Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Don’t be Afraid of the World, Be Independent

I’m still here. Some in Youtube are still trying to lie about Arnold Schwarzenegger being such a gentile guy. The truth is that Arnold has a history of saying controversial statements. He’s a son of a Nazi and he supported the controversial figure named Kurt Waldheim. Also, Arnold Schwarzenegger is known to have anti-Second Amendment beliefs. He agrees with the war on terror like John McCain. Arnold Schwarzenegger sexually harrashing women like a coward. He had to apologize for it. California voted for him because of many factors though. He meet with many elites like Warren Buffet and Jacob Rothschild. Arnold is also connected to many members of the Bohemian Grove (like George Schultz). The Bohemian Grove is a location in North California where some of the big wigs in the U.S. come to perform occult rituals like the Cremation of Care. This was where a human in effigy was burned. Also, they have prostitutes there and do many planning for American policy. The Bohemian Grove has a Papal connection. That is that the Grove's Patron saint is "Saint" John of Nepomuk. The legend goes that John rather would die than discuss his confessional secrets to the Queen in Bohemia. Bush and Kerry are related to blue bloods kings (named Borivoj I and Saint Ludmila) in the Bohemian region of Europe ironically. The statue of Saint John of Nepomuk exists in Bohemian Grove. A picture of a Catholic Mass being performed existed. I've seen both of those images myself, so this isn't a lie. This is why many Papal Knights of Malta are members of the Grove. Some in the so-called "alternative media" omit this information for whatever reason, but I won't. Some in the alternative media talk about the Zionists, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, the CFR, etc. all day long (and I have no problem with this), but refuse to expose the Vatican, the Jesuits, the Knights of Malta, and especially the Pilgrim Society. The war on terror has resulted in a war on civil liberties, a war of distraction, and a war of paranoia. Instead of having real, serious discussion with the Muslim world, Neo cons (or fake conservatives) desire warfare with nations that never attacked us period like Afghanistan and Iraq. Some neo-cons seek a war with Iran even. Kingsley Dennis from Global Research at Tuesday, on April 1, 2008 wrote about an interesting concept. He describe that in the future, control of societies by globalists isn't just political. These elites also will try to using technologies and digital mapping to increase their own power. This isn't just the writings of Dennis describing this view. The Pentagon itself admits that they want to control us using digitial means. For example, the US Pentagon's DAPRA (or the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency. DARPA helped create the Internet) once created the TIA (or the Total Information Awareness) to track citizens. The Space Based Infrared System (called SBIRS High) is a new program used by the Pentagon in trying to track all global infrared signatures. The government has created Star Wars like missile defense systems. IKONOS is a remote sensing satellite that can circumnavigate the globe in 98 minutes. It can travel at 17,000 mph for 423 miles in space. The private company Space Imaging Inc, owns the satellites, but they work for the military. Why have these technologies? One purpose is that the Pentagon wants to rule the entire electromagnetic spectrum. That sounds utopian, but it's true. For example, a recently declassified document entitled "Information Operation Roadmap" was created by the military which admits that they want to control the entire electromagnetic spectrum. In other words, the Pentagon wants to dominance the Internet and technologies as much as possible. The San Francisco Chronicle talking about how Google is supplying software, hardware, and tech support to the CIA, the FBI, the NSA, etc. Why would Google do some stuff like that? Could it be that the government is stepping up its surveillance of the Internet by working with Google and other entities? I believe so. For example, US National Intelligence Director Mike McConnell is drawing up plans for cyberspace spying and the ex-CIA agent Robert David Steele admitted that the CIA helped bankroll Google at its very inception. The FBI is to establish a global biometric database known as "Server in the Sky" that will collate and provide an "International Information Consortium." This consortium will have access to the biometric measurements and personal information of citizens of the US, UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand in the name of fighting the "war on terror". According to a new poll by Gallup, Iran is top of the enemy list, with 25 percent. That's strange. It tells that we have a long way to go in educating American citizens that a war with Iran will cause even more problems in the Middle East. Iran isn't a perfect nation and it should be criticized for its errors. Yet, that isn't a justification for a preemptive war in Iran. Only yesterday CIA Director Michael V. Hayden said that he believes Iran is still pursuing a nuclear bomb. Although, the U.S. intelligence community, including his own agency, reached a consensus judgment last year that the Islamic Republic had halted its nuclear weapons work in 2003, after the U.S. invaded Iraq. Hillary Clinton refuses to get out of the Presidential race. Hillary acts like she's against corporate corruption, but for a number of years, she was a leader in the Wal-Mart company. Walmart is known for exploiting labor in the nation of China. Wal-Mart is known for its monopoly pracitices to drive out competitors and suppliers. It makes billions of dollars in profits, which isn't wrong if done legitimately. Yet, Wal-Mart's practices are the other real problems. They have been sued for sexual discrimination. They were also caught in health care providing problems, violations of child labor laws even in Maine, etc. Police Say that they found $30 Million in Cocaine Found Amid Toys in a Truck (which was reported in 2004). So, so don't think that Hillary is abhorent of the establishment. The establishment funds her completely. There is an IMF report that mentions that the U.S. acquires "the largest financial crisis in the United States since the Great Depression." It's wrong to see the privately controlled Federal Reserve bailing out banks that are related to economic problems like Bears, etc. As a result of this crisis, the Fed is seeking more and more control of our economic regulatory system as Treasury Cabinet member Paulson desired. Also, the IMF reported on slow economic growth in America. This tells me that if we don't get our act together, we could see similar economic realities that reminisce of the Great Depression in the 1930's. There is the Al Gore crowd manipulating a lot of the youth in agreeing with his global warming half-truth. The reality is that CO2 is a life giving entity that plants and humans need for survival. Notice how Gore and his ilk will never discuss real environmental issues that are really threatening the planet Earth like anti-matter devices (Some scientists are trying to stop a black hole that they believe could be a risk to Earth), nuclear technologies, genetic enginnering, the government testing pesticides in America, flouride, aspartame, the honeybee disappearing, and toxic waste. Notice, how Gore claims to be on the cutting edge when many of these maintream environmentalists are funded by Carnegie, the Rockefeller Foundation, etc. I saw Jesse Ventura on the Larry King show on 9 pm. EST. He talked about a wide variety of subject matter. He is a libertarian and I'm libertarian on many issues. He said that the 2 parties act in a dictatorship and independent 3rd parties should have more power. That's true since the 2 party system is a monopoly that immorally restricts choices. We should break the mold of the Republicans and the Democrats and be truly independent. He is right that governments lie readily. He's correct to point out that wars often are based on deception like the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (For example, McNamara, who was part of the LBJ administration admitted in the documentary "The Fog of War" that the government lied about the first incident of the attack of the Tonkin was a fiction to provoke war in Vietnam). He said that if Hillary Clinton becomes the next President, a Bush or a Clinton will be on the ticket for the past nearly 3 decades. Ventura had questions about 9/11 because of the possibility that explosives could be used in the Twin Towers. He said that the jet feul can't make the pulverization of the steel into dust a reality. It is true that the 911 Truth encorporate legitimate questions about the event. The 9/11 Commission omitted real issues like Building Number and NORAD standdown. 9/11 was an inside job because a select group of people orchestrated it.

Barack Obama had a discussion in Lancester, Pennslyvania. A person asked Obama about the CFR, the North American Union, and other issues. Obama said that he isn't a member of the CFR and the CFR just follows foreign policy discussions. The CFR is bigger than that. The CFR admittedly on their own website as wanting a new world order. A lot of Corporate heads in America are CFR members. CFR member Gary Hart and others have called for a new world order. Despite Obama's words denying a plan for global government, David Rockefeller and Walter Cronkite have called for a global government. Therefore, plans exist for a global government. Obama may not be a CFR member, but his wife is a Chicago CFR member. Also, the North American Union agenda is real. FOIA documents and the SPP admits to wanting the harmonization (or the merging) of laws in Canada, Mexico, and America. A secret agreement was made allowing Canadan military to be used in America and vice versa in cases of emergencies. The Security and Proposerity Parntership call for North American integration. Even Vicente Fox admits that a North American Union in the realm of the EU is a long term goal on CNN. Either Obama is ignorant of these facts or he's immediately decieving his audience. Rupert Murdoch's daughter is holding a fundraiser for Barack Obama. That's interesting since the establishment Left always says that Murdoch is in the pocket of the Republicans. Yet, this isn't totally true because Rupert Murdoch is known to fund Democrats like Hillary Clinton. I give Obama some credit for at least not agreeing with fighting the Iraq War in speeches as back as 2002. World Net Daily focused on a world wide famine sweeping the Earth. This famine involve rice, fertilizer, and other food shortages. We know of course that these complications are rising energy and food prices. This is happening from Africa, India, Pakistan, and NYC. Last year, according to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization's world food index, dairy prices rose nearly 80 percent and grain 42 percent. The question is why is this occuring? Some believe that one part of the problem is that too much grain is utilize for ethanol, which limit grain production for food. There is high level for meat in Asia, a move to more foreign production of American food, high gas prices, the lowering value of the dollar, fertilizer supply problems, and other reasons exist for the famines globally additionally. Real solutions will have to be made to handle these problems. SOPHIA CHANG from
Newsday at Tuesday, at April 1, 2008 made known of more threats to our free speech rights in America. Don Zirkel served in the Army. He is 80 years old an an anti-war activist. He has a T-Shirt that said "4,000 troops, 1 million Iraqis dead. Enough." It was splotched with red. He praticipated in an anti-war ally. He was there with his wife. He passed out leaflets. Subsequently, the Suffolk police (of New York State not in Virginia) charged him with criminal trespassing and resisting arrest. He was released in bail. It's interesting to point out that he wasn't violent or threaten anyone. He was arrested for using his freedom of expression. This one incident isn't alone in its anti-free speech mode. There are other forms of extreme political correctness in society. Now, FOX News reported that a Tomah High School Student in Madison Wisconsin created a religious image. This image featured a cross and had a biblical reference of John 3:16. The person recieved a Zero. The person is now suing the school for infringing on his religious beliefs in the school. The Alliance Defense Fund (who is a Christian Legal advocacy group) is representing the student. Obviously, recieving a zero is a violation of the boy's religious liberty rights. He tore up the school policy banning religious images in artworks. This is definitely a violation of the First Amendment since other students were allowed Hindu and Buddhists images in their artworks.

LARA JAKES JORDAN from the Associated Press at April 2, 2008 described a defunct memo. This memo approved the harsh interrogation techniques against terror suspects. This memo dispulated that President Bush's wartime powers trump any international treaties banning torture. It was of course written by John Yoo in March 2003. Yoo said that torturing children's testicles is a good thing to do. So, he is an extremist. Yoo’s memo to top Pentagon lawyer William J. Haynes wrote justifications on why harsh techniques were justified. ACLU lawyer Melissa Goodman expressed concerns of the memo. Torture is nothing new in the human experience. It's been going on for thousands of years from the Inquistion to the Nazis plus Stalin. The deal today is that some in the US government keeps on denying that they did torture. General Rick Baccus admits that some interrogators performed torture in Guantanamo Bay. Raw Story from Wednesday, at April 2, 2008 reported on how a Vanity Fair article is reporting on something. That is that according to Philippe Sands (who is an international lawyer and professor of law at University College) saying that top Bush administration officials used underlings to use tactics that contradict the Geneva Conventions. Sarah Womack from London Telegraph at Tuesday, on April 1, 2008 reported that more than 23,000 elderly people with Alzheimer could be dying prematurely in care homes per year in the UK. This is claimed by a report. Paul Burstow who is the Liberal Democrat MP campaigns for elderly people. He believes that anti-pyschotic drugs might be a culprit in this affair. The reason is that these drugs can increase the risk of strokes as validated by some studies. Womack wrote that the government failed to stem the use of these anti-pyschotic drugs upon elderly citizens of the United Kingdom. A study by King's College London gave a placedo to Alzheimer's patients and anti-pschotics to another for a year. The Alzheimer Research Trust funded the study. It found that the placebo group had a 78% survival rate while 54.5 % for the rest. Therefore, no long term benefit existed when the older patients utilized the anti-psychotic drugs. Some like Neil Hunt of the Alzheimer's Society proclaim that over prescription of anti-psychotic drugs handle dementia (or a condition which inhibits human memory) is an abuse of human rights if using constantly. The truth is that serious carefulness is needed with anti-psychotic drugs. In Zimbabwe, the oppositionary Parliament was given a majority recently in April 2008. This ousted President Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front Party. The opposition Party is named Movement for Democratic Change. .Morgan Tsvangirai of the MDC election claims to have the Presidency, but the government in Zimbabwe is probably going to investigate this result to specify the accuracy of the votes. Mugabe as many realize is a dictator and under his realm, many farmers' land were uprooted and sacked basically. It's interesting to note that Robert Mugabe was Jesuit trained. Many Jesuits trained many world leaders from Bill Clinton to Congressman John Boehner. We should be independent thinkers. That's why God made us. We're human being with complex nervous system that utilize electrical energies to get our bodies going. There is Internet 2 and some like AOL and Comcast censoring websites. The reason is that they view 9/11 Truth as degatory, which is a lie. We have a right to believe in 9/11 Truth, to reject the lies in government, to not be afraid of the world, and promote the ideal of individual liberty in society (with RFID chips in human beings, thumbscans to just go to work or get a lunch, the Real ID Act, etc.). There shouldn't be censorship at all. There ought to be trade, but trade shouldn't be a justification for unfair trade agreements (some of these agreements are sponsored by multinational corporations and the like). I will think as my own man and be an independent.

By Timothy

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