
Thursday, January 26, 2006

Resisting Evil
Heavy criticism comes towards me, because sometimes I say controversial comments. I respond to people and I don't back down at all. Resisting evil is part of our duty and it should be encorporated into our daily lives. As for people like "Masonic Traveler", I guess he forgotten that many political figures like Henry Kissinger, George H. W. Bush, David Rockefeller, and other people have all called for a New World Order or an one world government. Therefore, the New World Order concept is not a myth at all. It's very real. The facts of history and the evil of many people in government have made me to have no other choice but to talk about subjects that are relevant to the world. World Net Daily in January 24, 2006 reported on the Texas border standoff with the Mexican military. The deal is many of the Mexican military are inside of the U.S. border and they are assisting drug smugglers according to Chief Deputy Mike Doyal of the Hudspeth County Sheriff's Department. This relates to the constant illegal immigration problem in American society. It isn't just the Bush administration that we must dissent with, but other propagandists. Many of them are in talk radio and the media like Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, and other Neo Con folks. Ruppert Murdoch is one person from FOX spewing information in media that are half-hearted and their information doesn't possess much meat to people. That's why the alternative media is so popular, because you can listen to any side you want then make up your own minds. These Neo Cons are right on some issues, but refuse to talk about the evils of vaccines, the occult Secret Societies, the real problem of torture of some in the military (even now Adam B. Kushner from the Washington Examiner wrote an article on January 26 2006 describing the excessive torture from the FOX show "24." Like always, torture is forever immoral), and other great big issues.

Problems continue to reign in America all of the time it seems. I like public schools and I'm a product of them. I love home schooling, private schools, and all kinds of education. On the other hand, it's sad for me to say that many public schools have problems like unnecessary indoctrination of children plus others forms of vice. Also, I'm not a far left wing guy. I'm a regular American citizen who created a blog discussing about the issues of the day. For me, I abhor the evil of abortion and aborted baby parts now the are being sold into the black market, I don't agree with the unConstitutional war in Iraq (only Congress declares War from Article 1, Section 8 without a Resolution) where thousands of people have died, I can't stand pornography, and I can't stand a lot of the evil propaganda filth on television as well. Now, isn't a time for a pity party though. I'm going to act and keep on fighting for truth, love, family, and authentic freedom to spread across America and the globe. Also, I disagree with Mormonism, because Freemason Joseph Smith invented it, Mormonism believe that Jesus can to Ancient America, you can become your own god, many gods existed before, and that Lucifer and Jesus are spirit brothers, which are obviously false. I don't agree with the Jesuits and I don't agree with the occult-influenced Lodge of Freemasonry. Additionally, I will never accept the tenets of Scientology, because Scientology was formed by L. Ron Hubbard (a follower of the England Satanist Aliester Crowley, who also worked for British Intelligence) and they readily have unscriptural, occult teachings plus they bash those who are disabled., I have a First Amendment right to believe in what I want and I will never back down. As long as I live on this Earth, I will still embrace and maintain my beliefs. Many people all in the world believe as I do and with the help of God, I won't stop because I can't stop.

Of course, CAFTA isn't my cup of tea. It merge the economies of many nations and it violates our national sovereignty on many levels. Also, the harsh conditions unto poor laborers will continue and the power of multinational corporations are enhanced. I want to congradulate many pro-Second Amendment and pro-gun groups like the JPFO (or Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. The Executive Director of the JFPO is Aaron Zelman) for their stand. They mention that lately they've recieved anti-Semitic emails (in their January 18, 2006 article), but we must encourage people to go out and resist evil. JPFO's film,that I've seen is called "Innocents Betrayed." It's an excellent movie about radical gun control's negative effects onto many people. The results have lead to genocide and extermination of Jewish people, Africans, Asians, Turks, and groups of people from across the globe. Many Jewish people other than JPFO are saying the truth about this issue like Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe. Some bad news is that not only Washington D.C., but now San Francisco recently passed a law banning the private ownership of handguns., How crazy can many people become, yet this is America. The anti-gun crowd obviously hate the Second Amendment and truly don't love all of the Bill of Rights indeed.

A lot of people in the world need to stop hanging onto New Age Kabbala adherents and moral reprobates like Britney Spears (a woman who performed like a whore on Television. No real man wants to marry a whore or a slut. That's not right) and Madonna (who bashed conservative Christianity many times). Instead, they need to embrace real role models like true religious leaders, those who are exposing government corruption, and people in their own family and friends who are living righteously. There are morals and absolutes in life and our ethics, so making moral absolutes as a guide will create comfort and peace into many people's lives. 9/11 is a memory that will carry me for the rest of my life. I remember the events. I was a Freshman in college when it occured. What is the truth? A lot of people don't want the regularly citizenry to know it. It's the following: As early as 1995, the U.S. recieved warnings of a plot to hijack planes and crash them into building. Building Number Seven had no plane hitting it (it had localized fires), yet it fell in a symmetrical fashion second in less than 7 seconds. Not to mention that Larry Silverstein (the owner of Building #7) said he "pull it" in reference to Building 7. There is controversy on what he meant, but there is no controversy that "pull it" is a common phrase used by engineers to demolish buildings. That's a fact. Many witnesses like newsreporters, victims, and even firefighters heard or reported on bombs going off in the Twin Towers. George W. Bush signed W199I, which ordered some members of the FBI to stop investigating some people accused of terrorism. Reports say that the U.S. plan an invasion of Afghanistan before 9/11/2001. Let's not forget that on February 2005, a 32 story skyscraper in Madrid Spain never collapsed by fire alone (though it had massive flames in it), yet the Twin Towers collapsed. No steel skyscraper have ever collapsed by fire alone prior to 9/11/2001. Signs of the controlled demolition can be clearly seen in the 3 main Towers that feel down. Rational people and essays have made the case that 9/11 was a product of an inside job. This is rational, because governments have been involved in terror attacks for centuries.

Hamas won the election in Palestine. The Palestinians elected what they want and voted on who they desired. I believe like always that both sides in the Middle East crisis made mistakes and committed terrorist evil. I believe that a real reform must occur on both sides. On MSNBC's Keith Olbermann's show, the head of NSA General Hayden tried to deny that the Fourth Amendment have anything to do with using probable cause as an excuse to searches and seizures against American citizens. This is one sign of many people in government's intend to expand the power of the executive branch, which violates the concept of checks and balances (which is so vital in the stabilization of the Bill of Rights and Constitution). Now, it's been found that the FBI even investigated non-threaten groups like Code Pink, vegans, Greenpeace. That crowd isn't my cup of tea, but I don't believe that they should be unfairly spied upon by the federal government at all. Bush's State of the Union address is coming up next week and we must continue in what we're doing.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)


  1. Anonymous09:19

    I didn't have to be informed that Timothys freshman year in high school was 2001. All I had to do was try to follow the reasoning of a very young man who has a little clue. If, he survives, he may actually get there. Good Luck, Tim. Stay on track and you will eventually mature to understanding.

  2. 2001 was actually my freshman year in college, but thanks for your compliment.

  3. On second though, I do have a clue. You just doubt information. You doubt many people talking about a New World Order. You doubt the strange beliefs of Mormonism. You doubt the occult nature of Freemasonry. You doubt the rational evidence of the inconsistencies of the offical story of 9/11. Also, I've mentioned mainstream sources to back up what I say. I just graduated from college and you need to wake up. I have understanding and I'm mature. Next time bring real facts and sources on why you dissent with me without unfair, false, and weak ad-hominem attacks.

  4. Anonymous22:52

    Try the Seventh Day Adventist Church, check out check out walter Veith, check out some awesome sermons on audio verse. check out David Asscherick. 3ABN television. at
