Friday, April 04, 2008

Corporate Media Attempts to Marginalize Jesse Ventura


Corporate Media Attempts to Marginalize Jesse Ventura

Kurt Nimmo
April 4, 2008

As the videos here demonstrate, at least certain members of the corporate media are paying attention to Jesse Ventura’s appearance earlier this week on the Alex Jones Show. As should be expected, they are making him out to be a nut, primarily for going public “with a radio host who believes the U.S. government was behind the attacks.”
In order to diminish the impact of Ventura’s assertion the official 9/11 version is little more than a fairy tale, the talking heads here pull out all the stops, even allude that his book, Don’t Start the Revolution Without Me, is more fiction than fact, in short that Ventura is a liar. After they characterize him as a fiction writer and eccentric nut case, it is hoped people will consider his opinions about the events of September 11, 2008, as the ravings of a mad man.
It won’t work, of course. Millions of people are now awake to the fact the government had something to do with the events, although many are still unable to accept the possibility the government would so such a thing, so deep and severe is the propaganda.

Even so, since 2006, only a mere 16% of Americans believe the official version. An online CNN poll conducted in March, 2006, revealed “that over four-fifths, or 82 per cent, agree with actor Charlie Sheen that the U.S. government covered up the real events of the 9/11 attacks,” write Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones. “Every establishment media mouthpiece aside from CNN tried to hang Sheen on his own words but it simply didn’t work because those same questions are firing the synapses in the heads of millions upon millions of other taxpaying American citizens.”
Ditto with Jesse Ventura.

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