
Monday, May 01, 2006

Waking Up

So many changes are occuring now. Today, many illegal immigrant proponents are planning a May Day walkout. That is that they will not work to protest. Their protest is about Congress not passing pro-anmesty laws. Now, I have no problem with a boycott or protest, because they have a First Amendment right to do that. I just disagree with their agenda. Their agenda is amnesty since they won't allow the illegal immigrants to pay a fine, enforce our laws, punish companies activitely and knowingly supporting illegal immigrants, and return to their land of origin (then return to America) within a span of 6-11 years before accepting citizenship. Many of them want a fast track for citizenship without any heavy penalty enacted unto the illegal immigrants. I also have no problem with a Spanish version of an national anthem. There is nothing wrong with that, because people have a right to sing the national anthem in any language they choose. That's not even a big issue. The big issues are national sovereignity, border protection, and respect for our neighbors. I also don't agree with extremists on the other side promoting racism against Hispanic people. There is no need for that. Anger should be to the problem, not at people personally. Ironically May Day is the celebration of communism, which was promoted by many elites. Communism and its ideals goes back to the time Marx, philosophers, Plato, etc. May 1st is also the pagan holiday of Beltaine.

Dominican Today from April 18, 2006 have important Latino stars protesting like Edward James Olmos, John Leguizamo, and Salma Hayek. Associated Press on April 27, 2006 talked about how the California Senate support the illegal immigrant walkout. Many are trying to compare this to the civil rights movements of the 1960's. There are big differences. For one, all of my people who were fighting for Bill of Rights protections were citizens not illegal immigrants. Much of these protests were staged. The reason is that the PR firm Allyn & Co. wanted to promote protests, so the amnesty agenda could go forward. This was reported by the Los Angeles Times on December 28, 2005. The whole deal behind illegal immigration is about internationalism, getting rid of our borders, and globalism. Jim Gilchrist, founder of the Minuteman Project, might decide to run for President for the Constitution Party. Similar to Jewish people and Arabic, I believe just as racism is done by members of the Atzlan movement. Racism is done (done by groups like the KKK, Aryan Nation, etc. which many were infiltrated by the Feds) unto Hispanics in trying bash all Latinos in general, which is false, immoral, plus wrong. On another note, the Associated Press on May 1, 2006 reported on how the Mexican Congress passed a bill that legalize pot, cocaine, heroin. They've done this to try to handle the drug traficking problems. According to them, this will focus on high level drug trafickers not low level people. Mexian President Vicente Fox is expected to sign the bill. Colonel Al Rodiquirez is one Hispanic American who doesn't agree with the amnesty agenda. Even the late Cesar Chavez was against this. In 1969, Cesar Chavez, Reverend Ralph Abernathy, and U.S. Senator Walter Mondale protested illegal immigration.

I'm still going to pursue the truth with a strong, capable, and apt independent mind. Nothing is holding me back. I thank all of the real Patriots. There was a luncheon about Bush. Stephen Colbert was there and used jabs at the President. I've seen some of his routine on CSPAN. It wasn't that funny, but the people didn't laugh not only because of that. The other reason was because Colbert was taking shots at the President. He was talking about Iraq, Katrina, Joseph Wilson, FOX, and other subject. Bush shook Colbert's hand after the end of it, but President George W. Bush looked angered and was not amused by Colbert's speech. Colbert was on Comedy Central's "The Colbert Report," which obviously mocks Bill O'Reilly's show called "The O'Reilly Factor." George W. Bush loved the Satanic rocker Ozzy Osbourne, but was angered by the simple jokes done by Colbert.

It isn't just gaining oil supplies, making wars, and getting profits that have been a result of 9/11 achieved by neo-cons. It's also arms sales across the world. An article written by Al Pessin from the
Associated Press on April 27, 2006 discussed about this very issue. The work says that the United States Resumes Sales of Lethal Weapons to Indonesia. The State Department says that they are doing this, because Indonesia is becoming more "democraticized" and for national security reasons. Karen Orenstein is the national coordinator of the East Timor and Indonesia Action Network and she opposes this measure. She does so, because she feels that nothing automatically is done to Indonesia at all.

There is also another assault against a Pro-Life woman named Rose Mawhorter. You can click on this link to see the shocking video of the incident. Rose is pictured above. The assaulter was a Pro-Choicer woman, who used vicious Profanity. I've seen a video of the whole thing. The assaulter said the abortion issue is complex, but it really isn't. Abortion is the killing innocent human life being immoral and murder. No where in the Constitution supports murder neither should the Supreme Court sanction child killing as "legal." Innocent unborn life deserves not death, abortion readily has negative consequences (like infertility, depression, and emotional pain) unto woman, and alternatives like adoption are easily available to those who choose not to take care of their own children. The attacker, by her comments, might of been a victim of abortion. All of this relates to the death agenda. Terri Schiavo is one evidence of that. She was starved to death, yet tons of folks enjoyed and supported this. Florida Statute 765.309 forbids Mercy Killing of Euthanasia as being Not Authorized and Suicide is Distinguished.
Her murder was obviously illegal. It extends beyond the media pundits from MSNBC and CNN agreeing with this crime. Big intellectuals and elitists like Dr. Pianka, Peter Singer, and other want dehumanization. They believe that innocent life is not precious and can be destroyed if they are in a certain condition. This is the same mentality of eugenicists like Aldous Huxley and the Nazis.

There's a new claim in the war on terrorism. Former US spy Mike Scheuer claims that the U.S. passed up on numerous time to kill al-Qaeda member and Jordanian-born terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Scheuer was a CIA agent for 22 years. This is reported by Chris Evans from The Age on May 1, 2006 Even the Post admitted that the Pentagon concocted fake Al-Zarqawi letters talking about suicide attacks. Paul Joseph Watson believe that Zarqawi is a psy-ops as an excuse to continue this occupation of Iraq. Well, life continues to go onward. Tons of issues that must be exposed in the the genocide in Darfur, Sudan (The Arab "Janjaweed" militias are killing black African Sudanese. I saw some of the massive protest on C-SPAN yesterday. It occured in Washington D.C. with people from all political ideologies. It isn't about Left or Right on this issue, but life and death) , the human rights abuses in China (talked about by the heroric Wenyi Wang), and other things. Eric Jon Phelps' words (said to Greg Szymanski) about the Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, and the Knights of Columbus just blew me away. I don't agree with Eric's views on race, but he's right on the Vatican/Jesuit link to the New World Order agenda. It's classic and it's important for all us to expose not only the Freemasons, Trilateral Commission, and the Council on Foreign Relations. We need to expose all Secret orders and evil organizations. Hey, I'm still waking up daily. The Skeptics never had a chance against me.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous13:59

    Is the world ready for the Truth yet?

    The Vatican is proving that seeking the truth is a real threat to their dogma. How enlightening, since this goes a very long way to proving that Christianity is based on lies. If it wasn't, they would be confident of surviving intense scrutiny. Since they aren't and since they have gone to such great lengths to suppress those seeking the truth over the centuries, their deceptions are, once again, laid bare for all to see. Only this time they are the ones to walk into a well laid trap...

    What does "making the blind see" symbolize? Perhaps many more people are now ready to "open their eyes to the truth!" Now Christians (and others) can gain the wisdom to walk away from the folly of religion and seek to understand the truth about the Creator and the Messiah (me).

    Did you ever stop to think what the True Messiah (me) would say about worshipping false names, false images, and dogma? Well, now you get the chance to hear my side of the story and weigh it against the strong delusion of faith and religion. None of the European names and images in the New Testament can possibly be the truth. What then is the purpose of "faith" but to prevent good people from seeking to understand truth and wisdom?

    Read 2 Thessalonians 2:11 and the verses that surround it. Why do you think this message is in the New Testament? Those who saw the truth dying as the new Roman religion was being imposed would have tried to warn others in subtle ways where it most counted! These ancient texts are mysterious because they purposely encoded hidden messages to bypass Roman censorship. See how the Romans treated the Jews, Zealots, Gnostics, and others, a.k.a. those who sought truth because they knew better than to trust the blatantly duplicitous and evil Roman Pontificate?

    How can people trust the veracity of texts created by a Roman organization known for centuries of abominable evil? How can anyone expect that people who could so readily torture and murder others for seeking proof of the truth would somehow not lie to you? Why don't "the faithful" have enough discernment to understand that those telling a strong lie for power and profit would insist that you refrain from seeking the truth and "have faith" in their texts instead?

    How do we finally solve these ages-old mysteries? To recast a common political adage, "It's [the] symbology stupid!" The Dead Sea Scrolls, Bible, Gnostic texts, and Quran are rife with purposeful structured symbolism. Do you really think this is accidental or casual?

    Unlike most of you, I have a very personal interest in ancient wisdom symbology, false prophecy based on its misrepresentation, and deceptions imposed in the name of religion. Consequently, I've written an extensive tome proving that all three so-called Faiths of Abraham are purposeful deceptions.

    I know many readers of this site will want to scoff at this information before bothering to pay attention to the details. I have produced stunning and comprehensive proof that the original pre-Christian Apocalypse (Book of Revelation) was a symbolically encrypted wisdom text that was stolen and modified by the founders of Christianity. I demonstrate a series of specific and undeniable proofs of verifiable fraud in the Christianized Book of Revelation, which also appear throughout the New Testament.

    I present verifiable proof that the symbology of sealed Hebrew texts is an advanced ancient philosophical technology.

    The ancient symbolism used in The Apocalypse and other Hebrew prophecies and wisdom texts predates Christianity, Judaism, modern secret societies, and mystery schools by thousands of years. While in the hands of Christianity, The Apocalypse and its symbology have been purposely misinterpreted, recast, and misrepresented. The original Hebrew document was a multi-purpose narrative constructed using layered and synchronized ancient wisdom symbolism. Its true purposes, features, and functionality are detailed in my book, further demonstrating that it was a symbolically encrypted Hebrew wisdom text encoding prophecy, philosophy, and scientific wisdom that was stolen and fraudulently modified by the founders of Christianity.

    If your goal is to seek the truth, then read my articles, download my FREE E-Book and direct others to read them also. Challenge them to PROVE me wrong. The E-Book is a FREE download and I make no money from it or the paperback.

    Not only do I talk the talk, I walk the walk...

    Here is Wisdom!!
