Alice Bailey was a satanic women who make in force the Golden Age «Alice Bailey then concludes her instructions about the role Freemasonry is to play in the coming establishment of the New World Order and its Great One [Antichrist]. "There is no question, therefore, that the work to be done in familiarising the general public with the nature of the Mysteries is of paramount importance at this time. These Mysteries will be restored to outer expression through the medium of the Church and the Masonic Fraternity ... When the Great One comes with His disciples and initiates we shall have ... the restoration of the Mysteries and their exoteric presentation as a consequence of the first initiation.»
Albert Pike was a Grand Master «Religion, to obtain currency and influence with the great mass of mankind, must needs be alloyed with such an amount of error as to place it far below the standard attainable by the higher human capacities.» Now we know that Freemasonry lies to its own members at the lower degrees!!
Pike reiterates this awful truth on page 840, in the teaching to the 32nd Degree, that Masonry symbols "... ever conceals from the Profane, and ever preserves to the Elect ..." Therefore, the explanation for Masonic symbols given to the lower degrees are a lie, and it is only when one reaches the upper degrees -- probably the 30th -- that they are told the truth.» Pike reveals, on page 624, Teaching of the 28th Degree, that "Masonry is identical with the Ancient Mysteries. Then, on page 567, Teaching of the 26th Degree, Pike calls Lucifer the "Angel of Light" that Freemasonry worships[/b]!!
On pages 207-208 of «Morals and Dogma», Pike traces the Ancient Mysteries back to "Egypt, in India, in Persia, and Phoenicia, in Greece, and Samothrace, in the greater mysteries ..."
Therefore Freemasonry teaches the same Satanic religion of Ancient Egypt, the same religion which God judged as He delivered Israel out of bondage!! You can read the way in which God brought Judgment on Egypt in Exodus 1-15. This Egyptian religion, which God condemned and judged, is the very religion now being taught by Freemasonry!! In fact, later in this article, we discuss the obelisk in Washington, D.C., popularly known as the Washington Monument! Dedicated occultists bow down to the obelisk three times daily, because they believe the spirit of the Egyptian god, "Ra" indwells the obelisk. This Egyptain god, "Ra" is the Sun god of Exodus 10:21-23
Albert Pike states in "Morals and Dogma" To learn more see : ***** See those pictures.
Exemple : Billy Graham. You have to click on the pictures.
-Maria ********
I really understang what you say because we have the same problem here with the next federal election, january 23. They all play different role-game for the New World Order. Prime minister Martin and his goverment put laws of the anti-terrorism. Stephen Harper (seduction = homosexuality to rallye christians under him and the NWO) like Bush, the Pope and much religion pastors. Approve the new world government (NU), ready to put the army with the laws Of Martin, you have Jack Layton, the good guy new age, promote the nature. The good guy! and Gilles Duceppe who represents population of Quebec (separation of Quebec to Canada and others humanist socials things.) We have to think and discern the «program». So we vote for who! We need a SAVIOR here too! You see, a SAVIOR, a country SAVIOR, WORLD GOVERNMENT FOR PEACE. The PLAN. They have the power so vote for one or an other, the PLAN continue. It's a good piece of theatral at this day. They prepare graduadly our mind : YOU NEED A SAVIOR.... YOU NEED A SAVIOR.... , you lost your job (by their fault) and YOU NEED A SAVIOR...YOU NEED A SAVIOR... Terrorism and war day after day (prepare by them) ...YOU NEED A SAVIOR...YOU NEED A SAVIOR...
The GLOBALIST and MONDIALIST CORPORATION CREATE THIS CHAOS for preparing you to the coming of the LUCIFERIAN SAVIOR. A FALSE PEACE WITH THE FALSE JESUS AND A FALSE FUTUR. And a LOT will go after this men of peace. THE SAVIOR, the PEACE, ALLELUIA JESUS! HERE THE MESSIAH! They will believe him, they will trust him. You will see that, soon ,on news, one day. You also will see a lot of people refuse the mark of the Beast, lot will continue to understand the events, and some will see one day the truly face of the Antichrist. And there, they will put active the army who is ready at this time to stop all the resistance. A big persecution will begin very soon and it will be terrible. The PEACE AND LOVE WORLD they speak to you, IT IS AN ILLUSION. What is coming is the DARKNESS. It will be terrible if you go in this way. And the DARKNESS of the mark of the Beast will be everywhere because they had deconnecting you of reality by mental reprogrammation programm with the micro chip you have accept one day. ILLUSION AND TOTAL CONTROL ON POPULATION ALL AROUND THE WORLD by the technology.
BUT WHERE'S THE PEACE THEY PROMISE? That's the faith and the reality you want for you and your family? Went they will decide to take your children to offer in sacrifice of God Lucifer or to theirs gods and goddests or for Mother nature, you will not do anything to help your children because you will be connecting to the satellite at the [b]Pentagone and programming[/b] in distance. May be they will program a nice garden with lot of flowers and new age music during the time they kill your children? don't wurry, Be happy,! Or when they will sexually abuse of one of you or your children, you will do anything because you're programming. They will use you like they want. Are your soul and spirit, you will be a slave or Satan and their false reign of peace world , you will never access, because it was a bluff! And God will not receive you because you have chossen to go with this men, one day! .
Revelation 14 : 9. They will deconnect you at anythime and kill you. They use you like they want. Do you understand what is coming??? Do you really understand? Revelation 6 : 1 The only thing to do is : COME TO JESUS OF NAZARETH and trust him. Join the army of Christ and be a good soldier. Announce the good evangile, tell people what is coming and offer to serve Jesus in the same cause as you. And pray because the spiritually WAR is now begin all around the world! The only one we trust is Jesus, only him. But go and cancel your vote if you're not voting.
We saw since january 31, day of the Union adress of mister Bush inCapitole, a new important plan of the game has begin. The mobilization in United States during this night. Over 68 countries, thousands of people manifested against the program and politics of Bush administration and against the «christians fascits» who support the politics of the democrate party. The mobilization was supported by the Conscience party for peace in the World. Now we have for the same reasons, a big mobilization in over 600 countries all around the world by an anti-war movement . The article don't tell who is in head of this. But I have my idea. I'm sure it's the same who organize the one in America. The globalist enjoy what is happening. Under ONE man, they can assemble on ONE UNITY all people and prepare them for the coming of their master of PEACE. This movenment of conscience in under direction of guide spirits and influencal luciferian political peoples to unify and be ONE under the prince of Peace who's coming soon : Lucifer. Governments advance in the luciferian plan. And people don't see and understand anything. We can see that a lot of people go in wrong side.
So nothing's good will be for next years. With the anti-war movenment, it will give the possibility to the government to use policy and army in certain case to control manifestation. This is the real plan. Martial Law is not far. The world is in big danger. Turn your eyes on the One who tell you all these things we can see in our generation. Jesus of Nazareth advise populations for long time about the reign of the Antichrist. Don't take part to the seduction of the satanic plan. You have to refuse it! You have to prepare you because the persecution come and if you are not prepare by securise your family, you will pass a very bad time. Here the article Maria Today marks the third anniversary of the February 15th global anti-war protest, the day tens of millions of people took to the streets in some 600 cities around the world to protest the Bush Administration’s plans to invade Iraq.
Author Phyllis Bennis talks about how the anti-war movement has evolved into a major force for global change. Hundreds of marches and rallies took place in up to 60 countries. In Rome, over two million people marched. London, Madrid and Barcelona each saw over a million people take to the streets. In New York City, half a million rallied. In San Francisco, a quarter of a million people marched. And hundreds of other protests were held across every continent in the world. Sites included Australia, Johannesburg, Tel Aviv, Syria, Tokyo, Bangladesh, South Korea, Hong Kong, Thailand, Puerto Rico, Brazil, East Timor, India, and even the South Pole. Phyllis Bennis, fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington DC, specializing in Middle East and United Nations issues. She is the author of several books. Her newest book is "Challenging Empire: How People, Governments, and the UN Defy U.S. Power. Watch 256k stream - video