
Monday, July 17, 2006

Is this the Beginnings of WWIII?

Tremendous events keep on going recently with the battles between Israel and Hezbollah. This modern crisis started in July 12, 2006. As usual, I'm going to outline history both in the past and the present. This is necessary to present the necessary context of history. Both sides have been attacking each other for a while now. Hezbollah used rockets to attack the Israeli cities of Haifa, Tiberias, and other locations (via longe range Katyushas rockets). Israeli military has also bombing locations in Lebanon primarily around Beirut. In Beirut, buildings, bridges, and other places were targets. In Israel, bomb shelters are abundant, especially in its Northern region. I respect Israel's right to self defense, but the military have targeted civilian infrastructure in Lebanon like an airport, houses, other buildings, and other locations. I equally don't agree with Hezbollah striking innocent people in Israel as well.
In Lebanon, foreign countries are trying to retrieve stranded foreign visitors. America even sent some Americans into the country of Cyprus. Yet, America hasn't sent all of its citizens out of the warzone. Suprisingly, Saudi Arabia and Jordan has criticized Hezbollah for the attacks. Jerry Golden has presented an interesting reason for that. Jerry says that Hezbollah is Shiite (which is true), while most Arabic nations are Sunni. Therefore, they are withdrawing a heavy criticism against Israel. Never forget that Iran is made up of mostly Persians and they aren't Arabic people. It could be competition for hegemony between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Also, Saudi Arabian leaders are linked with Western oil interests and the rest of the Elite (like Le Cerle). The Associated Press on July 17, 2006 reported on how Israeli troops are inside of Lebanon now.

The G8 (along with the European Union) and most of the world community said that Israel has a right to defend itself, yet the Israeli attacks are disproportionate. The truth is that both sides made mistakes in this affair. Not one side is immune from legitimate criticism. It is equally wrong to see innocent Lebanonese people to suffer as is it to see innocent Israelis to suffer as well. Not every Jew or Arab in the Middle East are evil. I believe that the governments of Lebanon and Israel have made some bad choices in this affair. I would say that Lebanon's government is weak and that is why they fail to control Hezbollah. Also, we can't forget about the intelligence agency component in this. It's a historical fact that even after the British (after WWI) carved out the Middle East (through the May 1916 Sykes-Picot Agreement), they and the rest of the West still have heavy influence to the nations of Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, etc. For example, British agent St. John Philby worked with Ibn Saud to overthrow the Hashemite Kingdom and form a new Saudi Arabian kingdom in the 1920's. According to Eric Jon Phelps, St. John Philby is a Knight of Malta. Me and my little brother agree that the West (foreigners) aggrivated this Middle East conflict. Even before the 1900's (and even in the early 20th century), most Jews and Arabs lived in peace. William Ziff’s book, "The Rape of Palestine" further proves this. 33° Mason Chaim Weizmman and Faisal Hussein agreed upon a peaceful Jewish homeland in January 1919. Even in the 1930's, many Arabic people wanted peace with the Jewish people. It was when the British funded radical groups & individuals like Haj Amin al Husseini (who supported Hitler and the Nazis) to cause riots in Israel. Don't get me wrong. Real, independent Muslim radicals are in the world causing real evils and terrorism like the "Janjaweed" militias killing black Africans in Sudan. Millions of black Sudanese have been slaughtered by Muslim terrorists and that is genocide. That is wrong.

On the other hand, intelligence agencies and governments have funded other Muslim radical terrorists for a long time. Dr. John Loftus admitted that MI6 funded al-Qaeda affiliated KLA terrorists in Kosovo. Loftus went further that the "mastermind" of the London 7/7 bombing was an asset of MI6. MI5 isn't alone, because the CIA, Mossad, MI6, and other intelligence agencies have not only engineer terrorism, but monitor terrorists for decades. Only time will tell if this is the real beginnings of World War III. Even CFR member Newt Gingrich believes that this choas occuring is World War Three (on Tim Russert's Meet the Press yesterday). The Globalists are definitely using this present choas between Israel and Hezbollah as a justification to invade Iran if necessary. The CFR-run Project for A New American Century Document (created in the 1990's) called for this. An Iran war have been called up by the CFR-controlled media as well. Also, the Middle East crisis is still occuring, because of failed policies. Barry Chamish wrote eloquently on how the CFR-promoted Olso accords didn't benefit either side and actually made things worse off. Chamish also writes that one of the key men in Mideastern negiotations is King Juan Carlos of Spain, who is a Knight of Malta. You see a lot of Freemasons and Knights of Malta running much of the policies in the Mid East. In the final analysis, evil people in the governments of the West and other nations are promoting unnecessary wars against many nations if necessary. Webster Tarpley even said that the situations now isn't benefiting Israel or Lebanon now.

I am not too found of the extremist Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, but even I don't agree with a war with Iran. That is just insane. If a war occur, Iran's troops would not only rain down on American G.Is. in the thousands, but they can shut down their oil supplies to the world. That can increase the prices of oil and cause more troubles in America plus the world. As for support for Israel, we need to call for a reformation in Israel. Israel needs to replace its corrupt leadership (this goes for Saudi Arabia, Jordan, etc. so I'm not one sided here) and have real, patriotic folks ruling Israel. The leaders of Israel are in bed with the CFR and other internationalists not having the agenda of the people of Israel at heart. That's a reality. I heard some anti-Semites that Israel stole the land and created a nation in 1948. This is false for tons of reasons.

One is that Jewish people lived in Israel continiously for over 2,000 years (during the time of the early Roman empire, Byzantinum, the early Arab Empire, the Crusaders, the Ottoman Turks, and the British). There was never a creation of a Palestianian state in that time frame, though the Palestinians have suffered evil before. The word "Palestine" was coined by the racist Emperor Hadrian in In 135 A.D. in an attempt to eliminate any Jewish heritage in the Holy Land. Second, many Jewish people who came into Israel regularly paid Arabic people to settle in the land with money.

Paying money to live in land has nothing to do with theft at all. The forcible displacement of over 600,000 Palestinians from their locations in 1948 is something that I don't agree with. On the other hand, (according to Khaled al-`Azm's [who served as Prime Minister of Syria in 1948 and 1949], memoirs (published in Beirut, 1973) many Arabic leaders called for the deplacement (it wasn't only the Jewish people through the the massacre of Deir Yassin). Again, the solution solution for this Middle East crisis is get rid of the evil governments of Israel and other Middle East nations and allow the people to have patriotic, moral people to run their lands to find solutions. As long as you have evil leaders, you're going to have evil policies. I will also support a strong economic development policy throughout the Middle East. In that way, a decrease of fiction among Jewish and Arabic people can occur. Also, there is enough evidence that the Hebrews of the Bible are clearly exist today in the Yemeni, Sephradic, Indic, etc. So, anyone who says that the Hebrews don't exist anymore today are either ignorant, a liar, a bigot, or someone who hasn't look at all of the facts.

That's one key cornerstone of these events. Also, I recall about Freemasonry (whose modern Lodge came in 1717). When you read Masonic literature, they obsess with King Solomon's Temple. Even Masons in the 1800's like the The Quatuor Coronati Lodge (The Four Crowns Lodge) endorse recreating Solomon's Temple. Many misguided "liberals" claim that George W. Bush is some "right wing" Christian. What is the truth surrounding this matter? The truth is that Bush isn't a conservative Christian. Bush goes and is involved in the Bohemian Grove where occult rituals of praising a statue of Molech occur. It happens for real in Northern California. George W. Bush has given millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood (whose founder Margaret Sanger was into the occult being apart of a group called Unity. She also went into a NJ KKK rally at 1926. Pro-choice people don't mention their real history much), the biggest abortion provider in the nation. Bush believes that abortion is OK for rape and incest. Bush believes that Muslims and Christians worship the same God. I dare anyone to find a conservative Christian who believes that. I haven't seen any that do. Also, he is still part of the Skulls and Bones Secret Society, where a coffin ritual is done with skulls and occult imagery. That isn't Christian or moral to me at all.

London Telegraph on July 16, 2006 discussed on how the British MI5 wanting to recruit female and minorities unto their organization. MI5 has an interesting history. on July 13, 2006 exposed more of this evil Big Brother agenda. The site talks about The State Department supports its new E-Passports. Well, the whole circumstance is about the government planning to use RFID chips inside of American passports by August 2006. This technology is not only dangerous, because it limits our privacy. Also, a hacker can retrieve the information found inside of the biometrics passport to exploit people's lives completely. On the abortion front, pro choice extremists are at it again. A group of of Operation Save America (OSA) evangelists and pro-life activists just want to come into a church. Then suddenly, anarchists blocked the entrance of the church.

The group is called “World Can’t Wait”, a liberal group that forgets that Bush is a puppet of the corporate elite and the pro-new world order crowd. Pro-lifer Adam Tennant’s Honda was assaulted by the World Can't Wait group. From destroying Pro-Life crosses, assaults, damaging a cars, etc. what is next for these Pro-Choice (actual Pro-murder) extremists. These extremists hate the truth that Kirsten Moore, president and CEO of Reproductive Health Technologies Project said that the morning after pill doesn't decrease abortion and its terrible consequences like deaths, cancers, depression, etc. G-8 meetings are important. The G-8 is about 8 of the most powerful or influential industralized nations in the world to discuss policies. Many protestors are there at their numerous meeting, because the G-8 endorse the economic policy of globalization. Globalization eliminates sovereignities and is nothing more than a representation of a new world order basically. MosNews reported on how protestors were blocked Russian police at St. Petersburg Stadium. Free speech isn't only suppressed in America I guess. An article from Associated Press on July 17, 2006 written By JEANNINE AVERSA discussed about Bush cursing Hezbollah. It seems to be another piece of evidence of Bush's non-moral acts.

The good news with the Internet is that you not only find your own perspective. You can find the real truth and discover real historical events transpiring. This is more than about politics. It's about religion as well. When I look at many religions today, I see nothing more than the repitition of the old Mystery Babylonian Mystery Religion. Some talk about the Kabbala. Yes, the Kabbala is apart of the mysteries. It was invented in the modern era by Medieval Jewish rabbis. Albert Pike is quoted as praising the Kabbala. The Kabbala is about those who follow it claim secret codes in the OT that represent the real intrepretation of the words of Moses. Those who follow it claim that it will make them have salvation or even perfect. Hollywood stars love it like Wyonia Ryder, Elizabeth Taylor, and many others. This is greatly exemplified by the New Age Movement (whose one of its greatest leaders was Jesuit Pierre de Chardin). It's bigger than the New Age though. Roman Catholicism, Jehovah Witness, Islam, etc. are from the same mold. All of them accept the views of a work based religion, all of them have tenets related to paganism, and all of them are infiltrated with Freemasons, Jesuits, ecumencials, and other elitists. This is related to the One world religion agenda. In fact, a Jewish rabbi called for a world religious body in March 2006. I will continue to expose the Vatican/Jesuit connection to the new world order. Also, I like to thank Lisa Ruby's coverage of the explosure of the NKJV (whose cover in some of its Bible has the triqueta occult symbol on it). As for Israel, I will support Israel's right to exist. Also, I will expose all evils in all nations.

What's the solution to this madness of false ideals and myths? Well, I just follow the Word of God for answers. It's a common sense book that blows the false ideals of many of the false religions and cults in the world. I still believe in the tenets of the 9/11 Truth Movement regarding the errors of the offical story. Also, we need to repeal the agenda of the neo cons, who want an utopian world through force. Our response should be to support self defense and to be active. Inaction can lead to death. Attacks on the 2nd Amendment are still arriving. Randy Hall (from on July 2, 2006) wrote that a MA court ruled that homeowners must lock up their guns. This is against people's privacy.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

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