
Friday, May 19, 2006 Marks The Rapture For the Beast

From Marks The Rapture For the Beast

According to, The Rapture is coming on the day of the number of the beast:
The Rapture—Coming 06.06.06
No one knows the Rapture is coming as the clock silently ticks down.
Choices are made … the stage is set … in the twinkling of an eye millions disappear without a trace. Heaven rejoices as millions are welcomed into the unspeakable presence of God. The darkest days may lie ahead for those who have been left behind.
(Quote source: The Left Behind Book Series)
Yes, the stage has been set. has connected the doctrine of the pre-tribulation Rapture (via the scheduled release date for the book, The Rapture) with the number that Satan's followers revere: 666. states that the Left Behind theology is based upon a belief in the Rapture:
The Rapture & The Left Behind SeriesThe Left Behind theology is built upon a belief in the Rapture.

(Quote source: The Left Behind Book Series)
While fans of the Left Behind Series are aware that these books are based upon the concept of the pre-tribulation Rapture, they are not privy to the fact that the New World Order planners have their own version of the pre-tribulation Rapture that is as different from the Rapture that Christians have been told the Bible teaches as life is from death. The Rapture that Satan's agents believe in, boldly hint about, and work continually to bring to fruition is the Beast's 666 version of The Rapture.

It is interesting that the date The Rapture is coming (06.06.06) is the anniversary of D-Day, the Battle of Normandy. "The Normandy invasion, codenamed Operation OVERLORD, remains the largest seaborne invasion in history involving almost three million troops crossing the English Channel from England to Normandy in then German-occupied France." (1)
What does an invasion have to do with the pre-tribulation Rapture doctrine? God's Wrath on Left Behind reveals how the Left Behind authors touched on this disturbing subject and points out how they marked the disappearances of Christians in the same ominous way The Rapture, has been marked: for the Beast.

notes: (1) Battle of Normandy
return to Exposing False Doctrines in the Left Behind Series

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