Throughout history and today, a few elite people control he majority of the world's global affairs. Today, these rulers readily are related to each other in bloodlines. This is outlined in Fritz Springmeier's book called "Bloodlines of the Illuminati." This brotherhood embrace the occult. The occult that they follow goes back into the Gentile Ancient Mystery Schools of Babylon and Egypt. The whole goal of these people is the centralization of power unto themselves in a pyramidal structure. That's why see a Pan American Union and an European Union promoted by elites. This is globalization. One of the other goals of the globalists is to form a world government, a cashless economy, and an one world religion. Even 32° Freemason Foster Bailey admitted that he want to form a world universal religion from the Spirit of Masonry on pg. 29. The elite use occult secret societies, banking, internationalist organizations, religions (i.e. Dan Crouch, Jerry Falwell, Billy Graham, Charles Colson, Pat Robertson, Jim Wallis, etc. all either have elite connections or support the agenda of the Elite. For example, Pat Robertson is a member of the Elite Council on National Policy and got his start from help from the late Knight of Malta J. Peter Grace) to control governments and the masses of the world. People have always wanted the name of the most powerful people on Earth. A while back, I've listed many of the most powerful organizations on Earth. For years, people have debated on who has the most power on Earth. As for me, I've always named names. I will again in the following. Who rules the world? From my research, the Vatican and Black Nobility families plus high level bloodlines rule the world. You can look at history to see that.
You really can't talk about world power without outlining the Vatican. The Vatican is headed by Jesuit head General Hans-Kolvenbach (according to Eric Jon Phelps, the Jesuits rule the Vatican) and Pope Benedict XVI. Now, the Vatican has over 1.1 billion followers. The Vatican State not only has diplomatic relations with many nations of the world. It has a well documentated past of being in world affairs from Constantine, Waldensian perseuctions, the Inquistion, Congress of Vienna, the Council on Trent, its decrees like the Syllabus of Errors condemning modern civilization and Bible Societies, the use of Knights of Malta funding the Nazis during WWII, the Ustasha terror squads, its Knights of Malta having heavy influence in the CIA, etc. The Vatican has large investments with Morgan Bank, Chase Manhattan, the Rothschilds, First Bankers Trust Company, etc. The Vatican has billions of shares in international corporations like Gulf Oil, IBM, General Motors, General Electric, etc. Therefore, the Vatican is the wealthiest religious creed on the face of the Earth hands down. Now in the 1980's, Avro Manhattan wrote that the Vatican had $571,704,953 in the Boston archDiocese and ca. $500 million dollars in some investments in companies alone in the USA. We still don't know the total wealth of the Vatican. The Vatican is near Rome and controlls all of the Knights of Malta (head by the Britian Sir Andrew Bertie, who is the cousin of Queen Elizabeth II. The Knights of Malta are in corporations, military industrial complex, and other spheres of influence), the Vatican rules the Opus Dei, the Vatican controlls all of the Knights of Columbus, etc.
High profile Vatican followers include Roman Catholic & CFR member billionare Rupert Murdoch. Murdoch owns Fox News Corporation and News Corporation had assets of $23.859 billion in 2005 alone. Roman Catholic Knight of Malta Gustavo Cisneros is a billionare Chairman and CEO of the Cisneros Group of Companies. He's a member of the 1001 Club. It has influence in Latin America and the Virgin Islands. Cisneros Cisneros has received Spain's Order of Isabel la Católica, conferred by His Majesty King Juan Carlos I (also a 1001 Club member and Knights of Malta). The Vatican is still very popular in Third World Nations. So, anyone saying that the Vatican has no power or has no influence is living in a dream world.
Queen Elizabeth (a descendant of a Black ["Geulp" Nobility or a Merovingian bloodline) has great power in not only owning companies, but being in the Order of the Garter and a World Patroness of Freemasonry. The Order of the Garter was created by King Edward III in 1348. According to Tim Cohen's research in his book "The Antichrist and A Cup of Tea," The Order of the Garter was went to be above the Priory of Zion, the Knights Templars, and the Rosicrucians. Members in the Garter include Prince Anne, Prince Phillip, the Duke of Kent, and the late Japanese Emperor Hirohito. Tim Cohen writes that the Garter has power ruling the Order of the St. John of Jerusalem (many of them head or are involved with multinational corporation with members like James H. Cary, who is one of the officers of Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan Bank. The late Louis M. Bloomfield is a member. The Order of St. John is the Protestant version of the Knights of Malta). The head of all English Freemasons is Prince Edward, the Duke of Kent (based in London, which is called the Grand Lodge of World Freemasonry). John Daniel wrote of the global power of English and French Freemasonry.
Evidence proves that British Royalty (i.e. the Windsors are from the Germanic family of Saxe-Cothurg Gotha) along with other European Royalty as one of the most powerful people on Earth as well. For example, Daniel Estulin told Alex Jones in a May 2005 interview that the Queen of Spain and Holland plus the Prince of Belgium came into the Bilderberg Group. The Bilderbergers are made up of some of them most wealthiest and politically powerful people in the Earth. Sir Evelyn Rothschild appears to be powerful just like Baron Rothschild, because recently Evelyn controlled both the French and British Rothschild banking empire. According to Gaylon Ross, the Rothschild family was worth over $100 trillion in 1998. Some estimate it as high as almost $400 trillion. According to, the Rothschild groups get about 828 million pounds in revenue per year. Many have called the Rothschilds only the Vatican bankers since the Vaticans own more than just fiat money [that the Rothschilds have, which is worthless], but material wealth (in diamonds, art, knowledge, documents, etc.) Also, F. Tupper Saussy (Author of the book Rulers of Evil) wrote that the Rothschilds are Gaurdians of the Vatican's wealth.
Who runs occult, secular Zionism. It's run by the Rothshilds and high level Freemasonry (i.e. B'nai B'rith invented and runs the ADL. B'nai B'rith as said by Anton Chaitkan is an offshoot of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. A high number of Israeli Prime Ministers are Masons. Even some Rothschilds have been Masons. Bronfman is a prominent family of Canada owning Seagram alcohol industry.) The Anti-Torah, Pro-Talmud Masonic Jewish Zionists play a significant role in world affairs. Many anti-Semites prop them up as ruling the world, yet omit or disregard the Vatican, Black Nobility, Pilgrim Society, Knight of Malta, and other connections to world affairs.
The following are other world players. Lord Peter Carrington is a Freemason, Order of the Garter, and Order of Osiris according to Dr. John Coleman and Fritz Springmeier. The late Italian Giovanni Agnelli is not only a Bilderberger member, but in the Agnelli was a member of the 1001 Club, the Trilateral Commission, and the European Round Table. Etienne Davignon is another world player. David Rockefeller is one of the heads of the Pan American Union movement. Henry Kissinger is another big player.Joël van der Reijden;s research has found that he is a "...Fritz Kraemer and Rockefeller protege; friend of Jacob and Evelyn de Rothschild; Pilgrims Society; 1001 Club; Le Cercle; Bohemian Grove camp Mandalay; permanent Bilderberg member; Trilateral Commission; Aspen Institute; opened up China; Open Russia Foundation; founder Kissinger Associates; director CFR; Hollinger; J.P. Morgan; chair advisory board AIG..."(from
The Pilgrim Society, Le Cerle (an international intelligence group filled with Knights of Malta), and the 1001 Club are 3 groups that encompasses tons of organizations who are involved with globalization. According to Ross, the Japenese elite readily are in the Trilateral Commission. There is no question about the agenda behind the Brotherhood of Secret Societies and occult groups. From the literature of 33rd Degree Manly P. Hall and others, they seek to create a New Atlantis where universal democracies are spread across the globe. This was written by Francis Bacon (a powerful Rosicrucian) in the early 1600's and others. Hall went as far as calling America itself as the New Atlantis. Why do you think this country exist as it exist now with skyscrapers, airplanes, and underwater vehicles. This (i.e. skyscrapers, etc.) was all written by Sir Francis Bacon and others centuries ago. The movie "Secret Mysteries of America’s Beginnings: Volume I" made by Cutting Edge Ministries explained this so well.
Let's learn more about Freemasonry, shall we. Most Masons are in the Blue Degrees (or 1st to 3rd Degrees). No females are permitted at male masonic functions. If Freemasonry is so comptable with Biblical Christianity, then why does Freemasonry accept the pro-Muslim, Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (or Shriners). Masons who want to become Shriners must swear an oath praising Allah and Muhammad. According to John Daniel, Freemasons use the Eleusinian Mysteries of Greece as an influence in the initiation ceremony of the 3rd Degree Master Mason. There's always a Solomon link to the Masons. As early as the 1800's, Quatour Coronati Lodge member Sir Charles Warren advocated the rebuilding of Solomon's Temple. Executive Intelligence Review on December 3rd, 2000 wrote that members of British Freemasonry support rebuilding Solomon's Temple. The Grand Mother Lodge of British Freemasonry is headed by the Queen's first cousin, the Duke of Kent. Many Masons go on into the hardcore occult like Foster Bailey and George MacGregor. 33rd Degree Freemason Manly P. Hall went as far as writing that: "When the Mason learns the key to the warrior block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands.." (Lost Keys of Freemasonry, 1976).
Famous people are in Freemasonry. 32° Freemason Cecil B. de Mille (a producer and actor) produced the film "The Ten Commandments." 33° Freemason President Francios Mitterand allowed Chinese American architect I. M. Pei to build the Louvere Pyramid in France with 666 plates. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. talked about the Brotherhood. A Past Grand Master of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Georgia made MLK was a honorary Freemason after his death. Many Masons disagree with that action since it was rushed. Benjamin Netayahu (according to Texe Marrs and Texe said he admitted to this in the Israeli publication Shishi, Spring 1994) was a Freemason as well. Freemasonry is being manipulated and the lower level ones are called "Porch Masons" by Albert Pike. Michael Baigent is a famous skepdic of mainstream Christianity. I find it's interesting to note that Michael is an editor of the magazine Freemasonry Today. Robert Lomas believes in these theories about Jesus having a bloodline as well. People talk about the City (an independent City near London) all of the time. What's not known by many is that 62 Lord Mayors of London are members of the Masters of the Guildhall Masonic Lodge. The Lodge have many vital officals of the City of London as mentioned by Fritz Springmeier.
Bracing for something new is a common practice for many folks. In my opinion, You can't really talk about Freemasonry without discussing about Mormonism. The church is now called "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints." Mormonism must be exposed for its size, power, and high amounts of wealth that it possesses. Joseph Smith (a Freemason) invented Mormonism. Smith claimed that the angel Moroni gave him gold plates about the ancient history of America and how he will recieve the rest of the Bible. Smith called the "Book of Mormons" and other book as inspired. The truth is that many scholars point to historical errors in the Book of Mormons. The National Museum of Natural History Smithsonian Institution cite that there is no evidence that steel, glass, oaths, cattle, pigs, etc. existed in the pre-Columbian age (especially in the timescale of the stories alleged in the book) as the Book of Mormons alleges. Many of the public don't know about Joseph Smith. Not only was he a Mason, but he was a follower of the Kabbalah (an occult, Jewish mystic philsophy. It's based on the Zohar. It is about using "secret codes" in the Old Testament along with occult rituals to try to achieve pefection. Madonna, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Mick Jagger, and others are Kabbalists. Many of them wear a red arm band). Lance S. Ownes wrote his book called "Joseph Smith and Kabbalah: The Occult Connection" which proves the Joseph Smith/Kabbalah connection. Smith was murdered by a mob and Brigham Young (another Freemason) took his place.
Young was a friend of the Jesuit Peter De Smet. Young moved his followers into Utah. Many people are Mormons like ex-San Francisco 49er football player Steve Young, MA governor Mitt Romney, Utah Senator Orrin Hatch (he says that he's a conservative, but he's for embryonic stem cell research and gun control), and others. Romney might run for President in 2008. Mormonism believes that man can be his own god on his own planet if they join Mormonism. It goes further that God was once a man: "...God himself was once as we are now and is an exalted man and sits enthroned in yonder heavens..." (Journal of Discourses, V6, P3, 1844) It's another salvation by works religion. The Mormon church had racial issues as well. They forbidded blacks to be part of the priesthood until 1978. Also, many early Mormon leaders bashed blacks in their speeches as well. I don't know why any black man or woman would be a Mormon, but many blacks are Mormons today. Gladys Knight is the most famous black Mormon today in my opinion. William Schnoebelen is another scholar who wrote about the relationship between Freemasonry and Mormonism.
You can't ignore the Vatican, because the Vatican owns more wealth than any religious creed on Earth. The Jesuits were founded in the 1540's by Ignatius Loyola. The Jesuits supported the 1586 Babington plot to kill Queen Elizabeth I, because she supported some religious tolerance for Protestants. In 1588, there was a Roman Catholic defeat of the Spanish Armada who wanted to attack the United Kingdom. The Jesuits supported Guy Fawkes's attempt to kill King James and his cabinet. This possible terrorism was called the Gunpowder plot, which occured on November 5, 1605. Fawkes failed, captured, convicted, and murdered for treason. The Jesuits were banned in many European nations (even Catholic ones) for inciting revolutions and corruption. Pope Clement banned the Jesuits under his Bull called Dominic Recempto Noster in 1773. It was brought back into the Roman Catholic Church by 1814. In that period, were the secret meetings of Vienna, Verona, and Chieri, which promoted monarchy, internationaism, and pro-Jesuit. One of Bill Clinton's mentors was Jesuits Otto Hentz SJ, who wanted Bill to be a Jesuit. The Jesuits had a Communist system in Paraguay during the 1600's and aided the Bolshevik Revolution. Edmond Paris wrote that a Jesuit priest wrote Mein Kampf for Hitler. Hitler in fact praised many Jesuits and many Jesuits worked with the Nazis. Jesuit Georgetown trained Donald McHenry (also a professor and CFR member) is on the Board of Directors of Coca-Cola.
The Knights of Malta head many multinational corporations and are very powerful. The Knights were invented from the Knights Templars in the 1100's, then the Knights of Rhodes later. Pat Buchannan is a Knight of Malta (SMOM) member. Journalist John Buchannan admitted that SMOM Nazi Reinhard Gehlen help to create the CIA. SMOM Frank C. Carlucci (also a CFR member) heads the Carlyle Group. SMOM William Buckley is credited as being the "father of the conservative movement." He's not only a CFR member, but he's the ex-owner of the National Review. I've found this out from Brother Nicholas Rivera's research. Frank Fahrenkopf Jr. heads many of the entertainment in America and he's in the Knights of Malta. Avery Cardinal Dulles is a Jesuit from Fordham University. Zoraida Fonalledas is the National Committee Woman of the Republican Party in Puerto Rico. She is a Dame of Malta. Dame of Malta Helen Aguinner Ferre was in the CFR and is in the National Association of Hispanic Journalists. Lawrence J. DeNardis was the President of the University of New Haven from 1991-2004. Lawrence is not only a Knight of Malta, but a member of the Knights of Columbus. Prescott Bush Jr. is also in the SMOM. John DeGioia is a SMOM and CFR member. Alexander Haig Jr. is also a very powerful world player. Haig is a member of the Knights of Malta and is on the Board of Directors for AOL Time Warner. The Order of St. John of Jerusalem and the Knights of Malta are in the US-UK Intelligence communities. The "Protestant" Orders have people from European Royalty like Queens, Dukes, Barons, and Princes.
The Knight of Columbus was formed in the 1800's at New Haven, Connecticut. The Knights want to prevent anti-Catholic sentiment in America. The Knights of Columbus nickname is the K of C. K of C Frank Hanley is the President Emeritus of International Group of Operations Engineers. K of C Helen Alvare is an Associate Professor of laws Catholic University of America. She's involved in education in the U.S.A.
What we put into our bodies is very vital to our survival. There is nothing wrong to better our quality of lives by improving our lives. One of the biggest smoking guns on the corruption of the pharamecutical industry is how they create diseases to earn profits. An article about it was written in the London Times on April 11, 2006 by Mark Henderson. Henderson further writes on how they exaggerate real illness to for the same purpose as well. The article goes on to mention that ADHD, female sexual dysfunction, and “restless legs syndrome” are promoted, so money can come into companies. Many people are suffering from horrendus diseases. The Honolulu Star-Bulletin on April 5, 2006 talk about the 34-year-old mortgage loan officer Oliver Johnson. He's almost near death from a flesh eating disease. The doctor called the disease as necrotizing fasciitis, a Group A streptococcal infection. The disease led an amputation of his left leg. For years, people have discussed about the dangers of soft drinks. Many of them contain aspartame and other chemicals, which can cause brain damage and increased risks of cancer. Now, we find that soft drinks have a higher level of benzene than water. LIBBY QUAID is an AP Food and Farm Writer. He wrote an article entitled "Benzene Levels in Soft Drinks Above Limit" on April 5, 2006 talking about the soft drink issue. Benzene can cause cancer and is linked to leukemia. The FDA has admitted to the high level of benzene in soft drinks. Bird Flu is promoted all over the media. We do know that in the hoopla over bird flu, the United States government signed protocols for detention and quarantine.
Newstarget and others reported on how Bush April 1, 2005 issued an executive for quarantine people in case of an emergency of a bird flu outbreak. Global News Matrix on October 24, 2005 wrote that Bilderberg Group members are profiting from Tamiflu. George Shultz, Rumsfeld (former chairman of Gilead, the manufacturer of Tamiflu and major shareholder of Tamiflu), Etienne F. Davignon (a Bilderberger Kingpin and one of the most powerful men in Europe), and Lodewijk J.R. de Vink (a Gilead partner and Gilead) are profiting from the Bird Flu situation. No doubt that nut social Darwinists are exploiting this to promote their evil population control schemes.
By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)