
Wednesday, August 02, 2006

A Comeback

Battlefields are ever abundant in the Middle East from the 1967 Six Day War to the 2006 Israel vs. Hezbollah conflict. Qana, Lebanon had a bombing days ago, which killed at least 56 people (37 of them were children). There are some things that I want to get off my chest. Just because people are anti-Zionist (though Zionism isn't monolithic and many good people are Zionists) or criticize the policies of Israel, doesn't mean a person is necessarily anti-Semitic. Truth be told, Jewish people and Arabic people lived in a lot of tranquility in the 18th-early 19th centuries. In the 1000's A.D., Jewish communities flourish in Rafah, Gaza, Ashkelon, Jaffa and Caesarea. Dawood Barakat, editor of the Egyptian paper Al-Ahram [along with Emir Faisal, son of Sherif Hussein], back in the early 1900's supported Jewish people settling in the land of Eretz Yisrael. So, it really annoys to see some people saying that Jewish people were land in the land. Likewise just because people abhor Islamic fascism (some of the Muslim radicals have been influenced by British Intelligence) and criticizes the policies of Arabic nations, doesn't mean a person is anti-Semitic necessary or hate Arabic people in general. The neo cons are right that Muslim extremism is real in the world. I differ with the neo conservatives in that we need to invade innocent, sovereign nations for contrived reasons. Even in Iran, a person was arrested for just naming a child a Christian name.

The international community (including the United Nations and the European Union) is calling Israel (whose right to exist has been validated by history, the Balfour Declaration, the Peel Commission, a continious Jewish presence in the land for over 2,000 years, etc.) to have an immediate cease fire. Even Republican Congressman Chuck Hagel called for an immediate cease fire. Hagel criticized Bush's foreign policy in the Middle East. Incursions like in Jibat Bail are commonplace. Now, Israel is fighting Hezbollah in using more ground forces. Despite a 48-hour cease fire proclomation by Israel, bombing among both sides frequently happen. Like always I don't agree with Israeli military forces using depleted uranium or Hezbollah sending missilies in Israeli civilan targets. Anti-black rhetoric was shown by a Arab Palestinian newspaper. It showed Council on Foreign Relation member Condoleeza Rice giving birth toa monkey. Also, another newspaper called Condi a "black widow." Now, if similar words and image were shown describing an Arab Muslim or a Jew, then the criticism would be very fast and harsh. This shows the blatantly racism present in some (not all) Arabic people.

Some Muslims themselves enslaved blacks centuries before the wicked international slave trade. These are the same racists trying to steal Sudan from the black people living that country for thousands of years. I defend my people's right to live in Sudan without the terrorist Janjaweed, militias killing innocent people. So many updates are coming fast.
Journal Gazette and Times-Courier on July 31, 2006 talked about Bush sending a detainee bill in Congress. The proposed measure authorized the Pentagon's tribunal system, which was struck down by the Supreme Court. Bush wants the same situation with no Geneva Convention right for the mostly low-level accused "terrorists." Julian Borger from the London Guardian on August 1, 2006 talked about the construction of the National Biodefence Analysis and Countermeasures Centre (NBACC). The NBCC is near Washington, D.C. where the governnment will house dangerous chemicals and stimulate potential terrorist attacks. This relates to the October 2001 anthrax incident, which has been traced to the Ft. Detrick, Maryland facility in Maryland. Looking beyond this, it's a known fact that the PNAC document called for biological weapons to target genotypes (or ethnic groups). The real power in the world (found in the Jesuits, Freemasons, World Bank, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, CFR, etc.) just loved to endorse vaccinations and a population control agenda (even the United Nations, which was created in 1945 on Rockefeller owned land). Don't believe in this cartel capitalist vs. socialism fight. Big corporations and high level political groups like the Carnegie Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the World Bank, and others fund both the monopoly capitalists and the socialists. Many of these people want land grabs, big government, and unnecessary taxes.

Mel Gibson just got arrested for a D.U.I. Mel Gibson made profantiy and anti-Semitic comments toward the police officers. One of the police people was Jewish. Hutton Gibson (Mel's father) is a known anti-Semite who collectively blames Jews for the world's ills and denied that the Holocaust killed about 6 million Jewish people. Even though I don't accept his pro-Jesuit film "The Passion of the Christ," he apologized for his apparent, hostlie behavoior. The Passion of the Christ not only had Jesuit Fulco involved with its scripts and it had pornographers (or wordly people) as actresses like Monica Bellucci, Rosalinda Celentano, and Claudia Gerini. As many know, Jesuit priest Fulco was involved in the translation of the script of the movie.

The film also had a spectrum of unscriptural scenes and Icon Productions' [the company funding the movie] logo is an All Seeing Eye (relating to the false god Horus of ancient Egypt). Mel's new film is called "Apocalypto," which is about the Mayan civilization. The Anti-Defamation League doen't concieve Gibson apology as good enough at first. Now, they want Gibson to do more to compensate his anti-Semitism. The truth is that the ADL is controlled by the Masonic B'nai B'rith Lodge of Freemasonry. B'nai B'rith was invented in the 1800's. Abe Foxman (a far left zealot) is the present head of the ADL. Foxman himself said degatory, unfair statements about conservative Christians. Why doesn't the ADL expose the fact that many Labor Zionists aided the Third Reich proven by Barry Chamish and others? The ADL is nothing more than controlled opposition. Real Jewish patriotic groups include the JPFO (a pro-Second Amendment organization), Jews for Morality, and others. I don't accept the lies spewed by people like Abe Foxman. The Gibson story distracts from the real issues like the Middle East crisis, the Iraq war, the American Union, government sponsored terrorism, Secret Societies, the Bible, and others themes.

Fidel Casto is expriencing surgery for intestinal problems. Castro ceded power to his brother Raoul for the first time in 47 years. Castro was a Jesuit-trained (i.e. Jesuit priest Armando Llorente advised Castro) and ruled Cuba in a devious, authotorian fashion since 1959. John Paul II and Knight of Malta head Andrew Bertie visited the man. Cubans in Florida cheered and celebrated for the hope that Cuba can change its political system to be more intuned for freedom. I just heard a radio interview debate between Liberty University graduate Sean Hannity and Professor Kevin Barret yesterday. Even though I disagree with Barrett on some points, Barrett is 100% right that people in the Israeli government made grave mistakes, the neo cons endorse a new empire, al-Qaeda is a CIA funded group (Honorary 33rd Degree Freemason Ronald Reagan 1985's National Security Decision Directive 166 aided the mujahideen in the Afghan war), evidence is overwhelming that 9/11 was an inside job, witnesses heard explosives going off inside of the Twin Towers, that Marvin Bush had involvement with the security of the Twin Towers, and that people should resist the Bush/Cheney agenda. Kevin Barrett has a right to express his views as part of the First Amendment. Many in the mainstream media and the government hate it that the truths in the 9/11 Truth Movement is coming out. A new Scripps Howard/Ohio University poll even show that a third of the American public believes that the government either assissted the terrorists or conscienciously took no action in preventing the attacks. More facts are coming out and the 911 Truth Movement isn't going away at all. A Vanity Fair article written by MICHAEL BRONNER on August 2, 2006 discussed about 9/11 NORAD tapes.

I show comebacks from time to time. This is my newest entry of my own words to my blog of this week. The heat is harsh in Southeastern Virginia where I'm from. Pro-Life battles still rage. Pro-Lifers are upset that the FDA is considering making Over the counter the birth control pill called the morning after pill. According to Steven Ertelt, the morning after pill hasn't reduced abortions in Scotland, where abortion is at record levels. The pill is also nicknamed Plan B. Even a 2005 study co-authored by a Planned Parenthood doctor in the Journal of the American Medical Association proved that Plan B had no effect in radically reducing pregnancies compared to drugs from a pharmacy. The battle between good people and evil people is still on. I have compassion over warmongering and true conservative principles over neo con ideology shown by Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, or Glen Beck. O'Reilly angry over blogs, because blogs have exposed his errors, his accused sexual harrashment against a woman, etc.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

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