
Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Pure Strength and No Intimidation.

Really, the world is very different from after 9/11. People are talking about terrorism, hate crime laws, and the like. Recently, Muslims rioted as a response to a carciture of Muhammad with bombs in his turban. This occured in Lebanon and other nations. Muslims were offended, because Islam teaching forbid any image of Muhammad to be shown like Christians are forbidden to worship an image. The truth is that for freedom of speech sake, the artists has a right to show that editorial, but I personally wouldn't shown it. I'm just as dissenting with Islam as anyone, but I don't believe that unnecessary demonization of people is a good tactic in getting your point across. I don't believe that all Muslims are terrorists or all Arabs are evil. I'm not stupid, but there is a radical element in Islam (formed mainly by the Wahhabi sect in the 1800's) that Muslims and people of faith globally must fight against. Some have speculated that the riots were contrived to create more anti-Muslim sentiment in the Middle East plus to get European nations more gun ho on the "war on terror." Recently, France had those riots. Merete Eldrup, who is the managing director of JP/Politikens Hus (the company that published the cartoons, is the wife of Anders Eldrup). Anders Eldrup is a Bilderberg member who has attended the last five Bilderberg meetings. The Bilderberg Group not only proposed a global tax, but discussed about invading Iraq in March 2003. I'm still not compromising an inch of my core convictions. I believe Israel have a right to exist, but I disagree with any evil that the government of Israel has done. I dissent with Roman Catholicism for many reasons, I abhor the occult Lodge of Freemasonry, and I love to embrace traditional values. That isn't going to change for me at all. I'm a man and I will stand by my convictions totally. There has been a lot of fear mongering by the administration, but according to Bill Gertz (of THE WASHINGTON TIMES) on February 2, 2006, U.S. counter terrorism officals said that "al-Qaeda" is not about to do a looming terror attack. Also, many of the media and the Neo-Cons omit that fake terror alerts existed and there is the infamous fake tape of Osama bin Laden. Rumors of war with Iran keep on coming from all quarters across the globe. One example is from Russian parliamentary leader has told Ekho Moskvy radio station that the attack on Iran will come in late March 2006. This might be true or not. It has always been a goal of the elite to use crisis, religious animosity, balkanization, multiculturalism, and racial plus cultural hatred as an excuse to submit under an one world government. Well, we must not go into that route. We must stand firm, accept the Bill of Rights and Constitution, embrace and be thankful of our cultural heritage without racial hatred, and keep on fighting and defending our own precepts. That's our goal and duty as human beings. Internet 2 is nothing more than a censorship scheme dedicated to force people to align with the establishment's line on terrorism, 9/11, abortion, and other issues or be restricted from Internet access.

This new anti-Semitism is getting stronger than ever in Patriot circles. I've never seen it so bad. It's a good thing that I'm here to refute these people though. I think Larry Lawson needs to look at the Jesuit/Knight of Malta influence more carefully. While these bigots scheme and claim that they are just talking about Zionists, but really it's a veiled and slick assault on all Jewish people in general. They want to Forget that the Mossad was help by a SMOM, forget the SMOM control in a lot of our banking. Forget the occult Zionist's (plus Freemasonry's) origin from Gentile ancient Babylonian and ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools. Forget the terrible Jewish porgroms and forget the Vatican's (an other groups') assault on Jews and Gentiles way before the "Illuminati" in 1776 was invented. Also, they want to Forget the persecutions by radical Islam (not all Muslims) and the radical Islamic/Nazi axis, etc.
Recently, I've debated the woman Joanna Francis who believe in the lie that Jews in general are responsible for the evil, immoral abortion holocaust. She bashed Baptists and Protestants, which I don't agree with. One fact that (out of many) that I said to refute her is that Margaret Sanger wasn't Jewish and invented Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is the strongest abortion provider on Earth and it's headed by Gentiles not Jews at all. There's always a difference between evil secular Jews (even if most Jewish people in America are secular, that doesn't mean that the majority of abortion supporters are Jewish because there are more Gentiles than Jews in America) and good conservative Jewish people who abhor abortion, don't agree with the Talmud, and want true liberty for all mankind. Joanna Francis (unfortunately she had an abortion and I do show some compassion about that) is right to call abortion evil and is 100% correct to disagree with the Masonic Lodge. I have Sympathy for Joanna, but I just peacefully disagree with her. Many Jewish Groups like Messanic Jews, conservative Jewish people, Jews for Morality and Jews for Life oppose abortion very vehemently like she does. Abortion is still murder and genocide. Now, many people are trying to unfairly bash Greg Szymanski for the simple reason of him trying to investigate the Jesuit, P-2 Masonry, and the New World Order.

Other silly things are going on as well. USNewswire reported on how Democratic Rep. Linda Chapa Lavia Seeks Statewide Ban on Water Pistols and even hunting rifles. The Illinois State Rifle Association mentioned this as well. Executive Director Richard Pearson is right to point out that this HB4132 (a plot to ban water guns) is a possible key to try to ban all private handguns in Illinois. Tryants and other criminals supported this evil gun confiscation agenda for centuries from Ancient Rome to Hitler, Stalin and Mao. The Degradation of alot of moral, traditonal values is nothing new. Ancient Rome, Nazi Germany, and other places in times places collapsed for complex, varied reasons, but one of them was the depleting of the social mores. It was just a miracle that the Vermont judge reversed his corrupt decision of sending a pedophile sending to 60 days to jail. What's the lesson? The lesson is that we must have pure strength, but be intimidated by no one except God. Also, we need to have patience and not to be caught up tearing people apart. We need to peacefully disagree with people on some issues, but try to fight against globalization and all forms of evil. The reason is that permanent division and unnecessary finger points equates no results. We must fight and strive to get results in our own lives.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

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