Wednesday, June 18, 2008

People are Getting Active

Free Speech restrictions and other injustices commonly happen. Greg Mitchell who is an Editor & Publisher on June 17, 2008 wrote about the V.A. using Iraq war veterans as guinea pigs in Drug Tests. ABC News on the Internet has a video about this story as well. These reports describe on how the government is testing drugs with severe side effects (like promoting suicidal behavior) on hundreds of vets. Mitchell wrote about one fact where the V.A. took three months to alert the veterans about the severe mental effects caused by one of the drugs. One of these drugs is called Chantix, which is used to stop smoking. The VA are even trying to use cash payments (which is nothing more than a form of bribery) to intice soldiers into praticipating in medical experiments. The Chantix warning never came until one of the veterans taking drug almost had a near lethal confrontation with the police. The person experienced a psychotic episode from Chantx. Even Barack Obama has critcized this unfortunate policy of giving veterans these drugs without warning them of the drugs' risk factors plus the drugs' sides effects. Most Americans do agree that all citizens including veterans deserve quality health care and the best health care in the nation. Arthur Caplan, who is the director of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania, described these specific experiments as taking advantage of a vulnerable population. In essence, no one like soldiers ought to be victims of guinea pig experimentation. Afghanistan and the prison break consume the news in the media. What happened? A group of Taliban and other prisoners broke their cells to escape from a large prison. Later, some Taliban soldiers are taking over nearby cities in Southern Afghanistan. Hamid Karzai or the President of Afghanistan is angry over this occurence. Some reports believe that U.S. forces gave the green light for the Taliban to attack a government prison in Kandahar. In other words, U.S. forces might of allowed the prison break to occur which allowed 1,000 inmates to be free. "Experts in regional affairs believe that Taliban militants attacked the Kandahar prison with the green light from US forces," reports Press TV. Some view it as questionable for militants to attack the prison with US led troops just northeast of the jail. Some report that U.S. troops didn't intervene when Afghan security and militant forces were battling for hours. Some believe that most Afghans are sick of war, while the Taliban are instigating fightings. It's obvious that the West want war in the Middle East even in Afganistan. There are many reasons why the West seek a war in Central Asia (plus the Middle East) and they include the sales of contracts, building of military bases, more weapons sales, and the growth of the new world order system. This prison break occurred just days before Gordon Brown agreed to send hundreds more British troops into Afghanistan to put the British presence there at an all time high. Strange things have occured in Afghanistan. For example, in January 2002, Seymour Hersh wrote that U.S. forces shipped Taliban fighters out of Afghanistan when Kunduz fell. The CIA and other Western government funded Al-Qaeda and the Taliban for decades. Even Selig Harrison of the DC-based Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars recently told a conference in London that the CIA created the Taliban (and other Muslim radicals via Operation Cyclone) “monster” by providing some $3 billion for the ultra-fundamentalist militia in their 1994-6 drive to power," reported the Times of India. Historically, even British Intelligence fund the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization increasing the power of Wahhabi radical sect of Islam. Many Freemasons historically have been leading members of the Muslim Brotherhood. In Iraq, there was a car bombing that least 50+ people. These new events just show that everyone wishes Iraq would be a vibrant, great nation. Although, in order for that to happen, American troops need to withdrawn from Iraq. Additionally, we have to allow the Iraqi people the means to develop their own nation.

The Vatican and the "Angels and Demons" book are popular topics. The funny thing about this book is that Dan Brown is criticizing the Vatican to a limited degree. Yet, Dan Brown, Tom Hanks, and others wanting to create a movie about Angels and Demons are meeting with the Vatican for research plus advice. The Vatican banned the makers of Angels and Demons from entering the Vatican or any church in Rome. The reason for that is that Vatican officials disagree with Dan Brown's conclusions about the Roman Catholic Church. This new movie is seen as a sequel to the Da Vinci Code movie. Hanks still plays Professor Langdon. The Da Vinci Code movie promotes the lie that Jesus Christ had sex and formed a bloodine with Mary Madegelene. This film omitted how the real Merovingians acquired huge power from their base of France to become future Kings of Europe, leaders of the Bilderberg Group, and have relatives who are even Presidents of the United States of America. The Da Vinci Code film is awashed with occult symbolism like the statue of Isis and Horus, images of planets in the solar system, sun symbol, Pyramids, a Hexagram, and pictures of the Knights Tempar. The Angels and Demons film is set in Rome. This film might omit the real issues with the problems of the Vatican. These real issues include how the Vatican murdered many in the Inquistion, the power of Opus Dei in our FBI and other institutions of government, the Vatican's role in the new world order (plus the Ecumencial Movement including global religious plans). Hollywood is of course influenced by the occult, Secret Societies, and the elite (i.e SMOM Steven Saxton is one Hollywood leader). Therefore, Hollywood is bound to ofuscate the truth or hid it on many different levels. The reality is that we should think on a different level. History is great to find out. Yet, mathematics, science, philosophy, politics, architecture, anthropology, and other subjects ought to be learned about in a critical level. In other words, we ought to be a jack of all trades.

Big Brother is definitely a threat to our society. David Gutierrez from Natural News on June 17, 2008 reported on a pilot program in Rhode Island. This Rhode Island School district wants this pilot program to monitor student movements by means of RFID (or Radio Frequency Identification) chips implanted in school bags. The Middleton School District is having this. They want to work in partnership with MAP Information Technology Corporation. The RI school district want to launch it into 80 children at the Aquidneck School. The chip will work by a chip programming with a student ID number, and it would be read by an external device. This device will be installed in school buses. The buses will have a GPS or global positioning system. Parents or school officials could log onto a school website to witness the location of students as provided by the GPS device. This is of course despicable and wrong. The reason is that it's a slick way in using forced biometrics in control of students in a public school. Even the ACLU have criticized this plan. The ACLU believes rightfully that this Big Brother mechanism is an invasion of children's privacy and a potential risk to their safety. Tagging children will treat them as property not as human beings. It's using RFID chips in order to monitor children. Subsequently, Big Brother and a militarization of our country goes hand and hand. 9 News from Wednesday, on June 18, 2008 focused on the fact that military helicopters are hovering over downtown Denver. The reason for the flights are they are working wth the U.S. Special Operations Command in performing training missions. Lt. Steve Ruh, who is an U.S. Special Operations Command, said that these training exercises were done to better make special operations forces' abilites to work within populated areas. Witnesses saw the helicopter and troops hanging out. The military claimed that this trainng was an intrical part of the "war on terrorism." Ruh said that U.S. Special Operations forces have trained previously in Boston, New York City, Los Angeles and Boston. The street looked like a war zone. Why would this occur when this is a violation of Posse Comitatus and man people were notified of it? One reason is to attempt to force the public to love a militarized police state, SWAT Teams, and the like especially during times of emergency.

The country is becoming more Pro-Life regardless of what the media and Planned Parenthood says. Steven Ertelt from on June 16, 2008 wrote about such a poll propelling that view. ABC News and the Washington Post had a poll showing that support for abortion is at an seven year low. The survey say that the percentage of Americans who take a pro-life position is tied for its highest level during that same time period. They found 53 percent of Americans want most or all abortions legal and 44 percent want all or most abortions illegal. The pro-abortion side experienced a four percent drop from the same poll in January while the pro-life side saw an increase of four percent. Other than a December 2007 poll showing 53 percent, the pro-abortion side hasn't been as low since an August 2001 poll found 49 percent of Americans took a pro-abortion position. A January 2007 CBS News poll found a majority of Americans want to prohibit abortions in all or most cases or want greater restrictions on abortions. The poll was conducted from January 18-21 and it surveyed 1,168 adults nationwide. There is another study about Planned Parenthood and RU-486. Steven Ertelt wrote that Planned Parenthood recommended RU-486 to be used vaginally (in contradiction to the FDA wanting it to be used orally) and 8 women died from the drug. A new study from University of Michigan scientists suggests the off-label use of a drug given in association with the abortion pill may be responsible for the women's deaths. RU-486 is a dangerous pill to begin with because it has mifepristone in it. Mifepristone essentially deprives the growing unborn child of food and water and the second, misoprostol, causes contractions allowing women to give birth to the dead baby. In animal and cell culture studies, the University of Michigan researchers found that misoprostol, when given directly in the reproductive tract, suppresses key immune responses and can allow a normally non-threatening bacterium, Clostridium sordellii, to cause deadly infection. Dr. Randy O'Bannon cited problems with RU-486. We still have a long way to end abortions though.

Mark Dice went on Michael Reagan's talk radio to talk about issues. Neo Con Michael Reagan is the real terrorist promoter, because he encourage citizens to kill Mark Dice. The neo-conservatives defintely realize that much of the public are waking up rapidly. That is why some of the Neo-Cons smear those that disagree with them as unpatriotic. Some of them will demonize anyone talking about real issues like the new world order, the North American Union, the Federal Reserve, exposing torture, exposing the violations of our civil liberties, etc. Radio America won't even fire Michael Reagan for his comments. Reagan apologized, but some viewed it as insincere. When Mark Dice spoke to Michael Reagan, he hardly allowed Dice to have a word in except on a few occasions. Dice said that if a liberal talk radio host said similar statements, the outrage would be greater. Regardless if that's true or not, there is no justification for the statements at all. This isn't the first time Michael Reagan said similar words. Back in August of 2006, Michael Reagan on radio encouraged Arab babies in the Middle East to be blown up by shoving "a grenade up their butts," while also stating that "there'll be peace when everybody in the Middle East is dead." These are differently racist, degenerate words that he spewed. Martin Hill from Op-Ed News at Tuesday, on June 17, 2008 described more news on this topic. Clear Channel's KFI mocked how Reagan really wanted to issue a murder hit out against Mark Dice. Attorney Bill Handel demonized Dice as a "crackpot" and pictured Reagan as a friend. Handel defended Reagan's words, which is very wrong on his part. Other than the alternative media, the mainstream media is not reporting on this story.

The 9/11 Truth isn't going away. Developments about it occur all of the time. Now, Stewart Howe (of We Are Change LA) was assaulted by David Frum. Frum is a famous neo con who was infamous for coining the phrase "axis of evil." That phrase was promoted as an excuse to invade Iraq. Also, it placed pressure on North Korea and Iran as rogue states. Frum used profanity against Howe for just asking some simple questions. When Howe spoke about the 9/11 cover up and possible criminal charges, Frum assaulted Howe and his camera. Howe said that his attorney (who is a former Marine) is interested in proceeding with assault charges against Frum. Of course, Frum attempted to deprive Stewart Howe of his First Amendment rights of expressing his views as a journalist. These news outline that crime ought to be punish and those in the 9/11 Truth Movement ought never to be intimidated from speaking their own mind. Members of the We Are Change Vancouver were arrested for no reason. They went into a rally and tried to ask questions to Colin Powell. Colin Powell investigated My Lai (a war crime which occured in March 1968). His report sid that American soldiers had a mostly nice relationship with the Vietnamese people. Some accused him of whitewashing the atrocities in My Lai. Colin admitted that his unit was responible for My Lai, but he got there after it occured. Powell is a Rockefeller Republican who is in league with the Elite for a long time. That's why he was apart of both Bushes' administrations. George H. W. Bush blatantly called for a new world order. A video shows that Powell will only recieve submitted questions. Powell omitted how depleted uranium is utilized in Iraq plus it can cause cancer including damage on human beings for generations. Chris Matthews during his "Hardball" show took at cheap shot at 911 Truthers. He said during his Hardball show that planes can make the Twin Towers collapse with their jet feul when much of their feul jumped out of the Towers when the impact occured. On that day, it was impossible to figure how the Twin Towers collapsed. Now, we do know that jet fuel alone can never create the damage which occured in those Towers, especially in Building Number Seven when no aircraft hit the Towers. It's just difficult for jet fuel to make a 767 aircraft could melt 96,000 tons of steel, and crumble 14,000 cubic foot concrete slabs between floors into dust particles. Government sponsored terrorism is nothing new. Operation Condor, Operation Ajax, and Operation Gladio all have examples of government sponsored terrorism (or the government using plans killing its own citizens or other innocent people). Operation Northwoods was even a declassified government document that wanted the American government to provoke terrorism in American cities back in the 1960's in order to invade the country of Cuba. So, I wil not be intimidated by the corporate/CFR-run media. I will be a man and speak out about real issues.

Flooding and Weather damage is occuring in the Midwest, especially in Iowa. Many families are suffering from the flooding. In this tradegy some members of the government have done some sick actions. There is footage inside of Cedar Rapids of cops breaking down doors illegally, threatening residents who question them as part of martial law conditioning, and authorities preventing people from reentering their homes. These duties are in violation of the Fourth Amendment. The police broke into people's homes without a warrant or warning to the sake of "checking structural damage." Citizens who want to get to their home before being cleared by authorities are being apprehended, and those who attempt to drive around police checkpoints that have been set up in the affected areas are arrested at gunpoint. Strike teams did this. Checkpoints exist in the Iowa areas and citizens are up in arms about it because it's burdensome on people trying to come to their own property. "You break down the door of my private residence and when I object you threaten to escort me off my own property. Fine example of police work. Did anyone think to knock first? Thomas Jefferson said that the main reason for citizens to be armed was to protect themselves from tyrannical government. If this isn't tyranny then I don't know what is. A man's home is his castle," states Steve Delaloye. This occured during the Hurricane Katrina aftermath when law enforcement illegaly stole citizens' guns and force their way into homes. In tradegies like the flooding of the Midwest, the government will find a way to violate citizens' rights. People will have to take action against this. The Presidential Race is going forth. Al Gore days ago officially endorsed Barack Obama because both men are liberals. Gore is a leader of the global warming hysteria crowd. It's ironic, because some of that global warming crowd condemn Bush for executing fear and paranoia. Yet, they subcribe to fear mongering on environmental issues. The truth is that the climate is a dynamic part of nature that warms and cools for eons. We have had a record winter in many portions of the world. There are even tons of scientists, geologists, professors, and other researchers that reject Gore's man made global warming theories. The sun and nature are factors even above human beings that deal with a great influence on the environment. The solar system is warming as well without SUVs there on planets. Gore is using global warming as an excuse for internationalists to harbor a global tax, which negatively effects the Third World the worth. McCain and Obama are competiting for the votes of America. As far as I'm concerned all 50 states are in play for the election for all of the candidates including the Third Parties. Now, one serious problem in our voting system is that rigging is rampant. Especially with electronic voting system, it's can be easily manipulated on numerous occasions. One serious problem with John McCain is that his foreign policy view is more neo-conservative than Bush is on some levels. For example, McCain was a possible war with Iran even if Iran just has 1 nuclear weapon, he's anti-civil liberties in abhoring the Supreme Court advancing some habaes corpus principles, agrees with a too powerful executive branch, etc. Barack Obama's problem is that he uses his great oratory ability to hide little known facts about himself. These facts are that he might of came into a Bilderberg meeting, he's very pro-abortion, and he wants more warfare in Afghanistan (his supporter is Zbigniew Brzezinski. He was a founder of the Trilateral Commission. Zbigiew bragged about funding Muslim extremists in the late 1970's. His own book lust after the creation of a "technocatic" society where the West takes over the resources of Central Asia). Obama is the perfect man to neutralize many liberals if he is elected President. Oil is a big issue. Some refuse to have more refineries found to discover more oil like in the Gulf of Mexico. Some in the government want to control all of our energy supplies, so independent research toward alternative energies are restricted. Billions of barrels of oil not even retrieved yet. Alan Caruba wrote of new discoveries in Brazil and the Arctic. This doesn't mean we align with Big Oil since Big Oil documents prove that some of them create artifical scarcity in order to increase profits. In today's world, millions of people are in the Left/Right paradigm. The truth is that the establishment controls the leadership of both major parties. We may not agree on every issue, but we should strive to promote individual liberty, health freedom, being for civil liberties, exposing corporate corruption, and abhoring government corruption.

Philo-sophia from Myspace said something and I will respond. She said that some in Myspace promote paranoia without focusing on solutions. I find that silly and a half-truth. Some in Myspace are like that, but not all. Tons of people on Myspace daily offer solutions all of the time. Now, she is angry probably at people showing information. The truth is that it's part of our free speech rights to show information. Whether the information is good or bad, it has be to be shown to crystalize an accurate picture of current events. I never trusted Philo-sophia 100% anyway because of her sucking up to Ron Paul excessively. Ron Paul is right on some issues, but publicly wrote in favor of John Paul II when John Paul II advocated the new world order in speeches. Paul is supposedly against the new world order. Ron Paul is an ally of Ronald Reagan when he's a honorary 33rd Degree Freemason, he supported anti-gun laws like the Mulford Act (plus the Brady bill), he increased the deficit for years, and he allowed many pro-abortion justices in the Supreme Court. Ronald Reagan was one of the crucial Presidents in developing the new world order. His Vice President George H. W. Bush is even more of a new world order proponent. That's why I agree with Chuck Baldwin more than Paul, because at least Chuck talks about free and fair trade. So, I don't hate Ron Paul, but I don't worship the man. Also, I described many solutions. These solutions are writing in the Internet, helping our communities, educating our friends, families (including our local areas), protesting in legitimate ways, constantly learn new wisdom that you can gain in the world, if you want to be in office you can fight for political office (although it's a dirty system especially now), and other activities. Being active is vital, but harboring stereotypes and demonizing people for not fulfilling your standards is wrong and selfish to me. I encourage you to be active and find solutions in the world. I believe in real unity, but I won't accept a naive unity based on deception and lies at all. Pointing out differences and having discernment isn't divisive. That is honorable in my eyes. Yet, I won't stereotype you at all.

By Timothy

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