
Monday, October 02, 2006

Henry Kissinger: White House Handler by Victor Thorn


Henry Kissinger: White House Handler by Victor Thorn

With the release of Bob Woodward’s latest book, State of Denial, it has become abundantly clear yet again how heavily manipulated the White House is by outside forces. Specifically, the man made famous by Watergate claims that war criminal Dr. Henry Kissinger is a frequent advisor to President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, and that he has been instrumental in prolonging our disastrous war in Iraq (just like he did during Vietnam).Naturally, none of this information will surprise those in the know, for it’s merely the continuation of a pattern that has existed for decades. Woodrow Wilson – our nation’s worst president ever – was handled by Colonel Edward Mandel House, while FDR was controlled by Bernard Baruch and Harry Hopkins (who outwardly committed treason by giving the Soviet Union our nuclear secrets before we ever dropped the Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki).

Likewise, LBJ’s entire war room was comprised of New York City CFR members; Nixon’s de facto commander-in-chief was Kissinger; Gerald Ford’s vice president was none other than Nelson Rockefeller (which would explain the two near-miss assassination attempts on his life); practically every member of Jimmy Carter's entire cabinet was comprised of the newly formed Trilateral Commission (David Rockefeller’s brainchild) while Zbigniew Brzezinski was his National Security Advisor; Ronald Reagan’s criminal doppelganger existed in the form of ultimate insider (and former CIA Director) George Bush Sr.; while Bill Clinton’s shenanigans were overseen and orchestrated by Bilderberg regular Vernon Jordan.So now Henry Kissinger reemerges yet again to lead our Orwellian perpetual war on “terror.” And yes, if you remember correctly, Bush initially selected Kissinger to head his “impartial” 9-11 investigative committee.What a joke … a sick, sick joke.In a perfect world we’d form a citizen posse, and then next time Kissinger visited the Oval Office, we’d arrest him on the spot, drag him out in handcuffs, then tar & feather the bastard on the steps of Congress before throwing his ass in jail. If only we lived in a perfect world …

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