
Friday, June 02, 2006

Life in the New Millennium Part 3

Deception Part 2

Propaganda and conditioning aren't just executed unto adults. Children are even shown cartoons that praise the so-called "virtues" of biometrics. Even the old Buzz Lightyear cartoon show had him experience a retinal scan plus a DNA scan to validate his identity. When I was in elementary school, during the early 1990's, a police officer talked about DARE. This was before I realized the complexity of the war on drugs and how non-violent drug offenders are given extremely long sentences (being unfair). Of course, it's a known fact that the CIA shipped drugs like cocaine into America. The late Gary Webb wrote about this. Many of these social engineers want to shape the youth's minds. The motive for that is because in the future, they hope that more of their goals like extreme gun control, restrictions on our Constitutional rights, abortion on demand, etc. can be accomphlished.

Yelling the truth out is part of our human nature. Not everyone is righteous, therefore deception is still rampant in the world. There is actually a government program to control and manipulate the media. That's true. It's called Operation Mockingbird. That program was created by the CIA to control the media. The original people who headed it were Frank Wisner, Allen Dulles, Richard Helms, and Philip Graham (publisher of The Washington Post). According to Mary Louise: "...the CIA largely through the Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF) founded by Tom Braden with Pat Buchanon of CNN's Crossfire..." According to In a 1977 Rolling Stone article and Carl Bernstein, over 400 American Journalists were written article under orders from the CIA (in a span of 25 years). Carl said that famous media companies who followed Operation Mockingbird include: Newsweek (with Ben Bradlee), New York Herald Tribune (with Stewart Alsop), New York Times (with Arthur Hays Sulzberger), Time Magazine (with Alfred Friendly, Charles Douglas Jackson, and Henry Luce), Washington Post (with Walter Pincus), and Washington Star (with Jerry O'Leary). Nowadays, it isn't too suprising that tons of folks in the mainstream media aren't showing the real news in the world.

Freemasonry is also another controversial group. All mainstream historians trace them from the stonemasons of Europe. Modern Freemasonry came in 1717 at the Grand Lodge of England. There is also a Mystery Religion connection to Freemasonry, because many of the words and symbolism of Masonry exist from ancient Babylon and Egypt thousands of years ago. Foster Bailey in his book called "The Spirit of Masonry" call the Mystery Schools as the origin of the spiritual realities in Freemasonry. Freemason Albert Churchwood believes that Freemasonry has influence from the Chaldean magicians. Henry C. Clausen, 33° Sovereign Grand Commander says in his book, Your Amazing Mystic Powers, that eternal truths are found in the ancient mysteries. The obelisks, the dot in the circle, and other pagan icons (which Freemasonry readily accepts in their Lodges) have nothing to do with Biblical Christianity (because the Bible forbids death oaths, calls a Lodge a cornerstone, calling a man Worshipful Master, it uses the Pentagram [a symbol used by the Mesopotamians and ancient Greeks. Even though the Pentagram was used before the Church of Satan was invented in 1966, Satanists embrace it as the Goatshead of Mendes], and the embrace of pagan concepts. I'm not even talking about the Shriners which accepts many Islamic tenets), but the pagan mysteries. There is another smoking gun proving the non-Christian nature of Freemasonry. Albert Pike in his Morals and Dogma book on pgs. 729-730 talk about that "...The occult philosophy seems to have nurse of godmother of all religions...Christianity should not have hated magic, but human ignorance always fears then known.." Albert Pike went further in saying that: "It is the body of the Holy Spirit, the Universal Agent, the Serpent devouring its own tail." (Morals and Dogma, pg. 734) WOW!!! For Pike to call the good Ruach Ha Kodesh (or Holy Spirit in Hebrew) a Serpent is not only a lie, but blasphemy. That's one of the reasons that I will never be a Mason or embrace the Lodge.

All indications show it to be a works-based group, because Freemason believes that going charity equates coming into Heaven after death. Even according to John Daniel's "Scarlet and the Beast" webpage, Albert Mackey's "Encyclopedia of Freemasonry" have him saying that "Labor will make you free!" Freemasons still have a love affair with Solomon's Temple. 33° Freemason Albert Mackey want Solomon's Temple to be reborn in his Encyclopedia of Freemason on pg. 774. The Temple is located at the Dome of the Rock and you have to destroy it to rebuild Solomon's Temple. Messanic Jewish person Jerry Golden wrote about Freemasonry's control of a lot of Israel. It's a known fact that many Founding Fathers were Freemasons. Some of them meet in the The Green Dragon Tavern in 11 Marshall Street, Boston MA., to discuss issues back in the 1700's.

Famous Freemasons today include Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. For while, Freemasonry have been interesting among black people. The good news is that many blacks reject Freemasonry for what it is. Freemasonry have I knew for a while that Charlie Rangel was a Roman Catholic Black Prince Hall Freemason. Nicholas Rivera wrote though that Rangel's Temple is at Joppa Lodge #55 inside of New York City. Rangel is also a member of the Trilateral Commission. Rangel even support partial birth abortion (blatant murder and infanticide) and once wanted a draft for Americans. Henry Marsh was the First Black Mayor of Richmond, Virginia (in 1977) and Henry is a Freemason. Recently, I found out that Kofi Annan's father was a Freemason, a tribal chief in Ghana, and was half Fante, half Ashanti.. Annan is the head of the United Nations. cites evidence of the slave trade still occuring in Ghana, yet Annan does nothing about it. Kofi Annan is more traitorous to his own black people in Africa than I thought, by doing little in Rwanda (in 1994) and Sudan (until recently). The Masonic infiltration of Africa isn't suprising since dozens of Masonic Lodges exist in Ghana alone. Boone Pickens has donated $8 million to TSRHC (or the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children). What does this prove? It proves that many Freemason act in charity and do legitimate work to help people. I don't deny that, but that doesn't excuse Freemasonry's deception unto the lower degrees or some of its members being occultists and pagans like Foster Bailey. Freemasonry is a very strong deception. Freemasonry's agenda to this is to use the guise of "charity" to promote religious Universalism and a new era in the world. That's why 33rd Degree Freemason William Smith called for a new race, a new civilization, and a new religion. This is found in the Masonic magazine called "New Age" (the official publication of International Freemasonry) in September 1950. That is the essence of a New World Order. They infiltrate Christianity, especially Baptists. One "Baptist" Freemason is Charles Kimball, the past head of the National Council of Chruches.

The ACLU is a real mystery to folks. Over 500,000 people are members. They claim to want to protect all of America's civil liberties. Is this the case? When you look at the fact, that isn't totally true. The person who founded the ACLU was Roger Baldwin.
Many founders of the ACLU are either related to Communists, socialists, or inside the CFR including Felix Frankfurter (CFR member and according to Dr. Burns, a member of the Intercollegiate Socialist Society), Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Scott Nearing, Morris L. Ernst, William Z. Foster, etc. Roger Baldwin is the most prominent founder and evidence points to him as a supporter of the Communist party. In fact Communist Emma Goldman tutored him in Lenin and praised her.

After his release from prison for draft evasion, many Communists attended his party like Agres Smedley [who would become a Soviet espionage agent in China], Norman Thomas (the patriarch of the Socialist Party_, Louis Bundenz, Carliss Lamont, Soctt Nearing, etc. Roger Baldwin directed the ACLU for 30 years and in 1935 said that:

“I am for socialism, disarmament, and ultimately for abolishing the state itself as an instrument of violence and compulsion. I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the properties class and social control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.” (“Billy Braham and His Friends: A Hidden Agenda?” by Dr. Cathy Burns, pg. 14 plus Burns used tons of sources to derive that quote.)

Burns also reported that Baldwin sent a letter to Louis Lochner in 1917, head of the Bolshevik People’s Council of America praising socialism and wrote in favor of Joseph Stalin. The ACLU President in 1996 was apart of the CFR as well. They even aided citizens in defense of those who helped Castro and supported the PFLPC (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine), a radical Marxist branch of the PLO. An ACLU attorney appealed the 1987 decision of deported members of the PFLPC out of America. ACLU Executive Director Anthony D. Romero is a member of the CFR being a homosexual activist attorney and previously was a top staff member at the Ford Foundation. Stanley Steinbaum was a long time patriarch of the ACLU in Southern California, one of the organizations’ most influential chapter, is a CFR member. The ACLU was a smokescreen of being pro-Constitution on the surface, but is Communist, anti-liberty in reality. You can look at the time in a matter of decades to expose the ACLU’s corruption.

In 1952, they led a campaign against exposing the Communist element in the entertainment industry. In 1962 they eliminated voluntary school prayer and Bible reading throughout the public schools and they endorsed Doe v. Bolton and Roe v. Wade in 1973 to have abortion on demand. The ACLU helped to ban the teaching of creationism in public schools at 1982 and argued against prayers before High School games in 1986. Even today, the ACLU support eliminating religious displays which is the freedom of religion, love pornography to be expressed even by children, etc. The ACLU is controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations, a globalist group. According to Mark Mays’, “The ACLU Socialist Front”, [in its] the “first 60 years 80% of ACLU Board and Committee Members had Communist affiliations or involved in defending Communists.” Today in 2006, the ACLU tried to eliminate religious expression in California and across the country.

*I will say that the ACLU is correct on opposing the USA Patriot Act and disagreeing with the pro-torture polices. The ACLU are essentially controlled opposition. The Neo Cons claims that the ACLU is solely liberal, but the ACLU is part of a bigger network promoting globalization, a Pan American Union, and a new world order.

Our Health

The human body operates like a beautifully organized machine. We can use tools to help improve the immune system and the development of our bodies. Although, threats against our health are ever present. The medical establishment (controlled by the Rockefellers, the Knights of Malta like Louis Lehrman, and other entities) use pharmaceutical companies [like Merck, Eli Lilly, Rite-Aid, Glaxo Smith Kline, and others] to promote not only pill medicine. Also, they refuse to sell real alternative medicines. The establishment companies haven't mention too often of the sucidial and dangerous risks of utilizing anti-depressants like Prozac and Zoloft. It's even admitted that the World Health Organization used tainted vaccines. Researchers believe that cell phone usage can contribute to cancer, vision loss, and even altering human DNA. The reason for these negative effect is because of the radication found in cell phones. What's the hidden agenda behind all of these problems? Like always, the global elite (and even some in the scientific community) promote aspartame, flouride, etc. to support abortion legalization, population control, embryonic stem cell reserach, and poisonious vaccinations. Unfortunately, many leftists are following this for the sake of government controlled health care (which isn't 100% perfect). Promoting poisons like genetically modified foods, sodium flouride, and aspartame can led to a docile population without the human cognitive ability to resist the evil in the world.

Charnicia Huggins from Reuters on May 30, 2006 that 1/3 of all Americans have diabetes. This is all a product of many factors like disgusting genetically modified foods, sugar, poor exercise, and other things. SALLY BECK is an author who writes fro Daily Mail. On Sunday 09:52am on 28th May 2006, Sally wrote that Scientists believe that a real link could be found between MMR triple vaccine and autism and bowel disease in children. The British doctor named Andrew Wakefield claimed a link back in 1998. The Wake Forest University School of Medicine in North Carolina are researching a possible link of vaccines to autism. Dr Wakefield said that: "This new study confirms what we found in British children and again with Professor O'Leary. The only exposure these children have had to measles is through the MMR vaccine." More research is going on, but evidence is stacking up that there is a vaccine connection autism.

The BBC on Sunday, May 28, 2006 (23:09 GMT 00:09 UK ) talked about how music can contribute to the easing of chronic pain. 60 people were tested and there was a 21% decrease of pain that those folks experienced pain. Researcher Dr Sandra Siedlecki, of the Cleveland Clinic Foundation have talked about this truth. Dr Cathy Stannard, honorary secretary of the British Pain Society, believed that pain is complex and can be effected by mood and music.
You Tube on June 1st 2006 carried a movie exposing aspartame as a dangerous chemical. Even Dr. Woodrow C. Monte wrote: "Methanol [one of the breakdown products of aspartame] has no therapeutic properties and is considered only as a toxicant. The ingestion of two teaspoons is considered lethal in humans" (Monte, Woodrow, "Aspartame: Methanol and the Public Health", Journal of Applied Nutrition, Vol. 36, Number 1, 1984, p. 44).

Now, it's time to recap on the population control agenda. The Nazis loved population control. The population control agenda, which is supported by many in the global elite, isn't just for controlling people. It's also for depopulation, vaccination, sterilizations, and greed for resources. Henry Kissinger in a declassified document of the National Security Council, entitled "Implications of world wide population growth for U.S. security & overseas interests" (in 1974), wanted to decrease the birth rate of the Third World, have sterilization, and depopulation. Global 2000 was another Kissinger memo sent to President Jimmy Carter to use food as a weapon to depopulate the Third World. They not only want my black people to die to support their population control madness, but as many people as possible. Today, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the WHO, and UNICEF endorse the population control agenda. Prince Phillips, Ted Turner, Cyrus Vance, and other globalists not only support the overpopulation myth, but believe in the radical depopulation of the Earth. This radical depopulation in the world can't be realized voluntarily, unless wars, genetically engineered viruses, forced starvation, and other evil deeds are done. Many in the Club of Rome, Bilderberg Group, and the Environmental Establishment support population control, so private property is controlled from the people. Even the PNAC document mentioned that: "...advanced forms of biological warfare that can target specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool..." No one can forget about China's brutal one child policy having forced abortion and sterilization unto its own citizens.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

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