
Friday, September 30, 2005

Response to Anti-Semites part 1

My Response are in bold.

TheAZCowboy: What the Jew learned form the Holocaust - nothing but racism

Response: Jewish people learned from the Holocaust that unjustified hatred and genocide of Jews and Gentiles is immoral and anti-God. Racism is wrong.

TheAZCowboy: As we see Sharon/Natanyahu & Company at work in that 1/2 acre of Zionist hell called Eretz Ysriol we realize that the eternal "victims" are due a good arse whipping in the hands of the Persians.

Response: You never heard a word from me that I supported Sharon and Netanyahu at all. Sharon is bounded under CFR Henry Kissinger according to Eric Jon Phelps and Netanyahu is a Freemason caught up in the situation of the Middle East. I never said that Israel is perfect, but many nations are imperfect as well. The fact that you bigots hate is that America and Europe have 100X more sins than Israel will ever have. The oppression among Palestinians and any group of people are wrong period. Eretz Yisrael is still God's land and God will allow Jews and Gentiles to inhabite it in the 1,000 year reign of Jesus Christ and the eternal Kingdom of ALmighty God.

TheAZCOwboy: Let us pray that Iran will get its domestic nukes real soon and together with their formidable Al Shabab III IRBM's they "circumsize" the LIKUDNIK hyena's down to the nubbin! :)

Response: Let us pray for the peace in Eretz Yisrael and realize the distinction between evil Masonic Jewish Zionists and God-fearing Jews who are for liberty. I don't support preemptively attacking Iran at all. I don't support any use of nuclear weapons as well to attack Iran also. I disagree with the Iraq War and I disagree with military, unprovoked aggression against Iran. I'm no Masonic Jewish Zionist, but I recognize the good people in Eretz Yisrael also.

THeAZCowboy: Pssst, what anti-Semites hate most is being called "anti-Semitic" for calling a-spade-a-spade when it comes to the Hebrew Serpent trespasser's of the Middle East. After all, what is "more" anti-Semitic than the daily murder by the ZioNazi's of Semitic Palestinian's!Read and grow wise or ignore TAC and die stupid!

TheAZCowBoyTombstone, AZ.

Response: Anti-Semitism is wrong. Again, there's nothing wrong with exposing corruption in Israel, but not to demonize a whole group of people. There's a difference and you need to realize that. Nice try, bigot. Good Jews still live in Israel and they need our support not the corrupt government. Good Arabs need our support not the Masonic Muslim terrorist murdering millions of Nigerian, Indonesian, Egyptian, Pakistiani, and other Christians globally that you don't mention. It is wrong to oppress Palestinians and it is also wrong to see innocent Christians slaughtered by Muslim fanatics as well. I've read both sides of the Middle East crisis. I'm very intelligent and don't need lecture. You fail to see the distinction between good and bad people in Israel, so your only hope is to love your neighbor and follow God plus realizing distinctions. I'm grown up. I've been bringing it all my life. Thank you for awakening my slumber of tolerate bigotry against Jews in here for so long. I guess you also don't want to talk about the theft by Arabs of millions of square miles in Northern Africa plus parts of Sudan plus the Muslims funding Hitler just like the Masonic Jewish Zionists. I don't sugarcoat nothing and I expose everything.Be real and true.

By TruthSeeker24.


My Response are in bold.

The bigot: Whats wrong little wolfy?

Response: Nothing is wrong with me. Something is wrong with you violating God's Word in loving your neighbor as yourself and saying that salvation is of the Jews. I'm not a wolf. You might be a wolf and people have shown shills that are anti-Semites and Neo-Nazis working for the FBI and CIA.

The bigot: Has your dada gone and forgot he was a gentile whose mates were killed along side him in WW2. Who visited the work camps of the Third Reich and was told big porkies (Porky Pies - cockney - lies) by the inmates there.

Response: I know that my Father is a Gentile and my mother. It is unfortunately that American G.I.s were killed in WW2, but Hitler was a terrorists and he must be stopped even if WW2 was manipulated and controlled by the Elite. Many scholars, historians, and other people have proven the concentration camps killing millions of Jews and Gentiles. There may be some exaggerations here and there, but the Nazis did in fact murder people, they were occultists, and they were evil. You can't deny that. That isn't a lie.

The bigot: Then you forgot - you told us you were a jew who was offended by some truth someone reported here.

Response: I never said that I was a Jew and that's a lie by you. I'm not offended by the truth. You are. You hate it that God's Son is a Jew and almost all authors of the Bible were Jews. You hate it that God loves the Jews and all people.

The bigot: Well little wolfy here's a FACT..

Pre-judice is defined a form of PRE-JUDGEMENT against a person because of their particular salient features.

Pre-judice does NOT include logical experiential or evidential analysis of the salient FACTS and conclusions drawn from them (I think this is what "calling a spade - a spade" means - a crude term - but none-the-less descriptive).

Response: You know exactly what prejudice means. mentions prejudice as intentional bias without considering any legitimate facts of evaluation. You are right that prejudice can mean pre-judgment of people of their features, but it entails more than that. It is intentional and unfair bais. I realize that there are evil Jewish people, but you refuse to admit that God-fearing Jews exist. If you continue to deny that God-fearing Jews are here, you are a liar period.

The bigot: If you cant stand facts then go post on a site which deals solely in your kind of fantasy.

There must be something on the Disney's site or David Icke's site or failing them try one of the following links:-

The helping hand of G-d

Response: I can stand the facts. You can't stand knowing distinctions and that is the essence of your racism and hatred of Jewish people. God never promotes hatred unnecessarily of all people. Peter said honor all men and you violate that. I have no fantasy, you have no fantasy since I've cited Bible words, history, distinction, and analysis, while you continue on in your fantasy. I don't fear you and I don't fear no man. I fear God alone. Here's some links that you don't want people to know about:


  1. Several Questions...

    ...If one hates the Jewish People, this is anti-Semitism...correct?...

    ...What if one hates Arabs?, isn't this anti-Semitism, too?...

    ...The Arabs are Semites, they are descended from Abraham thru Ishmael, they too are from the same stock and genetics as the Jewish People...and their blodline isn't the most purist...David was born out of wedlock, there is Moabite blood as well...what makes for a good bloodline?...GODS LOVE!

    When Evangelical Christians preach hate against the Arabs, when secular Zionist preach the extermination of Arabs, when average people on the street say "we ought to just nuke them sand niggers!"..."them sand niggers"?! know, Jews are "sand niggers", too!...I guess one could say that Jesus was a "sand nigger" as well (of course I DO NOT say this with a blasphemous intent...I am an unworthy sinner...a Christian)...and all those Jews who came before him...David, Joshua, Jerimiah, Jesse, Joseph, Samuel, Moses, Noah, Elisha, Elijah, Ezekiel...all these and other Jews...see my point...we cannot refer to Arabs with hatred...only LOVE, the LOVE OF THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD!...are there things that I dislike and don't trust about the Arabs...sure...are there things I dislike and don't trust about the World-Empire-Loving-Monarchial English...sure...are there things about the Irish (of which I have both Irish and Anglo blood in my background) that I dislike and mistrust...sure...are there things about any other ethnic backgrounds in the world that I don't like and mistrust?...sure...but hatefilled words against the Arab World is just as evil as hatefilled words against the Jews, the English, the Irish, the Native Americans, Chechens, French, Japanese, and the list goes on...hateful hate is antiChrist...and ALL MEN...Arabs, Jews, Americans, Christians, Muslims, Hindus will find themselves answering to The Lord for hating and killing...WE ALL will answer to these charges...

    The ONLY the Love of The Messiah, Jesus, The Incarnate Word of God The Father, thru the Movement of The Holy Spirit...

    ...may we all seek after this...

  2. Gary: Several Questions...

    ...If one hates the Jewish People, this is anti-Semitism...correct?...

    ...What if one hates Arabs?, isn't this anti-Semitism, too?...

    Response: Yes.

    Gary:...The Arabs are Semites, they are descended from Abraham thru Ishmael, they too are from the same stock and genetics as the Jewish People...and their blodline isn't the most purist...David was born out of wedlock, there is Moabite blood as well...what makes for a good bloodline?...GODS LOVE!

    Response: I agree, but As you know there is an eternal covenant by the Hebrews to possess the land in Genesis 12. They are also the chosen people. Being chosen doesn't mean racial supremacy, but chosen for a duty. Just like Christians are chosen, doesn't mean Christians are racially superior to Muslims or Jews.

    Gary: When Evangelical Christians preach hate against the Arabs, when secular Zionist preach the extermination of Arabs, when average people on the street say "we ought to just nuke them sand niggers!"..."them sand niggers"?! know, Jews are "sand niggers", too!...I guess one could say that Jesus was a "sand nigger" as well (of course I DO NOT say this with a blasphemous intent...

    Response: What evidence can you cite that Evangelical Christians preach hate against Arabs? I want to hear that. Oh I get it. When many Arabs (not all) steal millions of square miles of land in N. Africa and threatening Sudan (killing blacks), that isn't hate. But, when people promote God's covenant, that's hate. I don't support saying slurs against anyone. I don't type that stuff on the Net.

    Gary: I am an unworthy sinner...a Christian)...and all those Jews who came before him...David, Joshua, Jerimiah, Jesse, Joseph, Samuel, Moses, Noah, Elisha, Elijah, Ezekiel...all these and other Jews...see my point...we cannot refer to Arabs with hatred...only LOVE, the LOVE OF THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD!...are there things that I dislike and don't trust about the Arabs...sure...are there things I dislike and don't trust about the World-Empire-Loving-Monarchial English...sure...are there things about the Irish (of which I have both Irish and Anglo blood in my background) that I dislike and mistrust...sure...are there things about any other ethnic backgrounds in the world that I don't like and mistrust?...sure...but hatefilled words against the Arab World is just as evil as hatefilled words against the Jews, the English, the Irish, the Native Americans, Chechens, French, Japanese, and the list goes on...hateful hate is antiChrist...and ALL MEN...Arabs, Jews, Americans, Christians, Muslims, Hindus will find themselves answering to The Lord for hating and killing...WE ALL will answer to these charges...

    The ONLY the Love of The Messiah, Jesus, The Incarnate Word of God The Father, thru the Movement of The Holy Spirit...

    ...may we all seek after this...

    Response: I agree, but we disagree on God's eternal covenant given to the Hebrew people.

  3. Ultimately the hatred of Jewish people or any people comes from Satan.

    By Timothy

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