Friday, July 11, 2008

Thinking and Being Independent



ABC and Ventura are caught into another story. ABC News changed their report on whether Jesse Ventura will run for a Senator spot in Minnesota. That Senate seat is held by the Republican Senator Norm Coleman of Minnesota. Coleman is known for supporting the Bush administration an encorporating a neo con mindset in terms of foreign policy. Coleman is an Iraq War supporter, had a debate with Michael Galloway in the Congress, and wants an aggressive policy toward Iran. His race is up for grabs, because of the unpopularity of the Republican Party, the Iraq War, and other reasons. Jesse Ventura has been famous for his role as Governor of Minnesota. He also questioned the official story about 9/11. Jesse Ventura now believes that a controlled demolition brought down the Twin Towers and especially Building Number Seven. I don't agree with Jesse Ventura on every issue. Jesse Ventura years ago have unfairly demonize many religious people as simple minded and susceptible to propaganda. He's in alignment with abortion as well. Vetura is right to expose that the Gulf on Tonkin incident was staged in order to promote the Vietnam War. McNamara admitted to this in the documentary entitled "The Fog of War." There is new information about 9/11. Jerome Hauer was the former New York City chief emergency manager. His office used to be on the 23d floor of WTC 7. Also, Hauer was a building collapse specialist. Hauer was also Managing Director of Kroll Associates - the company that provided security for the WTC complex on 9/11. He also betrayed advance knowledge of the anthrax attacks a week before they happened. On an NY Times article, Hauer was the one to respond to Building Number Seven's collapse. Immediately after 9/11, he told Dan Rather only bin Laden did with planes plus no-state sponsorship without elaborating on why. How can he make such assumptions so early after 9/11? These strange action and early description building collapses should make researchers have an eye on him. The truth is that 9/11 was created totally by members of Western governments (i.e. Some in the USA government not bin Laden caused the stand down of NORAD, the funding of al-Qaeda, the creation of the PNAC Document wanting a Pearl Harbor like event, covering up evidence, and the usage of 911 to justify the police state system that we see in America plus globally) including certain Israeli involvement in handling some of the logistics of it (according to the research of Christopher Bollyn, Barry Chamish, and others). This doesn't mean all Israelis are to blame since a lot of Israelis are righteous and patriotic. The 9/11 Truth Movement and the Patriot Movement in general will not die. The mainstream media already is afraid of us because we're not afraid of presenting the truth at any forum avaliable.
McCain jokes about killing Iran again. John McCain answered a question about exporting cigarettes to Iran. McCain answered the inquiry by saying that "maybe that's a way of killing them." He subsquently said that he meant his words as a joke. Yet, you should never joke about killing innocent people in Iran. This isn't the first time e said just disrespectful comments. Back in April 2007, he was in a town meeting in South Carolina. One person asked John McCain about sending an airmail message to Tehran. McCain responded to the person by saying Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran. He said these words to mimic an old Beach boys song. The audience laughed. Although, the prospect of seeing innocent men, women, and children from Iran dying bombs isn't funny. There is no justification at all for a preemptive war in Iran at all. Various reason surmise why John McCain said these words. Some believe he's sick, some believe he's into the neo-conservative ideology, etc. Regardless of McCain's reasoning, his comments were definitely inappropriate. Barack Obama and Jesse Jackson have been in the news lately. Prince Hall Freemason and CFR member Jesse Jackson once accused Obama of talking down to black people. Some in the media theorize that Jesse Jackson was talking about Obama exhorting fathers to build up responsibilities in taking care of their own children. Jesse Jackson said profane language and he quickly apologized for it. Jackson was wrong for what he said obviously. Jesse Jackson is arm of the establishment with his pro-abortion sponsorship, anti-gun views, and other issues. Barack Obama accepted his apology. It's a controversy, but it deals with a big issue. It could be a generational issue. The reason is that older black leaders are more ingrained into the Democratic establishment, while the younger generation of black leaders are more independent politically. Barack is percieved as an independent by many in the young generation (whether this is true or not is another matter). Jackson might felt apprehensive about Obama's father speech in a church since Jackson wants Obama to focus more on education and health care subject matters in order to solve these problems. Al Sharpton seems to be a moderator between both men saying that responsibility and changing government policy are important. The truth is that responsibility is important and the primary solution, but reforming government (i.e. encouraging the build up of communities, etc.) are other means to solve the fatherhood crisis as well. Both McCain and Obama support FISA, have connections to the CFR, sponsors the elite's view on immigration, want to limit the Second Amendment on law abiding citizens, pro-abortion, and just pro-new world order.

The UN is at it again. Bob Unruh wrote that dozens of nations are attempting adopt an anti-defamation plan. Some fear that this proposal will not only stifle free speech, but criminalize Christians once again. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that Christians are being presecuted and even murdered for their religious beliefs all around the world. The ACLJ or the American Center Law and Justice is criticizing the United Nations for it. The words "defamation" to me is a slick means to prevent dissent of Islam, especially in predominatory Muslim nations. This plan was submitted to the U.N. repeatedly since about 1999. It is being pushed by the 57-member Organization of the Islamic Conference nations. The Cairo Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the Organization of Islamic Conference nations to promote sharia law. Sharia law is a form of a theocracy. I oppose all man-made theocracies. The European version of the ACLJ says that this bill will only concern ideas and not the protection of the freedom of religious or expression. Also, the phrase "defamation of religion" is ambigious terminology. It can be defined as nearly any speech against a religion that dissents with it. Typically Christians and religious dissidents are effected by similar rules. For example, Mark Steyn has been summoned to appear before two Canadian Human Rights Commissions of vague allegations of "subject[ing] Canadian Muslims to hatred and contempt" for comments in his book, "America Alone," the group said. In Pakistan, 15 people were accused of blasphemy against Islam during the first four months of 2008, the organization said. Therefore, it's time to stand up for our beliefs. We should peacefully resist evil.

The Democratic lead Congress passed the FISA bill. Glenn Greenwald from Salon on July 9, 2008 made known about this tradegy. One of the worse portions of the bill is that it will immunize lawbreaking telecoms, terminate all pending lawsuits against them, and vest whole new whole new warrantless eavesdropping powers in the President. Barack voted for the bill. Barack made a commitment back in October 2007 that he would filibuster any bill that gives immunity toward telecommunication companies. Obama broke that commitment. Ironically, Hillary Clinton voted against it. All Republicans in the Senate voted for it and only one Republican in the House voted against the FISA bill. The Senate voted for cloture. Cloture is a procedure in order for the Senate to overcome any filibusters revolving around the bill. George W. Bush threatened to veto an alternative bill that would eliminated immunity for telecoms who praticipated in warrantless wiretapping. This alternative was promoted by Senators Dodd, Feingold, and Leahy. This isn't solely a George W. Bush issue. The reason is that Bill Clinton and other previous Presidents of both major parties have passed similar laws. For example, President Franklin Roosevelt allowed the internment of innocent Japanese people into concentration camps. Ex-President Bill Clinton advanced the Carnivore program which allowed the FBI to monitor emails potentially of innocent citizens. J. Edgar Hoover in the 1960's illegally monitor civil rights groups and anti-war organizations. This amounts to the cover up of the Bush administration's surveillance crimes and of previous administrations. Even when Bush and the NSA was caught breaking the law in having warrantless wiretapes against innocent citizens, the FISA is still signed by Bush. That's why a Rasmussen poll outline Congress' approval rating is just 9%. This new FISA Law definitely damages the Fourth Amendment. The ACLU will challenge the bill in court now since George W. Bush signed the bill into law today. I don't agree with the ACLU on all issues, but they are right to do this. Not to mention that the immunity (which deals with pending lawsuits) part shouldn't be handled by the executive branch, but by the judicial branch (in terms of legal disputes as cited in Article III of the Constitution).

The Iraq War has an uncertain future. Ahmed Rasheed and Mohammed Abbas from Reuters at July 8, 2008 formented information on Iraqi leaders insisting on an U.S. withdrawal timetable. Iraq's national security adviser said on Tuesday that they will join the USA with any security agreement unless dates for withdrawal of foreign forces are avaliable. Yet, Iraqi leaders stress tht any timetable would be condusive to security conditions on the ground. The US Defense Secretary Robert Gates want a withdraw of troops based on Iraqis taking responsibility for security and combat. The U.S. wants to stay in Iraq when a U.N. mandate expires at the end of the year. The Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki even suggests for a timetable for the departure of U.S. troops. National Security Adviser Mowaffaq al-Rubaie want timelines ate he meet with Iraq's top Shia cleric named the Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani. The American government and especially George W. Bush have voiced opposition to a timeline for withdraw. Sooner of later, U.S. troops will have to leave. I don't agree with illegal wars and forcing the Iraqis to be dependent on us. The Iraqi people ought to acquire the independence necessary to build their own infrastructre. The Iraqi government need to fight their own battles. I do believe that American troops should come home as soon as possible. Both sides signed the Status Of Forces Agreement, or SOFA in order to exempt U.S.troops from trial or prison abroad.

Tons of Secret Societies exist today in the world. Secret Societies today range from the Jesuits, the Freemasons, the Rosicrucians, the Bohemian Grove, and other groups. They have roots from the Ancient Mystery Schools from the four corners of the Earth. These systems are similar to a pyramid structure. Those who rule the Secret Societies have the most power. Low level members are usually puppets, swear oaths, and don't comprehend the total origin or goals of Secret Societies. For thousands of years, Secret Societies (including the political, economic, and religious elites) have steered many wars, Revolutions, and influential occurences in human history. For example, Freemasons Harry Truman and Franklin Roosevelt were critical in ending World War 2 and the establishment of the United Nations. Robert Dole (Elizabeth Dole, who is Robert's wife, is apart of the Eastern Star. The Eastern Star is the female appendage of Freemasonry), Gerald Ford, and Barry Goldwater (He was a Shriner. In the Shriners, you swear an oath to the false god of the Muslims called Allah. His wife was an Eastern Star) are all famous political leaders and 33rd Degree Freemasons. Today, the Jesuits trained many world leaders including U.S. leading Generals who are activitely involved in the Iraq War. The occult is a key part of many Secret orders. Hitler, Aliester Crowley, 32nd Degree Freemason Henry Wallace and others obsessed with the occult. For example Theosophist Secretary of Agriculture, soon-to-be Vice-President Henry Wallace (he desired a new world order. The NWO is another name for global government. That is why globalists promote consolidation of power in the UN, the FED, the IMF, NATO, the EU, etc.) followed Theosophist Nicholas Roerich's advice to place the Great Seal on the one dollar bill (It has the All Seeing Eye, stars in the form of a Hexagram, an eagle looking like a Phoenix, and other symbols in it). The occult means secret and it's accepting of paganism, witchcrat, various rituals, and evil secrecy. Technology have been utilized for good and evil purposes. Tom Burghardt from the Dissident Voice on July 9, 2008 wrote about sinister so-called "non-lethal" weapons that the federal government have in their arsenal. This weapons are very high tech. They rang from acoustic microwave armaments, laser induced plasma channels, etc. The Pentagon’s Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate (or the JNLWD) deal with such instruments. The JNLWD is testing Raytheon's Active Denial System (or the ADS). The ADS is an energy weapon used for crowd control. It can show a pain ray that can heat the skin at ca. 130 degrees F. It has a range of 550 yards. Some want such devices to be used against citizens. MEDUSA or Mob Excess Deterrent Using Silent Audio is eventually trying to be used in crowd control not only in military affairs. It can shockwave the human skull and heat human tissues. MEDUSA can harm the ears to even cause discomfort or incapacitation. There are health risks involved with such technology. When the U.S. Army’s Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) was forced to release a study under the Freedom on Information Act, something occured. The study documented a multitude of hazardous side-effects of such instruments. The activist Frank Morales criticized such weapons as being part of a police state mindset to futher control society plus violating the principle of Posse Comitatus. In other words, the military should not conduct itself in law enforcement capabilities. These weapons are not non-lethal and they harbor a destructive nature with risks against the human body. The Pentagon are just having new ways to go out and control society. It's another example of the militarization of the police including our whole country.

PSCO is acting as a fascist unit in the UK. Monsters & Critics from July 8, 2008 exposed the PSCO. The PSCO is short for police community support officers. Now, they aren't the police, but they act as non-law enforcement viligantes harrashing people, etc. You can make an anology between PSCO and a snitching group. On one incident, they've apparently allowed a boy to drown to death. The boy is named Jordan Lyon. He is 10 years old. Lyon attempted to rescue his half sister. Now, investigations are being conducted on why 2 PSCO members just stand there and did nothing. Lyon's stepfather got him out of the pool. The boy was unconscious and was later pronounced death in a hospital. The drowning occured in Wigan, Lancashire. There is an inquest to find out about the boy's death. The sick thing about it is that police are defending the action of the PCSO. The police commented that PSCOs aren't trained to deal with major incidents like a child drowning. Det Ch. Insp Phil Owen, of Wigan CID who led the investigation into Jordan’s death outline support for the PSCO's actions. The actions of the PSCO members and the police are deplorable on so many levels. For one, even you don't have experience in a body of water, it is the moral thing to run into the water if you see a person drowning immediately. PSCOs even have the power to arrest citizens in the UK without a warrant. Section 44 of the Terrorism Act bestows exceptional powers on the police to stop and search at random, once a particular geographical area has been designated by a chief officer as one that might be targeted by terrorists and authorised as such by the Home Secretary. Random searches and placing data of even innocent citizens into permament databases is common in Britian. The Overpopulation lie is still huge in the world. This lie is promoted by the new world order crowd, especially within the United Nations (a globalist creation on Rockefeller land, despite the disinformation in support of it from it from Oil, IMF, the World Bank, NGOs, etc. Colin Mason from the Population Research Institute. Mason wrote an article on how the UNFPA or the United Nations Population Fund want the depopulation of populations worldwide. Mason writes tha since its inception in 1969, the UNFPA focuses on demonizing human beings as comodities in order advance the plan of depopulation. Of course, the UNFPA promote the overpopulation lie when many nations from Russia, Japan, South Korea, Italy, etc. have underpopulation crisis. They want to celebrate World Population Day on July 11. Pro-Lifers have always oppose UNFPA aims, because we show scientific evidence and moral truth about the value of all human life irrespective of where they live at. The fact is that legitimate industralization and modernization have alway stabilized population growth. That reality has also increased human life expectancies. The World Population Day says the lie that they want to plan parent's families, but this "planning" involved coercion and abortion. The UNFPA worked with nations with some of the worst human rights records in the world to dehumanize humanity. Historically, UNFPA have been at the forefront of supporting forced abortion in China. Even Amnesty International in their 2005 report criticized China's forced abortion and sterilization programs. That is why many in Congress are trying their best to defund Planned Parenthood from taxpayers to fund that murderous organization. Abortion performed by Planned Parenthood has increased, so Planned Parenthood is doing a terrible job in attempting to even decrease abortions in the USA. Reps. Michelle Bachmann of Minnesota and Chris Smith of New Jersey, both Republicans, organized the special order speeches. Coercion is immoral and parents have a right to have as many children they desire.

Free speech under threat in America plus worldwide is very real. For example, an university attacks a student for just reading a book. WND (or World net Daily) reported on this story. This occured at Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis. Officials caught the person reading a history book. This person's name is named Keith John Sampson. He was reading a history book in a school library during a break at work. He was reading a book on how the KKK was defeated in a street brawl. Officials with the Foundation for Individual Responsibility in Education, is arguing on behalf of Sampson. The case began in November when he was accused of racial harrashment for just reading by 2 co-workers. Noice that the book was about how members of Notre Dame defeated the Ku Klux Klan in a fight in the streets. FIRE officials either want to the school to provide new evidence to back up their accusations or stop smearing the man. Even the university's policies allows students to read scholarly books or other materials on break time. It just shows that free speech is threatened even inside of universities (who present the painting of acquiring excellent tolerance for citizens of a wide spectrum of backgrounds plus opinions). Anti-free speech proposals from the Fairness Doctrine to Campaign Finance Reform (that limited a Pro-Life Wisconsin group from totally expressing their views) is wrong and is an affront to the First Amendment. Nancy Pelosi publicly supports the Fairness Doctrine. The Fairness Doctrine is about the federal government limiting what political speech you can say. It's silly since it claims to promote the expression of 2 sides, but on every political issue there are more than just 2 points of view. There may be 5 or 6 viewpoints on a single issue alone. The Government testing chemicals on soldiers, the government testing dangerous chemicals on innocent people, the threat of eugenics, etc. are real historical facts. Now, the day of intimidation is over. This day now is for strength, courage, and our God-given independent thinking.

By Timothy


Andrea Muhrrteyn said...

I love the way you write, even thought I cry allot when I read what you write. Silly me.
Can't imagine how you manage to remember everything; but you have a flair for saying it, in a really unique manner.
Thanks for tearful smiles.

Timothy said...

Thank you. The good news is that many people are waking up today. The good news and the bad news should be shown to inspire people to improve the world.

By Timothy

Andrea Muhrrteyn said...

Strange how men -- not all, but I'd venture the significant majority -- seem to spend their entire lives, in pursuit of, running hell-bent away from, the thing they most desire. If 'history' -- as opposed to herstory, when that day arrives, if ever -- ever one day finds the courage (and if there is anything men allegedly have it is 'courage') to examine it's accomplishments, and failures; and more so the root emotional, psychological and spiritual causes, of history's legacies, they may wish to ask themselves why they are so hellbent petrified of not only confronting, but in fact running away, from what they so desperately existentially want.
Anyway, I appreciate you for all the stuff you put up on your sites, and the diversity thereof; and I appreciate you for being you. I imagine you care allot, and I appreciate your courage to show that.
Thank You.