
Monday, October 02, 2006

New Adventures

Political situations run rampant now. Luckily, tons of people are understanding the truth about religion, history, science, politics, and other spheres of the world. There has been books out and other things manifesting themselves lately. Republican Congressman Rep. Mark Foley resigned. The purpose of his resignation is that Foley sent disgusting emails to a young boy, which were sexual in nature. Foley was the one who on America's Most Wanted who endorsed an anti-pedophile agenda. He's obviously a hypocrite by condemning pedophilia publiclly, yet having obscene messages sent to a young boy. This isn't uncommon among the government. There is nothing new under the sun. Pedophilia and sick activities have occured among the Elite for thousands of years. There has been tons of scandals. Democrat Barney Frank had a sexual brothel in his Maryland home with boys, etc. So, this isn't a one-party deal. In the 1980's, there was a scandal with child prostitution among Republicans during the time of Honorary 33rd Degree Freemason Reagan as President. The Washington Times in 1989 reported on this information. A book called "Franklin Cover-Up": Child Abuse, Satanism and Murder in Nebraska" written by John W. DeCamp has other evidence about this situation. Bill Clinton has been proven to have adultery and possible rape of women. Many of the people running the world are occult worshipping, sexual deviants. In the Bohemian Grove, they hire male prostitute to service the men there. This is so commonplace that many don't care or are apathetic. Dyncorp (affiliated with Halliburton) has been caught with child prostitution and slavery. There are global pedophilia network in nations of the Four corners of the Earth. There has been an attack on Jerome Corsi for his accurate expose of the American Union.

The American Union is about making one North American Union with one North American currency (written about by CFR member Robert Pastor). Even Lou Dobbs and Corsi are mocked for his explosure of the American Union. There are tons of evidence in backing up the truth of the American Union plan. For example, there was a secret meeting among Canadans, Americans, and others endorsing American integration of North American ecomonies. Also, a CFR report entitled “Building a North American Community" mentioned the plan of creating a new North American community by 2010 along with a permanent tribunal among the 3 nations. Some want a NAFTA Superhighway corridor that Jerome Corsi has written about. Eugenics is still here. BRIAN HICKS from the Charleston Post And Courier on October 1, 2006 talked about a Council man considering sterilizing parents. Sterilization was done by the Nazis, because the Nazis falsely assumed that different ethnic groups other than Aryan were "inferior." The Councilman's name is Larry Shirley. I don't agree with sterilization, abortion, forced abortion, sex slavery, and the whole nine yards. This is anti-human and anti-God.

Eric Jon Phelps finally finished his Vatican Assassins III book. I don't agree with Eric on every issue, but he is right to expose the Vatican and the Jesuits. Many callers talked with Eric on the Dr. Bill Deagle MD show. I do find black history presented by the one caller to Eric interesting in the interview. I've researched real black history for years and there is a lot of truth to what the black man said. Black people are in the Bible like the eunuch who was converted by the apostle Philip and the King Tarahaqo of Nubia. There was another caller, who was racist against Jewish people. Regardless of what this man said, The Torah is not the Talmud. It's like this: the concordance is a commentary on the Bible, but it isn't the Bible. The truth the man omits is it is the Vatican that has slaughtered Jews for centuries, endorses the Ecumencial Movement, and murdered others including Muslims plus Native Americans. Rome is the head of this One World Religious movement as evident by the hundreds of people of various religions (from Buddhists to shamans) meeting with the Pope in Assisi, Italy in October 1986. Regardless of what others in other religions want, Rome is still at the foremost of the ecumencial/one world religion agenda. There always been tons of documentation of suburdionation of the Labor Zionists to Rome (i.e. The Temple Mount, Olso, the Holocaust, the traitor to this own Jewish people Jesuit-trained Shimon Peres, etc). The caller doesn't know all of history.

First, the main goal of the Sabbatean movement and Jacob Frank was to ruin Judaism not just Christianity (Jacob Frank probably didn't realize that Catholicism isn't Biblical Christianity). Also, The Frankists followed the occult and the Kabbala, which is contrary to many verses in the OT. If the Frankists were true Torah followers, why did they engage in rituals which are contrary to the OT. Barry Chamish and Rabbi Antelman exposed the anti-Torah Judaism agenda of Jacob Frank for years. Chamish and Antelman wrote (with sources) about the Frankists' distain of the Torah, Christianity, and Torah Judaism. Therefore, the caller is spewing half-truths to justify his anti-Jewish sentiment. As for the Armenian presecution, some Jews (called the Doenmes) were involved. Yet, the main prepetrators were the Masonic pro-Sunni Muslims proven by John Daniel's research. Also, Jewish people and other ethnic groups were harmed in Turkey. Gentile Freemason Mustafa Kemal Attaturk was one of the leaders of the Turkish Revolution. Gentile 32nd Degree Freemason Mehmet Pasha was also a leader of the Young Turks, so this isn't a total Jewish thing. Freemasonry was helped to be influenced by the Jesuits. The Vatican/Jesuit link to world history in the past and the present must be exposed. Although, I don't blame all Catholics for all evils in the world like I don't blame all Jews for all evils in the world as well.

The word is getting out. Days ago, the mainstream media shown a video of Mohammad Atta and another hijacker named Jarrah. Notice that this tape had no soundtrack and no one couldn't decipher the words from both men. Therefore, it is reasonable to view the tape as fraudulent when fake tapes of bin Laden were around. It so funny that the mainstream media forgot to mention that Atta was under survelliance by the CIA from January to May 2000. When Atta was into America, he was monitored by the U.S. via the DIA's Able Danger. This is one simple piece of information proving government foreknowledge of terror attacks in American soil. Even drills occurs of crashing planes into buildings before 9/11 by the US government. The new Military Commissions Act of 2006 is even worse than the Patriot Act. Not only does it defines citizens possibly as "enemy combatants," but according to Professor Majorie Cohn the law stripped habeas corpus rights to those considered "enemy combatants." New Adventures are apart of life. We must fight for the truth and resist evil in every possible way.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

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