
Monday, February 06, 2006

More info.


There is no doubt the Jesuit Order rules Washington and they are using the Red Romanist Right Republican Party to usher in what Jesuit Francisco Suarez called "blessed depotism" to the Fourteenth Amendment America.Roman Catholic John Boehner, the newly elected House Republican Majority Leader is a Jesuit-trained (at Xavier University in Cincinnati) Knight of Columbus. other candidate was "Baptist" Roy Blunt who replaced Tom DeLay following his indictment as acting and interim Leader was former president of his alma mater Southwest Baptist University and he is a Freemason.

-Brother Nick Rivera




What I've found over time is that this site WhatReallyHappened.Com is a Temporal Coadjutor working for the Glory of Rome. If you study this site it is made up of much Zionist information trying to yet again blame the Jews for everything and the whole conspiracy. Now all us in the know who follow the TRUTH know its nothing to do with Zionists but its SIONISTS and their white/Gentiles not Jews. Now many people talk of this site and Rense being agents for disinformation. Both push the Zionists and Jews and Rense goes one step further with Bird Flus and HIV amongst other things. I've noticed that WhatReallyHappened always attacks information coming from the very few truthsayers left. We had this rubber mouthed site mouthing off slagging Tom Flocco a few times but especially over the early information on the Indictments. They said it was hogwash you name it. When this event happened with so far Scooter Libby they went quiet then when pushed started coming out with more trash. They claimed it wasn't the big deal Flocco and company made out etc. We'll things like this don't just happen all at once and this site was destroyed when Libby was done.Now lets look at Sherman Skolnick one of the few old timers whos been on the money with his information more times than David Rockefella. This site attacked Shermans information along with gave disinformation about the NY subway attacks by saying they didn't take place. The truth was that the American French Alliance (AFA) had stopped the attacks this time MOSSAD was being used instead of MI5 which AFA stopped in Chicago. My friends Cloak & Dagger the home of Lenny Bloom and Skolnick gets attacked and hacked an aweful lot. Tom Flocco, Tom Heneghen and company all suffer regular and these are some of the handful of truthsayers left. Now whats also funny is that Skolnick and co have ousted The Jesuit Order on many occasionals (The true leader of the world conspiracy). Now WhatReallyHappened won't go their because its a site set up either by FBI Division 5, ONI, CIA etc who are working for the Glory of Rome and its Order of Illuminati group and Masonic branches and organisations.

Whos a regular at Cloak & Dagger? Eric Jon Phelps "Mr History" whos information is very very dangerous and frightening because its actually true for once.Now we have this Temporal Coadjutor trying once again to attack a regular of Cloak & Dagger known as Captain Eric May from Ghost Troop who helped stop the attack on Jan 31 in Houston Texas. Don't forget Greg with his good articles also who is obviously now a target. If you tell the truth you get harrassed, discredited, discourage and attacked.So if you want to keep listening to someone who diverts you from the real leaders of this conspiracy called New World Order (GLORY OF ROME) then do so. If you want the truth listen to people like Barry Chamish, Sherman Skolnick, Tom Henegen, Eric Jon Phelps, Lenny Bloom, Tom Flocco etc. Remember The Jesuit Order was called in France The Company of SION. The conspiracy is run by SIONISTS not Zionists and their white and gentile and their the Church of Rome (Jesuit Order, Sovereign Military of Malta, Opus Dei & Vatican). These other sites will have you thinking Rothschilds rule the world when their just bankers/agents/court jews for the Church of Rome. Feel free to be fooled by Temporals who earn such a lot of money they can fund large sites with large bandwidths unlike truthsayers who run small sites or need subscriptions to keep information coming.



I realized several years ago that was a disinformation clearinghouse. Have you noticed how Muslim organizations are always advertizing on that website? Mike Rivero is another stooge saying that there is a conspiracy by the "Zionist neoconservatives" to destroy Islam. He is supposedly an atheist, but so was Gorbachev, who was friends with the pope and spoke at Robert Schuller's church.

-Mark Brewer


I really do get fed up of the world using the term Zionist when its Sionist again smoke and mirrors to cloak the white gentiles formerly known as The Company of Sion. They use the words Illuminati, Zionist and many others to try to keep themselves from not being seen. Well Society of Jesus I've found you and I will continue to oust you and your SMOM buddies!



Jim Nicholson was the head of the Republican National Committee when Bush first ran for president in 2000. In the words of senator Sam Brownback, "The 2000 Republican Platform called for the full implementation of the Iraq Liberation Act and support for the Iraqi opposition. I, along with many of my colleagues, have long supported that policy and hope the Administration will work to advance it." Iraq Liberation Act was signed into law by the Jesuit trained Bill Clinton on October 31, 1998. all know how the Vatican publicly condemned the Iraq war, but Jim Nicholson was knighted by the pope in October of 2003! One of the key players in creating the Iraq war was knighted by the pope. This is a perfect example of the Vatican being on both sides of a problem."Prior to his nomination, Mr. Nicholson served as U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See, a position he held since 2001, where he became a well-known advocate in Rome for the elevation of human dignity, giving special emphasis to human trafficking, religious freedom, starvation and bio-tech food, HIVAIDS, and international terrorism. He was knighted by Pope John Paul II in October 2003 for this work representing the U.S. to the Vatican."



George Washington was a temporal co-adjutor, not only because he converted to Catholicism, but also because he favored an authoritarian government and opposed the Bill of Rights. He also appointed Freemason Pierre Charles L'enfant to draw the occult blueprint for Washington DC. Regarding Sheehan, this person is another stooge [like Michael Moore] who is leading the opposition the the Iraq war, which is falsely portrayed as a war waged against Islam by "Zionist neoconservatives". In reality, exactly the opposite is taking place. The war is being fought for Islam and the best way to agitate Muslims is to make them think that they are being attacked by Jews. Sheehan is also a practicing Catholic who is trying to mobilize other Catholics against the war. By opposing the war people support the Papacy and by supporting the war people support the Papacy. You cannot win in a Jesuit dialectic scheme. Remember the post I did about how the Vatican created the Iraq war? Now the Vatican is behind the opposition to the war!

-Mark Brewer

She is (a tool) now. Running for a government office!Cindy was just an every day Mom who's son who had been killed in the war when she came down here to Crawford in August while President Bush was at the ranch. She just sat on a lawn chair on the little country road out to the ranch & said she wasn't moving until she gained audience with the President. Nobody bothered her for a day or two.Then the press corps, bored silly playing cards in the community center in town & nothing to do except buy another cup of coffee at the Yellow Rose, got wind that there was a gal who came all the way from California to see the President and wasn't going to leave until she met with him. They went to talk to her, got her story, and boom! Instant celebrity. In two weeks Cindy had every liberal anti-war, anti-Bush, anti-Republican, we-protest-everything group championing her cause and wanting her to champion theirs.She had a pretty good case going, but she lost her credibility by her coarse language and by allowing extreme leftists into her inner circle. Mainstream USA couldn't handle that & dismissed her after a couple of months. Now she's seen as just another troublemaker.


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