
Monday, May 01, 2006

On Avro Manhattan


Dear Txxxxxxx,

Good question.I believe that English Protestant Knight of Malta Avro Manhattan was a disinformation agent in key areas. As you may know, he was British SIS and knew brother Knight of Malta Kim Philby---that triple intelligence agent (MI6, CIA and KGB) who, in 1963, "defected" to Moscow.As proven in VA, the Black Pope rules all the intelligence agencies of the world, their leaders being Knights of Malta and/or 33rd Degree Freemasons. Thus the Cold War was a total Hoax, the Jesuits openly siding with the West against the USSR, but secretly ruling the East, Moscow and Peking. Manhattan promoted this nefarious Cold War Hoax as did 33rd Degree Freemason and American traitor General Douglas MacArthur.

As long as Avro kept up the illusion of the Airborne Nuclear War Hoax (as no atomic bombs were ever dropped in Japan, but were detonated on the ground with magnesium flash bombs laced with radioactive material dropped from B-29s then airbursting above Hiroshima and Nagasaki) and thus the Cold War Hoax, he could write openly against irrefutable acts of mass-murder committed by the Papacy during WWII. But let him expose the power of the Jesuit Order behind Masons Winston Churchill, FDR and Stalin, and he would have been removed from the public view---for good. Manhattan knew that Kim Philby, Anthony Blunt and James Angleton were Knights of Malta and ran the Vatican's intelligence apparatus in the West.

He also knew that Angleton's Soviet counterpart, KGB officer Anatoli M. Golitsin, was a Russian Knight of Malta and that both were orchestrating the movements of the CIA and KGB for the benefit of the Black Pope's KGB, now SVR. VAIII further solidifies this irrefutable connection, for which reason VAI is being sold on Amazon for outrageous prices only to be disposed of ASAP.Manhattan apparently was truly saved under the ministry of Ian Paisley. But then I have my doubts about Ian as he never exposes the Jesuit rule of Britain, especially from WWI to the present hour. Surely he must know that both the British MI5/MI6 and the IRA are being coordinated together for the destruction of Protestant Northern Ireland.

Why would he ever think that the British Parliament would ever protect Northern Ireland from destruction? In fact, it would not surprise me that a mini-nuke will be detonated in Belfast or Ulster, killing thousands of Protestants while then enabling the Order's Roman Catholic Ireland to absorb the North---the ultimate goal of the Black Pope's IRA. Further, this terrorist event would drive England and Scotland into the arms of the Papacy and the EEC. Like Toronto, Belfast fits the bill.You have a point about the Order's Illuminati laughing at us in the face of the facts put forth by Manhattan.

The same thing was done through the production of JFK, Director's Cut and Enemy of the State.I trust this is helpful.

Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric

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