Saturday, April 12, 2008

Comments on American Idol


  1. cf bird Says:

    Oh please!!! Fox pushed the envelope Wednesday with Shout to the Lord. They went full blown Thursday and used the original lyrics including the name Jesus. Kudos to Fox. They are the broadcast network who has brought some quality family programming to primetime TV — something sorely needed for families. All the negative talk about American Idol finalists singing Shout to the Lord. Who knows what is in the hearts of these artists? Or, for that matter, for any Christian singer? The message is a positive one and has universal application. I found it refreshing and wished they had done another song together. I read one post where the writer called the AI finalists nonbelievers. What?? Read some of the online interviews with them. I think what that poster must have meant is that none of them are conservative fundalmentalist. Maybe, but only a conservative fundalmentalist would consider anyone outside that small thinking box to be a nonbeliever.

  2. Job Says:

    Cf Bird:

    Fox? The same network that gave us “The Simpsons”, “In Living Color”, “The Family Guy”, “Women In Prison”, “The Tracey Ullman Show” (the first TV show to promote homosexuals raising children while cohabitating), “Married With Children”, “Temptation Island”, “So You Want To Marry A Millionaire”, etc.? Fox, the network that made profanity, vulgarity, excessive sexuality, and extreme violence acceptable on broadcast television? Fox, the network that gave us “X - Files”, a show beloved by occultists and pagans? Are you aware that Fox is owned by Rupert Murdoch, THE WORLD’S BIGGEST PORNOGRAPHER? That Murdoch pushes sex not only on his hardcore porn offerings on his DirecTV Empire, but also in his tabloid newspapers, and even gets away with showing occasional flashing nudity on Fox News? How often does Fox News any excuse to make “news stories” covering porn actresses and Playboy models? And Fox News ran a “special” in response to “The Passion Of The Christ” controversy that declared that the version of events as told and interpreted in the Bible are wrong, that Jesus Christ was just a radical killed by the Roman government for being a violent political subversive. I guess they learned it from the heretic John Hagee’s preaching.

    One of the televangelists whose materials that I feature on this weblog actually states that he counsels people struggling to overcome porn addictions and other sexual immorality issues to avoid watching Fox News. I would hope that he also tells the people to avoid the Fox Network itself!

    Now listen. I did not in this post criticize Chris Sligh, Carrie Underwood, Jordin Sparks, Jennifer Hudson or any of the other Christians that perform on this show. (At least, I have not criticized them for being on the show, I did criticize Jennifer Hudson for distancing herself from what the Bible teaches on homosexuality to advance her show business career, and I criticized Fantasia Barrino for releasing a song justifying her DECISION to get pregnant out of wedlock, blaming her DECISION on the father of her child and her own father, taking the usual “Christian woman not responsible for her behavior because being a female allows me to claim perpetual victimhood status”, and then quite possibly throw away what little is left of her show business career by getting pregnant out of wedlock AGAIN by some rap musician, forcing her to give up her role in a Broadway musical … good luck getting another job on Broadway after pulling that stunt Fantasia)

    And yes, I am a fundamentalist Christian. And that is a good thing, because it appears that fundamentalist Christians are just about the only people these days willing to come out and say that this stuff is wrong. The other Christians defend everything that George Bush and every other Republican does because of politics, or defend everything that anyone that is in the public eye that calls himself a Christian does because they want to be entertained.

    But no, I do not oppose on the basis of Christianity being a secular musician or performing on a secular TV show, so long as they do not transgress the Bible in the course of doing so. I am a fundamentalist about THE BIBLE, and the Bible does not say “thou shalt not be a rock and roll singer.” (Now the Bible CAN be interpreted as saying that a Christian should not sing songs that promote violence, rebellion, subversion, adultery, fornication, drug use, and other sins, and hey, the fact that such things make up 99% of secular music these days - AND an increasing percentage of “Christian” music, well that isn’t my fault, but it IS my responsibility to demand that Christians call it what it is - SIN! - and reject it.)

    Now if American Idol did mention Jesus Christ on another instance, good for them and all who were blessed by hearing Jesus Christ’s Name. Your comment is duly noted, and will remain for all who come across this post to read. However, Fox was in fact fully responsible for the incident that is the substance of this post, and pointing it out is appropriate. Even if Fox edited out the name “Jesus Christ” one time out of 100, that is many more times than it has EVER censored anything sexual, profane, or vulgar.

    Incidentally, Rupert Murdoch’s empire of pornographic filth does lucrative business with more than a few leading “Christian pastors”, including Rick Warren. Murdoch’s publishing house pushes Warren’s pseudo - Christian New Age stuff on people, and Fox News appropriately aired a “Christmas special” from Warren’s “church.” Warren is going about the globe promoting a universalist, works - based system of religious belief that if all Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Mormons, etc. were to sign on would lead to world peace and eliminate world poverty. (Meanwhile, the actual Jesus Christ said that in the last days there would be wars and rumors of wars, and that the poor would always be with us.) CF Bird, don’t you realize what some of these people that you are defending are doing?

    Now maybe you do not have to be a fundamentalist Christian like me, but you do have to wake up and see what is going on in the world. Listen, JUDGMENT STARTS WITH THE CHURCH, WITH PEOPLE WHO KNOW THE BIBLE AND CALL THEMSELVES CHRISTIANS. Please read the first three chapters of Revelation to verify that it is true, and then examine yourself against the warning that Jesus Christ gives to the seven churches.

  3. Independent Conservative Says:

    Pushed the envelope?

    Perhaps you should watch the video again. The real lyrics start with MY JESUS, they changed it to “my Shepard”.


    Kudos to Fox. They are the broadcast network who has brought some quality family programming to primetime TV — something sorely needed for families.

    While their owner runs smut operations. I guess he had to balance it a little somewhere, because he’s certainly not doing it on the Fox News Porn Network.

    universal application

    And THAT would be the PROBLEM. Who is this “lord” they sang of? They certainly were kept from saying JESUS in the opening. Which only leaves BAAL. Forsake the Son and you forsake the Father, 1 John 2:23.

    Cf bird - God does not share His glory with the false god of Islam, or the false gods of Mormonism, or the false god Buddha and so on.

  4. Yvette Says:

    The only time the name of Jesus is acceptable to people like the porn king of europe is when it’s used as a profanity.

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