Change a "loopy YouTube documentary."
Choosing to focus on name calling and slandering character assassinations, Rupert Murdoch's Post cannot even get the most basic of facts correct.'s Michael Rivero is referenced in the piece but is referred to as "Matt Rivero". Any visitor to will see instantly that at the top of the page it says Michael Rivero's, proving that writer Richard Johnson has not even looked at the website he is trouncing, a running theme where baseless debunking and awful journalism is concerned.Johnson needs to stick to reporting on Britney Spears' latest haircut if he can't even be bothered to conduct cursory investigative research. After a healthy serving of ad hominem name-calling slurs, Johnson finally addresses Rosie O'Donnell's comments, stating that she is repeating a "widely debunked rundown" of Michael or (Matt as they have it) Rivero's discredited theories about Building 7. Putting aside the subtle assertion that all questions and theories about the collapse of WTC 7 belong to Michael Rivero, it is entirely incorrect and untruthful to state that they have been discredited and debunked.Indeed, it is the official narrative that has been repeatedly discredited and debunked. Both NIST and FEMA have had to change portions of their reports on several occasions because the conclusions failed to fit the evidence.
Neither body has yet been able to produce an official report that can explain how fire damage caused the collapse of WTC 7 on 9/11.Debunkers of the controlled demolition theory continually cite "raging infernos" inside the building, yet officially only eight floors of the building were subject to sporadic fires before its collapse. The NIST report concluded after extensive controlled recreation experiments that it could not comprehensively identify how the building could have collapsed symmetrically into its own footprint given the damage that it had sustained.
Remember also that experts stated about Building 7:A combination of an uncontrolled fire and the structural damage might have been able to bring the building down, some engineers said. But that would not explain steel members in the debris pile that appear to have been PARTLY EVAPORATED in extraordinarily high temperatures.Note that evaporation means conversion from a liquid to a gas; so the steel beams in Building 7 were subjected to temperatures high enough to melt and evaporate them. Can sporadic fires on just eight floors of a 47 story building do that? NO, according to NIST, they cannot.Is the New York Post suggesting that NIST's theories are "twisted"? That is the information that Sheen and O'Donnell are respectively going off, not just some made up nonsense from cyberspace.Sheen, O'Donnell and celebrities like them are not simply "repeating" the views of "conspiracy theorists," they are relaying the views of experts in their field. People such as Kevin Ryan of Underwriter Laboratories who stepped forward shortly after the release of the NIST report to point out that UL testimony to NIST regarding the ability of jet fuel fire to melt steel was inaccurate. Kevin Ryan was fired from UL shortly thereafter.
Several demolition experts are also on record as stating that they believe WTC 7's collapse to have occurred as a result of a controlled implosion. Indeed, controlled demolitions expert Danny Jowenko, unaware that the structure had collapsed on 9/11, immediately concluded that Building 7 had been deliberately demolished when he was shown the footage by a Dutch television crew, and maintains that position to this day.The Post also makes reference to WTC owner Larry Silverstein's infamous "pull it" comment, also suggesting only insane "conspiracists" could take it to mean an admission of controlled demolition. However, the fact remains that no one has been able to explain this comment. A spokesperson for Silverstein later attempted to explain the comment away by stating that by "pull it" he had meant "evacuate the firefighting operation". The problem is, according to FEMA, there were no firefighting procedures in Building 7 and firefighters were outside of the collapse zone that had been set up many hours before WTC 7 fell.
The official FEMA report stresses this in chapter five, stating "...the firefighters made the decision fairly early on not to attempt to fight the fires, due in part to the damage to WTC 7 from the collapsing towers. Hence, the fire progressed throughout the day fairly unimpeded by automatic or manual suppression activities."
In more recent revelations that the Post fails to address, it was discovered that the BBC had reported that Building 7 had collapsed up to 30 minutes before it actually fell. This indicated that the press were being spoon fed information about what was going to happen on 9/11. Debunkers have charged that Building 7 was expected to collapse before it did, which is true, and the BBC merely jumped the gun - but that begs the question - how did officials know the building was going to collapse when no modern steel building in history had collapsed from fire damage alone and why were the BBC reporting its collapse in advance with the added knowledge of why it collapsed - a question that is still being investigated by NIST five and a half years later? Whoever the BBC's source was for reporting the collapse of Building 7 were ahead of NIST by five and a half years and had already determined why the building had collapsed before it had collapsed. Is this not in the least bit suspicious?
The BBC has still not named its source of this information on 9/11. In the most infamous debunking piece to date, Popular Mechanics relied on a combination of all kinds of theories to explain away the collapse of Building 7, realizing themselves that neither the fires nor the falling debris could explain the collapse of the structure: According to NIST, there was one primary reason for the building's failure: In an unusual design, the columns near the visible kinks were carrying exceptionally large loads, roughly 2000 sq. ft. of floor area for each floor. "What our preliminary analysis has shown is that if you take out just one column on one of the lower floors," Sunder notes, "it could cause a vertical progression of collapse so that the entire section comes down.
However as we have previously reported, Building 7 was specifically designed to have floors removed without collapsing. It was essentially a 'building within a building', as the New York Times put it. To suggest Building 7 would have been weakened as an overall structure by damage to limited portions of it is totally untrue. Besides, who in their right mind would design a building with 47 columns, knowing that removing one column would cause the entire thing to collapse?The fact remains that the Building 7 saga has not been debunked no matter how many times debunkers, or in the case of the Post poor excuses for reporters, say it has been. 7 thus remains the key to unlocking the fraud that is the official story behind 9/11.----------

-----The Internet leader in activist media - Prison Thousands of special reports, videos, MP3's, interviews, conferences, speeches, events, documentary films, books and more - all for just 15 cents a day! Click here to subscribe! Find out the true story behind government sponsored terror, 7/7, Gladio and 9/11, get Terror Storm!-------------

The hit piece also contains leaked details of the upcoming Loose Change Final Cut movie, in which it is announced that Charlie Sheen is set to narrate the documentary.Arising out of Alex Jones' role as a consultant on the project, we have known this information for over a year and withheld it for the very important reason that the project's integrity during its embryonic phase depended on maintaining its secrecy.We confirmed that the information had been leaked to the media on Monday but now it is verified that the Post already knew the details before they tried to trick William Rodriguez into admitting it during a subsequent conversation.
The project has now been compromised as a result of a blabbermouth on the 9/11 truth circuit, the identity of which remains unknown, that spilled his guts to the Post's debunker in chief Richard Johnson, but the net effect will probably only raise the film's profile.Details of the film leaking early, along with the Post being mandated to report on the comments of Rosie O'Donnell, could only make the entire project and 9/11 truth in general go supernova. postCount('220307nypost');Comments (63) postCountTB('220307nypost'); Trackback


Far too often, individuals are forsaking their principles for political expendency. One example manifesting itself on that point is Arnold Schwarzenegger. Arnold's father was a Nazi and he praised Hitler in the 1970's. Even though Arnold is not a real conservative and even is anti-gun. Arnold had a little spat with Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh is really an establishment Republican not a real conservative. Even Michael Savage is rightfully exposing Rush as a typical Bushbot. Arnold said that Rush is irrelevant and Rush striked back. Both had an interview and are really laughing it up. Liveleak on Thursday at March 22, 2007 had a protestor (CODEPINK's Desiree Fairooz) forcibly removed from a Hillary fundraising event. This is one more example of how America is very bad in terms of civil liberties and Bill of Rights issues. There has been a lot of talk about Israel. Here's my position. I believe in Israel's right to exist. I believe in Jewish people and all people having a right to live in Israel. Yet, I don't agree with the Labor Zionist control over the government of Israel. I also disagree with Islamo-fascists (some of independent groups and others are funded by organizations like the Masonic Muslim Brotherhood. Some of the Islamic radicals are killing Christians, Buddhists, and others for years) killing my people in Sudan, Maurtania, and other places as well. I do get personal about this since my people are being kill for no reason whatsoever just because of the color of their skin. I disagree with all forms of evil. I don't limit my criticism against one nation or one entity unlike some in the "alternative media." I disapprove of some of the tactics of AIPAC and I disapprove of some of the tactics of CAIR and Muslim radicals. There are those who expose evil in Israel all day, but won't expose the evil done by the Jesuits, high level Freemasonry (they and the Rosicurcians were crucial in developing occult images in the city of Washington D.C. Ephrata, PA was a home base of Rosicrucians who were pro-Sir Francis Bacon in wanting America to be a New Atlantis. Freemason Morris was involved in the design of the Washington Monument. According to David Ovason, D.C. was based in the star of Sirius or the Dog Star), Knights of Malta (with a strong presence in the intelligence, corporate, and media communities), OPus Dei, and the Pilgrim Society. It's interesting to note that some of the haters those exposing the previous groups are rabid haters of Jewish people and conservative Christians. 9/11 Truthers confronted Alan Dershowitz and the crowd attacked the 911 Truthers. I don't agree with that. Everyone should have a right to free speech without unjust violence.

ABC News on March 20, 2007 had an article written by RUSSELL GOLDMAN. Goldman wrote that scientists are making a drug that can eliminate memories. This is done to alleviate symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. I disagree with this since what's the extent of the memory loss done by the drug. This is into a Brave New World. Coach Dave Daubenmire's comments interested me. He said it's time for action. You know what, he's right. Movements in the past focused on activism to get things done. Legitimate action is what needs to be done to get changes rolling along. If that fails, I do endorse outside seccession from this country. Abortion won't be radically reduced unless individuals are protesting and helping out their neighbors. If changes won't come, America will turn into socialist Europe. In some countries of Europe, you can get arrested for homeschooling, for criticizing Islam, and for saying some of the comments that I'm writing in this blog.

By Timothy

Satanic Occult Symbols in Washington D.C. by David J. Stewart

Note by Me: I don't agree with all of Texe's views, but I do agree with that the occult symbols in DC are wicked.

By Timothy



Satanic Occult Symbols in Washington D.C.
Complied and Edited by David J. Stewart

"...I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan." -Revelation 2:9
Mystery Babylon and the Illuminati (1 Hour Free Video by Texe Mars) Download (63 MB)
The pentagon is an infinite occult symbol -- it is the center of a pentagram and a pentagram fits perfectly inside a pentagon.

Obelisks are phallic (penis) symbols related to the Egyptian Sun god, Osiris. The 4 sides of the Washington Monument are aligned with the cardinal directions (i.e., east, west, north, and south). At the ground level each side of the monument measures 55.5 feet long, which is equal to 666 inches. The height of the obelisk is 555.5 feet, which is equal to 6,666 inches.

The mall in Washington DC is laid out so the gardens and streets form the image of an owl. The owl is representative of the mythical goddess, Lilith. Pleas read, Bohemian Grove Exposed for much more information on the owl.
George Washington (a 33° Freemason) selected French Freemason Pierre Charles L’Enfant to design the city’s layout in Washington D.C.
The boundaries of the city, established by George Washington in 1791, form a square 10 miles long on each side, centered on the originally proposed location for the Washington Monument. The east-west diagonal of the square crosses over the Capitol building and the north-south diagonal crosses over the White House.

The length of the north-south and east-west diagonals is 10 miles times the square root of 2, or 14.142 miles. This distance converts to 43,455 ancient Egyptian royal cubits, the same figure as the ratio between the Great Pyramid and the dimensions of the earth.
The height of the Great Pyramid is 481.13 feet, divided by 5,280 = .0911231 miles.
The mean radius of the earth is 3,960 miles, divided by .0911231 = 43,457.
The perimeter of the Great Pyramid is 3,023 feet, divided by 5,280 = .5725 miles.
The mean circumference of the earth is 24,880 miles, divided by .5725 = 43,458.
3,960 miles (radius of the earth) / 14.142 miles = 280 (number of cubits in the height of the Great Pyramid)
24,880 miles (circumference of the earth) / 14.142 miles = 1,760 (cubits in the perimeter of the Great Pyramid)
Converting the radius and circumference of the earth to cubits yields the same results.
The first series of symbols I will point out deal with the seat of the executive branch of government, the White House, indicated by the red arrow above. If you are a Google Earth user, you can see these satellite images for yourself at Google Maps.
As you can see by my outline, the White House sits at the apex of an inverted pentagram. This symbol is incomplete by only 2 small pieces, indicated by the yellow lines.

The hexagram is nearly complete, except for 1 small piece on the north-west side, outlined in yellow.

If you draw the pentagram and hexagram symbols together, you can see three sides of a cross. Finishing the symbol on the land sitting in front of the White House reveals a perfectly symmetrical Knights Templar cross.

It has been said the Washington Monument obelisk (bottom arrow) sits due south from the White House. This is not exactly true, as you can see in the photo above. In reality, the obelisk is directly south from the Masonic Temple (top arrow) which sits 13 blocks north of the White House.

The temple is the headquarters of the Supreme Council of Scottish Rites of Freemasonry, modeled after descriptions of the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world.

As mentioned earlier, the 4 sides of the Washington Monument are aligned with the cardinal directions (i.e., east, west, north, and south). At the ground level each side of the monument measures 55.5 feet long, which is equal to 666 inches. The height of the obelisk is 555.5 feet, which is equal to 6,666 inches. The obelisk is representative of the male sex organ, worship in nearly all pagan cultures. It is a symbol of man's carnal power and might. Satanism and the occult are saturated with sexual perversion, child-molesting, and human sacrifices. Most worshippers in these groups deny such claims, but some have openly professed it, such as the godless bisexual Aleister Crowley. Such immoral occult influences are prevalent in rock music, feminism, and even in Walt Disney movies, such as The CHRONICLES of NARNIA.

In this photograph I’ve indicated both the White House (left) and the Capitol building (right).

The square and compass symbol stretches from the White House to the Capitol.

To the east of the Capitol sits a complete hexagram

A bird’s-eye view of the Capitol building reveals a figure resembling an owl. The owl is a symbol which represents an pagan deity. Nocturnal birds are symbols of sorcery and metaphysics because black magick cannot function in the light of truth (day) and is powerful only when surrounded by ignorance (night). The owl is considered wise because the creature is able to see through the darkness of ignorance and materiality; hence its association with the goddess Athena and its veneration during the nocturnal cremation of care ceremony at the Bohemian Grove.

Above the dome of the Capitol building stands Lady Libertas, the goddess Isis.

Guarding the entrance to the Capitol building is Nimrod (Baal) in the likeness of the Roman god Mars, whom the Egyptians called Osiris. As you can see from the image below this entrance is identical to that of the Roman Panthenon of the Gods - as well as the Greek Parthenon.

There are several significant buildings in the District of Columbia with these ancient designs, including The White House.

The central part of the Supreme Court building is modeled after the Temple of Artemis, one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world.

The George Washington Masonic Memorial, modeled after descriptions of the Pharos of Alexandria - another wonder of the ancient world, sits across the Potomac in Alexandria, Virginia just inside the diagonal square border of D.C.
This statue of Washington in the Smithsonian Museum of American History was modeled after descriptions of the statue of Zeus at Olympia, one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world. The museum is aligned to the cardinal directions, the statue sits at the western end of the main floor facing east. Compare this portrayal of Washington to the images of Zeus and Baphomet - do you notice any similarities?

Satan on our Dollar
The eye represents Lucifer, the Prince of Darkness, who transforms himself into an angel of light (2nd Corinthians 11:3). The capstone of the pyramid is symbolic of the antichrist, who when he comes will complete the pyramid. The beast system is now being prepared, aka, the New World Order. Below, you can get an idea of the power structure of these occult groups. If you want to do research, look up the various groups on the internet, such as the Mother of Darkness.

The special positions at the top of the pyramid are those who are wholly committed to the Luciferian Ideology, i.e., a Totalitarian Godless Police State!

These things are all very real folks. We read in 2nd Thessalonians 2:10 that the masses of this world WILL BE deceived when the Antichrist comes because they don't love the truth of God's Word, "And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved."

The International Conspiracy

It means Satan is the god of this world, just as 2nd Corinthians 4:4 declares. We see far too many articles on the internet today exposing the occult, but not enough that tie it all in with the Word of God. Folks, a bunch of facts will never make any sense until you shine the Light of God's Word upon it. The Word of God is the missing key. Satan is the god of this sinful world, and he controls his servants through occult organizations, such as Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, and Bohemian Grove. The term "Illuminati" refers to the highest and most evil people in the pyramid structure. Few people realize that Communism is simply a mask for the New World Order.
The hidden secret behind Communism is that Wall Street bankers were instrumental in creating it. I recently read an excellent book... PAWNS in the GAME, by William Guy Carr (1958). If you want to learn all the details of the Illuminati and their sinister evil plan to take over the world, then this is the book to read! PAWNS IN THE GAME exposes how every major war over the past 250 years has been deliberately caused, financed, and profited from by the money-lenders. As shocking as it may sound, this includes the American Revolution which gave birth to America. On pages 49-58, William Guy Carr tells how the American Revolution was plotted and planned by the same international group which plotted the English and French revolutions; and how the international financiers obtained control of the American economy. You'll never hear the truth in a public school classroom.

People listen to those who continually cry, as they did in Spain, "Communism can never cause a revolution here." They listen to those who give them a sense of false security. The majority of citizens are like children, who hide their heads under the blankets when they fear danger. It should be remembered that pulling the bedclothes over one's head never saved a person from an assassin, a rapist, or an exploding bomb. (SOURCE: PAWNS IN THE GAME, page 128, by William Guy Carr, 1958).
I couldn't have described Americans today any better! They are only listening to those who give them a sense of FALSE SECURITY! They are hiding their heads under their blankets. Please read, It Can't Happen Here by Congressman Ron Paul. These quotes from PAWNS IN THE GAME (and I highly recommend the book) should clearly evidence to you that history does repeat itself, or in other terms, people never learn!

The following quote is from page IX in the introduction concerning the International Conspiracy:
Very few people seem to appreciate that Lucifer is the brightest and most intelligent of the heavenly host and, because he is a pure spirit, he is indestructible. The Scriptures tell us his power is such that he caused one-third of the most intelligent of the heavenly host to defect from God, and join him, because he claimed God's Plan for the rule of the universe is weak and impractical because it is based on the premise that lesser beings can be taught to know, love, and wish to serve Him voluntarily out of respect for His own infinite perfections. The Luciferian ideology states might is right. It claims beings of proven superior intelligence have the right to rule those less gifted because the masses don't know what is best for them. The Luciferian ideology is what we call totalitarianism to-day.
The Old Testament is simply the history of how Satan became prince of the world, and caused our first parents to defect from God. It relates how the synagogue of Satan was established on this earth, it tells how it has worked since to prevent God's Plan for the rule of the universe being established on this earth. Christ came to earth when the conspiracy reached the stage that, to use His own Words, Satan controlled all those in high places. He exposed the synagogue of Satan (Rev. 2:9;3:9); he denounced those who belonged to it as sons of the Devil (Lucifer), whom He castigated as the father of lies (John 8:44) and the prince of deceit (2nd Cor. 11:14). He was specific in His statement that those who comprised the synagogue of Satan were those who called themselves Jews, but were not, and did lie (Rev. 2:9; 3:9). He identified the Money-Changers (Bankers), the Scribes, and the Pharisees as the Illuminati of His day.
Page X brings the conspiracy up to date:

In 1774 "An Act of God" placed the Bavarian government in possession of evidence which proved the existence of the continuing Luciferian conspiracy. Adam Weishaupt, a Jesuit trained professor of canon law, defected from Christianity, and embraced the Luciferian ideology while teaching in Ingoldstadt University. In 1770 the money lenders (who had recently organized the House of Rothschild), retrained him to revise and modernize the age-old 'protocols' designed to give the synagogue of Satan ultimate world domination so they can impose Luciferian ideology upon what remains of the Human Race, after the final social cataclysm, by use of Satanic despotism. Weishaupt completed his task May 1st, 1776.
The plan required the destruction of ALL existing governments and religions. This objective was to be reached by dividing the masses, whom he termed Goyim (meaning human cattle) into opposing camps

America has been hijacked by criminals, i.e., the illuminati. Don't believe me? Then maybe you'll believe Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, or Congressman Ron Paul. Halliburton was recently awarded a contract to build concentration camps IN AMERICA! The truth is that our political leaders are PAWNS in a global game, controlled by murderous and sinister thugs who manipulate this world's wealth and resources. Our political leaders are mere puppets to the puppeteers, and we are the gullible sheep.
Ye Must Be Born Again!

Foundations and Roots

Emotion harnessed in an unequivocal way can be a constructive action in getting points across. Now, it's been more than 4 years after the initial American invasion of Iraq (A nation that was unsuccessfully colonized by the British Empire in the early 20th century). Manifold problems still linger. Many of the military leaders executing Iraqi policy are Jesuit-trained from CFR member General Peter Pace to John Patraeus. A real victory of Iraq would be an Iraq that's independent, sectarian violence under control, and outside influences (i.e. the West, terrorists, and whatever) having no influence in that nation. Troops should leave that nations with no strings attached. I don't agree with the Iraq war, but I do wish Iraq (President George W. Bush advocated this war to spread democracy. It's interesting to note that 33rd Degree Freemason Manly P. Hall wants America to be an engine to promote world democracy. That's has been the plan of many of the Ancients and Secret Societies for thousands of years. Not suprisingly, Bush is in the Skulls and Bones Secret order) would improve its disposition (without the problems of depleted uranium, massive causalities, and extreme tensions). Sunsara Taylor debated Bill O'Reilly about terror, Iraq, torture, etc. Taylor is from the Communist-infiltrated The World Can't Wait. I disagree with Taylor on many issues (like abortion since abortion is murder), but Sunsara is right on the war on terror. The U.S. has been caught in torture from Abu Ghraib, the testimony of General Rick Baccus, FBI documents proving torture in Gitmo, and other example. John Yoo (a White House official) advocated torturing children's testicles to get information. This official is promoting torture. Bill O'Reilly vociferously denied the majority of Sunsara's opinions, because Bill O'Reilly is in a neo-con mindset. Rosie O'Donnell wrote in her blog that she believe that Building Number imploded. More and more of the Hollywood are taking about 911 Truth. I don't agree with Rosie on many issues.

Recently, Dick Morris and Sean Hannity is taking up for the cult of Mormonism again. Mormonism was invented by Freemasons Brigham Young and Joseph Smith. Mormonism is similar to Masonry in many respects. Mormons didn't even allow Blacks into their Priesthood until the 1970's. The godhood of man, magic aprons, prayers to the dead, and other unscriptural (and odd) beliefs are in Mormonism. Morris said that it's bigotry to dissent with Smith's cult. Well, legitimate dissent isn't bigotry at all. I see commercials promoting the book of Mormon. It isn't just Mormonism that is erroneous. The Jehovah Witness (and Christian Science ) are also invented religion that didn't even originate from Fundamental Christianity. The controversy of Alberto Gonzales and the 8 fired attorneys are heating up in the news. A real inquiry must be displayed to reckon if the attorneys were unjustly fired. Some are calling for Gonzales to leave for his mishandling of the situation. Bush is steadfastly for Alberto Gonzales. Many liberals believe that the 8 people were fired for political reasons in trying to strenghten the White House's agenda. I would say that there are more vital issues to discuss (though the attorney deal is an important issue) like Gm foods, toxic waste dumpings, aspartame, Big Brother, and eminent domain. Al Gore is at Congress promoting his half-truth of all man-induced global warming (Gore forgotten that the Middle Ages had higher temperatures than today or the solar system is rising in Temperature because of the sun. Humans currently account for about four percent of total carbon dioxide emissions, and carbon dioxide makes up about 0.038% of the atmosphere). The recent British documentary "The Great Global Warming Swindle" exposes the Global warming hysteria promoted by Gore, the U.N., and their allies. I remember the foundations and roots of my being. It seems like God led me down a road to understand information about the new world order, religion, and the like on a higher level since 1997. Since then, I've learned of the Pilgrim Society (which is more powerful than the CFR, Bilderberg Group, and the Trilateral Commission. The Pilgrim Society was critical in inventing all 3 groups)/Knights of Malta/high level Freemasonry-controlled banking system.

By Timothy

I'm Hopeful

Khalid Shiek Mohammed is getting higher recognition by the media today. Even CIA analyst Robert Baer has questions about KSM's supposed "confession." Baer said that KSM proclaimed himself involved in 9/11 from A to Z, but he offers no details of his role. Mohammed exclaimed himself as the murderer of Daniel Pearl, but there is no evidence that he cut Pearl's head off. The story has holes in it that you can put a 757 through. There has been controversy over Rosie O'Donnell's comment. I usually disagree with Rosie on 90% of political issues. Although, Rosie is suprising correct on KSM. The government (not all Americans, but a select few) have sanctionced torture from the torture memos, etc. The USA has committed torture from Native Americans, African Americans, Operation Phoenix, Abu Ghraib, the FBI revealing documents of torture going on in Gitmo, and other facts. Even if Sean Hannity denies this, that's real evidence. China is increasingly raising as a potent superpower. Chen Yanjun from the Central News Agency on Friday at March 16, 2007 show that it will increase its budget. Paul Craig Robertson V Dare at Friday at March 16, 2007 list compelling evidence for impeachment of President George W. Bush. From Bush's support of warrantless wiretaps, no bid contracts, creating laws at will (also disobeying them), and other facts, impeachment is legitimate.

I will say that I don't blame Bush for everything under the sun, so I'm not a Kool-Aid liberal man. Financial Times on March 14, 2007 at Richard Waters mention that fact of increased internet censorship globally. China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Burma and Uzbekistan are some of the worse offenders of free speech. There are those who want this here in America. I believe the individual should choice censorship voluntarily (via devices), not part of a government policy. People talk about Secret Societies all of the time, but where is the capstone of the Pyramid of World Power? From my research, the top of the pyramid include the Vatican/Jesuits and the Black Venetian Nobility elite. Under them are very powerful groups like the Knights of Malta, the Order of the Garter, high level Freemasonry, and other groups with international power. Global warming is a hard issue. Regardless of what Al Gore says, more evidence confirms that the sun and natural actions are higher responsible for the change in our climate(Human emissions of CO2, which account only for 3 percent of the CO2 in atmosphere. Oceans have some of the largest CO2 creators on Earth not man). The polar bears being almost extinct is proven to be a lie as well. I'm hopeful for the future though.

By Timothy

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Global Warming Replaces 9/11 As Justification To Do Anything


Global Warming Replaces 9/11 As Justification To Do Anything

Stop asking questions and just let us tax the living hell out of you, including the very air you breathe, after all - it's for the environment and we've never lied to you before have we?

Paul Joseph WatsonPrison PlanetTuesday, March 13, 2007
digg_url = '';
digg_title = 'Global Warming Replaces 9/11 As Justification To Do Anything';
digg_bodytext = 'Invoking September 11 has officially been succeeded by a new mantra and an excuse for the state to unleash a fresh tyranny no matter how offensive and damaging to individual liberty it may be. Global warming has replaced 9/11 as the justification to do anything!';

digg_topic = 'politics';
Invoking September 11 has officially been succeeded by a new mantra and an excuse for the state to unleash a fresh tyranny no matter how offensive and damaging to individual liberty it may be. Global warming has replaced 9/11 as the justification to do anything!
The bellicose denouncement of global warming skeptics (that is skeptics of the man-made explanation) and their tarring as being akin to holocaust deniers, is beginning to mirror what happened after 9/11, when anyone who criticized Bush's agenda was lambasted as a traitor, a terrorist sympathizer, and completely divorced from the political mainstream.
Simply evoking the menace of global warming has become the government's justification to do anything!

Politicians are professional liars, they make careers out of deceiving people and twisting reality to fit pre-conceived agendas, yet a cascade of otherwise rationally minded people are eager to blindly trust everything they have to say about climate change, no matter how delusional it sounds.

They are also willing to comply with the ridiculous overbearing "solutions" to climate change that will just coincidentally restrict mobility and freedom of travel, regulate personal behavior, empower and expand global government and reinvigorate the surveillance state - everything Big Brother ever wanted - but surely they wouldn't lie to us about global warming to achieve it, would they?
What is more dangerous? A temperature fluctuation that has been mirrored and exceeded ten times in the last thousand years alone without any lasting impact on the eco-system, or an excuse for western governments to tighten the shackles of fascism around our ankles in the name of saving the planet?
Has not recent history alone offered proof in triplicate that governments exploit, hype and engender hysteria about monsters under the bed that the state itself has manufactured? Why should we believe them this time?

----The Internet leader in activist media - Prison Thousands of special reports, videos, MP3's, interviews, conferences, speeches, events, documentary films, books and more - all for just 15 cents a day! Click here to subscribe! Find out the true story behind government sponsored terror, 7/7, Gladio and 9/11, get Terror Storm!-------------

If western governments were really concerned about climate change then they would be offering us incentives not punishments for reducing CO2 emissions in the form of tax breaks. But tax breaks aren't a giant cash bonanza for our exalted guardians of Mother Earth, the loving government, who are going to tax the living hell out of us for our own good and for the very survival of mankind, while lining their own pockets.

The Great Global Warming Swindle: A droplet of common sense in an ocean of hysteria. Watch it.
New developments this week conclusively betray the fact that global warming is a creature of Big Brother and it is being used to eliminate whatever shreds of personal liberty we have left.
- Britain's next Bilderberg-appointed Prime Minister Gordon Brown says we need a "new world order" to combat climate change.

- The EU has decided to ban conventional light bulbs in every British home by 2009. So-called energy saving bulbs don't actually save much energy and contain toxic waste banned by the EU itself, but let's not start asking any difficult questions about that. Such an absurd mandate is obviously impossible to properly enforce so expect to see a tax on dirty evil light bulbs and regular home inspections by wardens (contracted out to electric companies and meter readers) of the state to check on Winston Smith's compliance with green law.
- Since humans produce carbon dioxide by breathing, surely the sensible thing to do would be to tax the air we breathe? There's actually a discussion of it. The New York Times ran an editorial last week calling on the government to impose a carbon tax on humans for the air we breathe!
Taxing the air we breathe! Can we now not agree that hysterical control freaks have seized the reigns of the global warming debate?
The idea of taxing the air we breathe has for decades been a satirical allegory of government control but now it's becoming a reality, because global warming is the new justification to do anything!

Global warming also acts as a convenient veil for the real environmental crimes that will continue on behalf of the mega corporations and scientific establishment that are in bed with the very government imposing draconian measures on us in the name of the environment. While we are forced to subsidize our own air supply, GM contamination, toxic waste dumping, bizarre cloning mad science, and the destruction of the rain forests will continue apace while we are still being lectured about light bulbs and beer bottles.
There's no time left for a debate they tell us - we don't want to hear about the medieval warm period, we don't want to hear about how temperatures dropped as carbon emissions increased for four decades from the 40's to the 80's, we don't want to hear about how the troposphere shows no build up of greenhouse gases, we don't want to hear about sun activity and its direct correlation with climate change, we don't want to hear about arctic ice samples showing how CO2 lags behind temperature increase - because global warming is our justification to do anything and we are going to do it whether you like it or not!

Comments (76)


Image and Revelation

It's another day. Today is Thursday. Khalid Shaikh Mohammed is a big story today. Now, Mohammed confessed to many terror attacks including 9/11, the Bali bombing, etc. Can we take him seriously. Now, Khalid was tortured like crazy with waterboarding. Even his children were threaten. Also, Osama in his Ummat interview denied any involvement in 9/11. There is no way Khalid could activate every occurence of 9/11 from NORAD's standdown, the collapse of Building Number Seven when no aircraft hit it, the put option places on airplanes, and CIA/MI6 funding of al-Qaeda for many decades. It just can't happen. I believe his "confession" is used by the media to omit the government's gross policy of violating U.S. law, anti-civil liberty legislation, rendition centers, and enacting real torture for a number of years. More news are coming forward.You have a real problem with the media when even CFR member/DeMolay Dan Rather said that journalism has lost its guts. Rather said that media pundits are becoming lapdogs instead of watchdogs. I learned more about Sigmund Frued day by day. He not only was involved in strange doctrines, but he was an expert in forumulating propaganda for the masses. People look at images all of the time and something we need the right revelation to go forward.

By Timothy

News in March



The Order of the Garter control the Committee of 300. The Garter is an inner circle of the SMOM. The Garter is controlled by an even inner circle of the SMOM known as the Pilgrim Society. At the end of the day the SMOM control everything and come second only to the Jesuit Order who control everything they do. The Committee of 300 control the THE CITY of london. They use the Round Table Groups as a front. It is Round Tables which control Bilderberg, RIIA, Club of Rome, TRL, CFR. Remember the Queen of England is the leader of both the Garter and the Pilgrim Society. Also note the Queen is a descendant of the once almighty powerful bloodline from Venice called the GUELPH! She's of Black Venetian Nobility blood and thats powerful believe me. Her cousin controls the entire Sovereign Military of Malta and his name is Andrew Willoughby Ninian Bertie.Opus Dei is within the Vatican my friend and therefore up there with the Knights of Malta. Opus is just another division of the RCC the Jesuits creating in the early 1900's. Prove the existance of the Priory of Sion? I'd say these either died or became your Grand Orient of France, the very Sionists who hated the Templars they created. Skull & Bones is the Russell Trust group and just a branch of the Round Tables within the Americas once again linked to the old British East India Company. Believe me theres other University societies just as powerful if not more and more secret.

All these others are simply branches not trunks or roots. Your initial list was correct in its order. Don't forget The Society of the Cincinnati within the U.SAll intelligence agencies are directly controlled by the Sovereign Military of Malta. Notice how many hierachy intelligence agency cretins are Knights of Malta.



Luther 77: These things about him always bothered me.Then ,in the past year or so I have heard people ask him about the Jesuits and the SMOM and he right away gets all nervous and refuses to get into the subject. Also after John Paul II died, he posted some phony articles on his site, saying, "Did John Paul II try to fight the New World Order" if he was not involved. I find that rediculous because John Paul II many times, publically called for a "New International Order"It was beyond obvious that JPII was involved with the push towards a NWO.Alex tried to make it seem the opposite.Hey, I enjoyed his documentaries, and they helped educate me alot. The more I kept digging and observing ,I realized Alex Jones works FOR the big boys.

Xare: Guys we have to stick to the truth and the facts because they are our best weapons.Alex was not interrogated by the builderbergers. He was held up at the canadian border on his way to the builderberger meeting. This kind of spin does not help our movement.

2tuff: Bilderberg are controlled by the Round Tables controlled by the Committee of 300 controlled by the Order of the Garter controlled by the Pilgrim Society controlled by the highest levels of the SMOM!

Alexandria: Wasn't he taken somewhere and interrogated? My question is--did they interrogate him, or did they BRIEF him? I've been wondering that for some time.

Menses: The fact that he is alive is daming enough but his approach to the 911 issue and what really happened on that day is also revealing. In Martial Law, He talked about Planes and tear gas knocking out the pilots & the passengers...claiming this info came from his "Contacts Inside the CIA/FBI".....It is believed by some that there were no planes at the WTC...and as Truthsayers Henegen & bloom have expressed in the past, hologram technology was used to cloak what Rumsfeld describes as some sort of missile to fool the public into beleiving planes had hit the WTC. There may also have been some CGI editing involved with the live feed...I have always believed that 95 percent of the 911 documentaries that have been allowed to surface by way of the internet are merely counter intelligence on behalf of the order to obfuscate the use of hologram & T.H.E.L / micro nuke techonology that was likely used in the NYC Black Op....As long as there are planes, Terrorism is real in most peoples eyes...

And perhaps this is why Alex Jones has refused to address the obvious inconsistencies with the official story of Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon. And perhaps this is also why Dylan Avery of Loose Change was immediately kicked off Alex Show recently when he tried to discuss the fact that no planes hit the WTC and how he would proove this in the next Loose Change Documentary due out later this year.Alex info can be used but people must know also that Alex himself is being used willingly or his technical information is incorrect. Not to mention his incessant need to blame imaginary Globalists, when names and places like Rome can be pin pointed with accuracy thanks to Mr Phelps...This again is another example why Mr Jones cannot be trusted...

2tuff: Jones is an infiltrator claiming to be free and fighting for humanity, he's simply controlled opposition being put on mainstream TV, let into BG to create the illusion of opposition. He has many friends with Hollywood which is controlled by the SMOM and Mafiosi (Not jews as they would have you believe). He has many Catholic friends including people linked to the Jesuits such as the Sheen's and Opus Dei such as the Gibsons. Bank of America? You mean bank of Sovereign Military of Malta & JESUIT!BEWARE!The Disney Bloodline