
Monday, March 27, 2006

New Beginnings Part 4

The Environmental Movement

A beautiful sphere is one description of the Earth. The environment may be a clear cut issue, but among some people, it's still a controversy. Most human beings, regardless of ideology, support fighting against pollution, clean air, clean water, pentiful trees, and rich land. On the other hand, extremists are using the environmental movement as an excuse for Gaia worship and population control (plus stealing private property). A lot of this is funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. It's kinda hilarious and funny that these people follow to the tune of Rockefeller's agenda. Before moving forward, Global Warming must be evaluated. Global warming is the view that the Earth's temperatures are rising, because of man made increasing CO2 levels inside of the atmosphere. I believe GLOBAL WARMING THAT'S 100% MAN MADE IS A HOAX. I further believe that climate change is both a product of nature and some influences of man. No one denies climate change though. People disagree and agree with this view. The truth is that patriots and exposers of evil, who are on both sides of this issue, must not be maligned as shills. We can all agree to disagree on this issue. The truth is that we are warmer than a century ago. Yet, we're colder than the Middle Ages (from ca. 1100-1500). There was no doomsday situation in those years at all. CO2 is used by plants and can be good for the Earth in the presence of pentiful trees and plant life. It's also funny that volcanoes show tons of CO2 gases as well. Temperatures of the earth go up and down in cycles. The sun does have a role in climate change along with certain high tech devics like HAARP according to many researchers. Even
Robert Roy Britt (of Live Science) on October 3 2005 mentioned a science report proving that the sun does have some role in climate changes. Global warming in terms of the Earth being warmer is true, but it hasn't been all man-made in the past at all. Also, all of global warming isn't man made now. Unfortunately, man made devices don't help the climate change. That being said, I support hydrogen feul cells, hemp, solar energy, I oppose evil deforestation, and I enjoy other alternative energy sources. Many greens and the elite are using this climate change as an excuse for world taxes and controlling of resources. They want hysteria and fear, but new technologies without hysteria can solve many of our problems.

Finally, I want to discover about extremists. If you're a sincere environmentalist who don't accept the views of extremist, then I'm not talking about you. The Club of Rome is one group accepting the over population lie and wanting depopulation. Agenda 21 is supported by the United Nations to take over private property rights. Al Gore is a darling of the Greens. What many Greens don't know that Gore support Gaia as the Mother Goddes. He says the conservative Christians are equvilanet to the Taliban and Christians cut down the sacred honor of preserving the enviornment. This mumbo gumbo is in his book "Earth in the Balance." Christian Diane Dew wrote about Gore's New Ageism and Universialism. Kinda ironic that Gore is green, yet his family supported the Oil industry for decades. That's why Big Oil (i.e. Rockefeller) put up the money to found the U.N. and many far left causes. That tells me the elite in the Green movement are the real problem. Maurice Strong from the U.N. is another extremist.

Good News

A lot of times people rarely talk about the good news in the world. Many people of all ethnic groups and races are business people, theologians, and great contributors to society. Tons of people are waking up about 9/11, science, natural medicine, torture, Iraq, real history, and tons of other subjects. I don't live in unfair demonizing. These Neo-Cons are just living in fantasy land like Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, and other folks.

I Don't Quit

Relegating stagnation and compromise is no where to be found within my thinking. Purely, a sense of strength and fidelity is my purpose. It's been a long journey. The special thing is that I'm in my 20's and I'm going to write, blog, and be active for deacades to come. As we all know, economic problems persist in America. One such aspect of this problem involve pensions. The White House claims to enorse pension reform, but many corporations want reforms to suit their own agendas (i.e. airline companies desire escape clauses and delays in paying pensions to workers). Companies like Exxon won't supply 100% of pensions to people as said by MSNBC's Joe Scarborough. Bird Flu is all over the media now. A lot of stories about it shown in a hysterical way is a hoax. For example, University of Ottawa flu virologist Earl Brown claimed that bird flu is man made from 1878 in poutlry farming. To Earl, Scotland in 1959 had the pathogenic strain of H5NI. Dozens of people have died. The government is certainly promoting the Tamiflu drugs in the millions. Dr. Joseph Mercola said that the anti-bird flu vaccine is ineffective. As for Long Island, there are problems there as people who leave there know about. People speculate about terrorism in Long Island in the future.

Our goal isn't fearing this stuff though. Paranoid people and skepdics want us to be afraid and fearful. God wants us to be strong and try us best to show as much accurate information as possible. People are now talking about Charlie Sheen. I agree with him 100% that questions need to be answered about 9/11 and al-Qaeda can't make every event of 9/11 transpire. It's just impossible. The offical story of 9/11 is destroyed. I agree with Sheen on 9/11. It's weird that the mainstream media is trying to intimidate people to conform to the offical story of 9/11. I find it interesting that According to

American Free Press writer Chris Bollyn, Jonathan Towers (a promoter of the offical story) is a member of Skulls and Bones since 1982. Well, the offical story have holes that you can fly a 757 through. It's almost wild that many in the media are trying to demonize Sheen on this issue. What is good though is that the CNN show called Showbizz had a fair assessement of this "controversy." There is not a controversy in my opinion. There is no question that 9/11 is an inside job. The government trained the hijackers (even CNN on September 11, 2002 reported on how an FBI informat was a landlord for 2 of the "hijackers") and many were on board the aircraft. George W. Bush supported W199I preventing FBI agents to arrest those accused of terrorism. On the other hand, elements of the governments allowed the Twin Towers to collapse and NORAD stood down. Building Seven mysteriously collapsed when no plane hit it. One funny show was Hannity and Colmes. Hannity called Sheen a nut with no evidence whatsoever, while Colmes said that Alex Jones is a conservative (which is true and I'm socially conservative myself). Colmes agrees with the offical story of 9/11.

One false thing Alan Colmes did say that this is all Right Wing. That is false. Many left wing and right wing patriots are in the 9/11 Truth Movement. It has nothing to do with ideology at all. It has to do with facts, documents, witnesses (firefighters and other folks talk about bombs going off in the buildings), and logical information backed up by professors (like David Ray Griffin), newspapers, books, and other sources. This sources are all over the places. The mainstream forgotten that al-Qaeda never did drills on 9/11, warm Willie Brown and government officals not to fly on 9/11 ( proves this). WINGTV has its book 9-11 on Trial, which is one of the easiest reads to refute Bush's story on 9/11. Also, Alex Jones have made many videos on this subject like Martial Law: 9-11 Road to Tyranny. Alex even appeared on CNN's Showbizz show to make his views known. The Neo-Cons criticized don't want to take about Project for a New American Century outlining a plan to invade the Middle East before 9/11 as well. It even mentioned "a Pearl Harbor like event" as a catalyst for that. I disagree with Alex on some issues. Yet, Alex Jones is 100% correct about 9/11, Pro-Life truths, illegal immigration, and globalization. I will not follow Sheen as a god, but I will respect a man when he's right on some point. I will give credit for that. I already know Sheen's father linked to the Jesuits. I don't agree with Sheen father's anti-gun, pro-disarmament agenda as well. A CNN Showbiz Tonight poll show that 80%+ people agree with Sheen. Many in worldly Hollywood are waking up. That's good, but Hollywood must also morally improve itself. It's not enough to know some of the truth, but all of us want act righteously and be moral. Hopefully the whole country can wake up. has much info about this issue. Experts like the father of Reaganomics and former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury Paul Craig Roberts, BYU physics Professor Steven Jones, former German defense minister Andreas von Buelow, former MI5 officer David Shayler, former Blair cabinet member Michael Meacher, and former Chief Economist for the Department of Labor during President George W. Bush's first term Morgan Reynolds question the offical story of 9/11. They're in the 9/11 Truth Movement. Governments have done terrorist act for thousands of years, so it isn't insane to view 9/11 as an inside job. The U.S. govt. funded the Taliban and many Muslim radical groups.

There is hope for those in Hollywood to do that, so I'm not saying that there is no hope. Terri Schiavo's first anniversary is coming up. Liberty to Captives Ministries cited Florida Statues (statues 765.309, 458.326, and 782.08) banning enuthanasia and self murder, therefore Terri's death was illegal. Not to mention that the Geneva Convention (at Article 54 of Protocol I and Article 14 of Protocol II) forbids intentional starvation as a means to kill someone. Did the liberals read this in their handbooks. It is never justified to starve an innocent woman to death at all.
Theresa de Vera is one woman who protested against Terri's executive and the pro-death agenda. I'm nobody's fool and I don't back down. I will never quit.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)








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