
Thursday, June 01, 2006




By: John LeBoutillier

Ed Klein’s best-seller, THE TRUTH ABOUT HILLARY was the most talked-about political book of 2005. And today the paperback version is published by Sentinel with a new Foreward by Mr. Klein in which he recounts the unprecedented media boycott of his book.Looking back to last year, it was a remarkable series of revelations that made THE TRUTH ABOUT HILLARY a fascinating story:

A) The pre-publication hype kicked off with carefully leaked material to Drudge;

B) A tantalizing excerpt in VANITY FAIR - a bastion of the Mainstream Media (MSM);

C) Word about Ed Klein that he was from the MSM - and thus was playing “against type” to dare to criticize Hillary;

D) Bookings for Ed Klein on all the big TV shows on the three broadcast networks and cable shows, too;Then the Clinton Spin Machine went to work to attack Ed Klein and denigrate his character and career. Pressure was applied on TV producers not to let Klein on their shows. There was a veiled threat: if you want Senator Clinton on your show in the future, you better not have Ed Klein on now.

E) Thus the sudden tectonic shift in the story of the Hillary book: virtually every TV show cancelled Ed Klein’s already-booked appearance! Like a well-orchestrated stage show, as if on cue, Sentinel received call after call un-inviting Ed to be on their TV shows! As Rush Limbaugh said then on his show, “The press is not curious about what Klein is saying. They are circling the wagons, trying to defend Hillary.”

F) Following the old rule of physics - for every action there is an equal and opposite re-action - the ‘alternate’ media jumped into the vacuum. Taking the lead was Newsmax, which did yeoman’s work to publicize the book. Newsmax repeatedly covered all of the twists and turns as the MSM showed its true colors as an adjunct of Team Clinton.

G) The hugely powerful and influential Talk Radio world followed Newsmax’ lead and booked Ed Klein on scores of shows.The result?THE TRUTH ABOUT HILLARY soared to Number Two on the New York Times best-seller and list and remained near the top for five weeks! And all despite - or because of - the Mainstream Media’s duplicitous boycott!Thus it is now clear: despite the beast laid plans of the Left, they could not prevent THE TRUTH ABOUT HILLARY from making a huge mark in the political world.

Just one week ago the New York Times published on the front page a long - and planted - story about the “state of the Clinton marriage.” This was clearly an attempt to pre-empt future speculation about many of the facts exposed in Ed Klein’s book. Behind this story is another truth: Democratic insiders all know that Hillary is damaged goods - much of the damage done by Klein’s book - and she probably cannot win a general election.And it is the very issues and facts raised by Ed Klein that will be the undoing of Hillary:

A) Her roots in the radical feminist ideology;

B) Her total lack on conviction about anything;

C) Her total, compulsive - and “congenital” - dishonesty. Plus her husband’s non-stop womanizing.Indeed, THE TRUTH ABOUT HILLARY was a publishing hit. Five weeks on the Times’ list is very, very good.But this book was even more: it was a political megahit that showed us much about the immediate future:

A) The MSM is losing influence - and fast;

B) The Internet and Talk Radio actually have more influence than the MSM;

C) Team Hillary has a thin skin and is very worried about her character issues.If you don’t have a copy of THE TRUTH ABOUT HILLARY, you need to get one and read it ASAP.It will - in the end - have done more to keep her out of the Oval Office than any other book."Published originally at : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact."
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