
Thursday, October 19, 2006

Professor Jim Fetzer: Man of Courage by Victor Thorn


Professor Jim Fetzer: Man of Courage by Victor Thorn

Professor Jim Fetzer could have played it safe after John F. Kennedy was killed, but he didn’t. Instead, he wrote three books that have become an invaluable part in revealing the truth about who ultimately killed the president: Murder in Dealey Plaza, The Great Zapruder Film Hoax, and Assassination Science.Likewise, Jim Fetzer could have very easily accepted the government’s version of how Paul Wellstone died, but instead he penned The Strange Death of Senator Paul Wellstone.Furthermore, Fetzer could have glided through his final years in academia by playing it safe and riding on his tenure. True to form, though, this man threw caution to the wind and formed the Scholars for 9-11 Truth, which gave the 9-11 truth movement a much needed shot in the arm in 2005.

Last but not least, now that Professor Fetzer has retired, he could rest on his laurels and simply relax, but he’s more involved than ever in exposing the lies surrounding the greatest terrorist attack ever waged against our country. And, if his appearances on Bill O’Reilly and Hannity & Colmes is any indicator, he’s been very successful in reaching a mainstream audience with the truth about the WTC controlled demolition, the military’s stand-down, and a host of other subjects.But there’s more. Unlike nearly every other prominent 9-11 truther that is afraid to touch the subject of Israel’s central role in 9-11, Professor Fetzer has spoken out on this matter and agrees that it deserves much more attention.We would like to take a moment and tip our hats to all the work Professor Fetzer has done, and to also acknowledge that he is one of the most courageous individuals in this movement. God only knows we need more like him.

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