
Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Rush Limbaugh and Courage

The Associated Press from March 2, 2009 outlined that the Supreme Court recently turned down the Agent Orange appeals from the Vietnamese and U.S. veterans. The Vietnamese victims and American victims of agents wanted to pursue lawsuits against companies that made the toxic chemical defoliant, which was utilized in the Vietnam War. The Justices showed no comments on their action on Monday. They rejected appeals in 3 seperate cases. They were in favor of Dow Chemical, Monsanto and other companies that made Agent Orange and other herbicides used by the military in the Vietnam War. Agent Orange has been linked to cancer, diabetes, and birth defects (that affected Vietnamese and American civilians plus soldiers). The American plaintiffs blame their cancer on exposure to Agent Orange during the military service in Vietnam. The Vietnamese said the U.S.’s sustained program to prevent the enemy from using vegetation for cover and sustenance caused miscarriages, birth defects, breast cancer, ovarian tumors, lung cancer, Hodgkin’s disease and prostate tumors. The appeals court said that the lawsuit made by the Vietnamese plantiff couldn't go froward because Agent Orange was used to protect U.S. troops against ambush (and not as a weapon of war against human populations). In 2006, the Supreme Court deadlocked 4-4 on whether those lawsuits could proceed (among the Americans). The appeals court even said that government contractors are protected from their crimes. It's a disgrace. The reason is that there is clear evidence that Agent Orange harmed people in the world. There ought to be some compensation of the victims involved in the whole Vietnam War ordeal. For the appeals court to do this is definitely wrong.

9/11 News is continuing. The federal government dropped all charges against Susan Lindauer. She is talking freely now. Michael Collins had an interview with her. Lindauer said that terrorist warnings came into the Bush/Cheney administration and she provided new information relating to 9/11. She was accused of being an unregistered Iraqi agent, because she sent a letter to Andy Card (her second cousin and ex-former Chief of Staff to President George W. Bush) warning of the dire consequences of the Iraq War. FBI agents once arrested her with a warrant. She didn't did anything wrong, but warn people about the Iraq war. Susan Lindauer told Michael Collins that she warned people (like Dr. Parke Godfrey under oath. He was an associate professor of computer science at York University in Toronto) about a terrorist attack on southern part of Manhattan (in the World Trade Center). This occured in the year of 2000. She said that this attack would involve airplanes and a possible nuclear weapon. In August 2001, she told the proffessor that the attack was imminent and that Dr. Godfrey stay out of NY. She worked for the government and her CIA handler was Dr. Richard Fuisz. She tried to warn Andrew Card and others about 9/11, but to no avail. She said that the Israeli Mossad had advance warmings of the attack. Here story is incredible for many reasons. One reason is that it conclusively proves that the American government had total foreknowledge about the attacks on 9/11. There can be no doubt about it. Also, it focuses on the abusive treatment of Susan Lindauer's civil liberties in this whole ordeal. Whether you agree with her claims or not, the official story of 9/11 have been proven to be a lie on so many levels. There is no evidence that Osama bin Laden made NORAD stand down, created Building Number Seven to fall, or even caused the U.S. government to fund some of the suspected hijackers. So, it doesn't add up. The 9/11 Truth Movement will continue forever since the truth can never be extinguished in the Universe.

There is even more proof that the phony left/right paradigm is ever real. Ann Coulter just came out and favored Barack Obama. The Obama administration in many ways are very similar to the Bush administration in a continuation type format. Ann Coulter said that Barack Obama's national security policies are continuing in George W. Bush's favor (instead of policies of from, Daily Kos and Code Pink and the New York Times. These groups are all Left Gatekeepers). Ann Coulter said these words in a speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference. She also thinks that Obama got national security briefings. Not only is Ann Coulter a liar and a hypocrite. She is also a fake conservative obviously. Supporting an exploding military budget, bashing single mothers (and motherhood in general), and supporting anti-individual liberty laws like the Patriot Act has nothing to do with a real conservative at all. Also, the New York times don't run national security or Barack Obama totally at all. The global elite controls Obama's policies. These internationalists want the national security policies to be identical to Barack Obama, because they want this war on terror to continue (now in more slick ways). This has nothing to do with or even Rush Limbaugh. These left gatekeeping organizations that Ann Coulter mention are even run by the elite (i.e. is funded by George Soros, the Daily Kos is headed by an ex-CIA agent, and the Ford Foundation funds Code Pink). PETA has received funding from the Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors and to this day refuses to protest David Rockefeller’s organic hog farm which is located a few miles from the Indian Point nuclear power plant on the Hudson river North of Manhattan. PETA’s Ingrid Newkirk has mandated in her will that when she dies, her corpse is to be barbecued and eaten. This is sick of course. Also, phony conservatives like Ann Coulter (who once supported Hillary Clinton like a fraud) are influenced by the Knights of Malta and the CNP. This left/right paradigm is a serious deception placed into the American people, so the real issues aren't readily discussed. That is why Coulter and Obama are similar in foreign policy and the NSC. This is all the more reason why I am pro-life, pro-national soveriegnity, pro-Second Amendment, anti-war, and I'm for individual liberty for all people.

Steven Ertelt from on March 2, 2009 outlined information about how Republicans leaders are dealing with pro-life issues. Some believe that focusing on these issues is a key to Party success. One thing is true. Being wishy washy on the issue of abortion hasn't worked. This debate has occured in the recent CPAC conference. The GOP wants to rebuild their party after the 2008 election. Some of them want to emphasize pro-life values on abortion. Congressional Republican leaders John Boehner and Mitch McConnell both emphasized that point. House Minority Leader John Boehner told the conference that the Republican Party should be the party of better solutions and one is to promote the pro-life perspective. “There’s another issue where a better solution is already known, and that’s the issue that we've known about for thousands of years – that is the issue of life. We're the pro-life party,' he said. He wants to oppose the Freedom of Choice act bill that will virtually restrict (or even ban) every pro-life law in the nation. Boehner is person about this issue since his mother 12 children and could have considered abortion. One reason why abortion is evil and wrong is that it eliminates the possibility that the human life can be a leader and grealty improve the world. “I was disappointed that one of the first things the administration did was reverse the Mexico City Policy,” McConnell said. “Americans do not want their tax dollars to be used promoting abortion here or abroad." Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell wants to emphasize Obama's pro-abortion record in the 2010 Congressional elections. Newt Ginrich spoke at the rally when Newt was the one who strongly supported NAFTA. NAFTA was not only against national sovereignity, but it drove jobs overseas. This doesn't means that Republicans have been perfect on abortion as well. Bush has funded Planned Parenthood in his budget. Also, John McCain supports killing the unborn in rape. Therefore, both of these major parties are infiltrated by the Knights of Malta, the CFR, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateralists, etc.

The Associated Press on March 2, 2009 wrote about how Defense Secretary Robert Gates talking about that the US military can help Mexico in its drug war. The drug cartels are operating near the U.S. border. Gates commented that some of the old biases against cooperation between the U.S. and Mexican militaries are being set aside amid the growing violence. He wants America to provide Mexico with training, resources, surveillance, and intelligence capabilities. The border drug war is clearly a serious problems since innocent people are dying by violent carters. Gates praises Mexican President Felipe Calderon for taking on the drug cartels. He said that one reason the situation became so bad is that previous Mexican Presidents wouldn't deal with the problem head-on. Gates have been interviewed recently by NBC's "Meet the Press" on this issue and more. The Drug War have been a key contributing factor in the violence on the border and violation of civil liberties in America. It's as simple as that. The Drug War has also increased the prison population in America and caused more SWAT teams to militarily even invade innocent people's homes (on plenty of ocassions). The solution to these problems could be protecting our borders more efficiently, ending the federal Drug War, encourage treatment for addicts (instead of prison time), and other key reforms. Robert Gates on Sunday's Meet the Press classified Barack Obama as more analytical than President George W. Bush. Obama according to Gates would talk to each person to gain a key perspective and even called on people who refused to speak to him. George Bush in Gates' mind would communicate with people of different viewpoints, but he wouldn't push others into speaking their minds on subjects. These differences are very interesting.

Illinois is arguing over concealed carry permits. A sheriff says that Illinois joining 48 other states in allowing concealed carry permits would cut crime. The arguments about this issue are reaching into a fever pitch in Illinois. Calls for these things have increased after the U.S. Supreme Court in the Heller case said that the Constitution does acknowledege an individual's right to bear arms. Illinois and Wisconsin ban concealed carry weapons outright. St. Clair County Sheriff Mearl Justus told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that a new CCP can lowered crime and 48 states can't be wrong. The Second Amendment in the Illinois state legislature are cheered with new impetus. The new governor Pat Quinn is viewed as more open to the ida than impeached Governor Rod Blogojevich. "It's heating up. We think we're close," Todd Vandermyde, a National Rifle Association lobbyist, told the newspaper. Of course, the anti-gun crowd opposes the plan. They feel that even law abiding citizens arming themselves is a threat, which is a lie. No law in the world can stop a criminal from committing a gun crime unless laws exist to enforce things against criminals. Also, concealed carry laws have decreased crime in several states. Gun rights advocates, however, said the high court ruling clearly rejects the notion that such widespread bans are legitimate. Several concealed-carry measures are moving through the Illinois statehouse in Springfield now, and one of them already is in the pipeline for a House vote. The Family and Personal Protection Act would let those who pass training and background requirements carry concealed weapons. Also, the automobile kills more people in a year than guns do. No one is calling for bans on automobiles or airplanes. In Wyoming, lawmakers are trying to create a door for those individuals convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence to regain their gun ownership rights, which were removed by Congress in 1996. Attorney General Holder wants to ban semi-automatic rifles when they aren't machine guns at all. A semi-automatic rifle isn't capable of fully automatic fire. Holder had endorsed the District of Columbia's complete ban on functional guns in residents' homes before it was overturned by the Supreme Court. Threats to the Second Amendment exist and Illinois does have a right to have a concealed carry permit law.

Rush Limbaugh is a shill and we all know that. Rush spoke at a CPAC conference. He said that wanting Barack Obama to fail is different (and not the same as) from wanting the country to achieve greatness. Limbaugh promoted the view that it's Republicans vs. Democrats when America is bigger than that. We shouldn't worship any political party. We ought to be independent human beings. The mainstream media is calling Rush Limbaught as the defacto leader of the GOP. Whether that being true or not is up for debate. Some criticize Rush as being polarizing and confrontational, but there is nothing wrong with being confrontational in the right way. The bigger picture is that Rush Limbaugh promotes disinformation. He denies the occult nature of the Bohemian Grove and supports the war on terror. There should be no wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the infringements on our civil liberties by the Bush administration were wrong of course. Rush Limbaugh's rhetoric does little to expand the Republican base. The reason is that he refuse to emphasize personal liberty, the wickedness of the Drug War, or even exposing the new world order. Even Michael Steele told CNN's D.L. Hughley on Saturday that Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer (including that his words are incendiary and ugly). Now, Steele is backtracking his words like a coward. Michael Steele should never back track and be a man. Rush has never apologized for his racist remarks that he made for decades even. Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrite (for being a drug addict and wanting drug addicted people to be jailed) and won't even call for the repeal of the Federal Reserve. Our real problems are beyond liberals and conservatives. It's about how the globalists (in the Vatican, the Black Nobility,secret societies, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, etc.) want to centralize power in ruling the world in a centralized, global system. So, Rush Limbaugh is someone not to be trusted at all.

By Timothy

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