
Friday, June 02, 2006

Information from Larry Lawson.

REPOSTS ON: 06-02-AD2006

Archived at: Out:10:30am

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Wed, 31 May 2006 10:05:27 -0800 "It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from his government." Thomas Paine LIBERTY DOLLAR of ANCHORAGE

To: undisclosed-recipients:;Subject: FW: 9/11 Conference: June 2-4 in Chicago!Date: Sat, 20 May 2006 21:52:26 -0700Dear 9/11 Truth Activists, Friends, and the ConcernedCurious, "Reclaiming Our Future: An International Educationand Strategy Conference" Will be held in Chicago, Friday, June 2nd throughSunday, June 4th, 2006.

Go to

for a fulllisting of the speakers, events, and to register. Below are three of the speakers for this historicevent:Steven Jones, PhD, Professor of Physics at BYU³In archaeometry, we use advanced physics methods todetermine what happened in the past from availableevidence. That is just what I'm pursuing in 9-11research." Dr. Jones is a co-founder of Scholars for9/11 Truth. William Pepper Pepper, a friend of Martin Luther King the lastyear of his life, represented patsy James Earl Ray,attempting to get him the trial that he never had.Peter Phillips, Professor of Sociology at Sonoma StateUniversityDirector of Project Censored, Phillips teaches classesin Media Censorship, Sociology of Power, PoliticalSociology, and Sociology of Media. He has publishednine editions of Censored: Media Democracy in Actonfrom Seven Stories Press. For Truth and Peace,

Fran Shure

P.S. Please forward this to your concerned and curiousfriends.


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Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2006 9:56 PM
Subject: Re: writing on the wall...

Hey Larry, Governor Arnie is sending California NG troopsto the border. What did I tell you? Also, I haven't heardfrom my friend sent with his unit last week, but I'm notsurprised. I will keep you posted on that.Then tonight, I catch one of the talking heads on Fox newssaying that local national guard units have shipped outwith new equipment to New Orleans to "help out, and betterprepare for disasters". Yeah right.I'd re-word that to say "to better prepare to BE thedisaster", but I figured they'd have to get around toexplaining why 900 local guys just up and left 10 days ago.And just think, chemtrail weather modifications have pavedthe perfect road, or should I say, soaked a goldenopportunity? By the way, have you noticed how VILE theidiot box has become? I'm telling you, we're CLOSE!Take Care.Good Things Don't Demand Tolerance

From: baybuchanan@teamamericapac.orgTo: team-america@teamamericapac.orgSubject: [TA] A plan to stop the immigration bill....Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2006 07:28:10 -0600 (MDT)

Dear Friend,

First let me thank you for all the bricks you have sent to Congress. TheNew York Times reported today that Congress has been inundated withthem—more than 10,000!! It is getting the attention of the press and hasmade an impression on a number of Congressmen. They’re all talking andunderstand better than ever that Americans are serious about their border!

A note on the treacherous Senate bill---I didn’t think it possible but itgets worse as the details emerge.

The bill requires the U.S. government to consult with Mexico before webuild that fence—that’s right 62 Senators are demanding we clear it withMexico before we secure our nation!

They also voted to give social security to illegals. I love this!Illegal aliens, who have a history of dealing in forged documents, arebeing asked to produce documents proving they worked here for umpteenyears, so they can get social security for all those years of work!Forgers are going to have one of their best years ever.

The bill also gives illegals an option to pay only three of the last fiveyears in back taxes. And they have 8 years to do that. As for youlaw-abiding Americans—the word is Suckers!

The 62 Senators who betrayed this nation with their vote need to beejected from office. They care nothing about the burden they put onAmericans, or the harm they are doing our nation. It’s all about winningHispanic voters, pleasing corporate interests, and furthering their ownpolitical futures.

But you already knew this.

So the question is what do we do about it? I have a plan.

Many of you are anxious for a national march on Washington. I haveseriously looked into it--talked to many, thought about how best to do it,even reserved the national mall. My professional opinion: a march is notthe best use of our efforts.

I know for certain that those massive rallies by illegal immigrantsgalvanized our side. Americans across the country were shocked by thenumber of illegals in our cities and unnerved by their demands. Weshouldn’t be too hasty to follow their lead.

Secondly, to do it right we need months of planning and hundreds ofthousands of dollars. We simply can’t afford to spend our resources on amarch. They are desperately needed to stop the Senate bill from passingthe House!

So how do we stop the Congress from folding under the enormous pressureand agreeing to some guest worker provision?

First, I propose we try to defeat Congressman Chris Cannon, an open borderRepublican from Utah. His primary is on June 27. Cannon, aka King ofAmnesty, is so worried he is running as a clone of Tom Tancredo. TeamAmerica plans to set the record straight with some hard hitting radio adsthat will expose the Congressman’s abysmal record on immigration.

Defeating Cannon will send shock waves through Congress. Every one ofthose lawmakers will understand the message---“back down from your noamnesty position and pay the price in November.”

We must let these Congressmen know immigration is a voting issue—they sawit in the city council race in Herndon, VA and again in the governor’srace in Nebraska. To see a Congressman lose a primary over it willresonate far more powerfully than any march.

So that is the immediate plan—target Cannon. Then another, andanother…until we have removed the cancer entirely. We must take back ourcountry from those who are so willing to sell it out.

Tomorrow I meet with my media team to begin developing the ads againstCannon.

With your support I know we can buy the necessary media to defeat thisCongressman, and replace him with one who will fight for border securityand oppose all amnesties.

I hope you will help.

Thanks for all your tireless efforts in this battle to preserve the nationfrom the enemy within.

My best,Bay Buchanan

P.S. Click here to donate to Team America PAC, and help us remove fromoffice those who favor amnesty!

P.P.S. Click here for a list of Congressmen who need to be targeted fortheir pro-amnesty stance!

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