
Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Jesuit words


I believe the levees were blown. The honest Black man interviewed by ABC news posted on Hal Turner's website is most convincing in his testimony. Further, if the Order would blow the WTC using Knight of Malta DCI George J. Tenet, it would surely blow the levee---for many predetermined reasons.The Order's Fox News touched on this story last night citing mulatto, Masonic, NOI leader Louis Farrakhan who in turn obtained his information from the White Roman Catholic Hal Turner. Most interesting: both blame America's ills on the Jews and thus both are Jesuit Temporal Coadjutors evidenced by their doctrines.

Brother Eric

Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2005 5:28 PM

Subject: blasted levees?

Eric, do you think they blasted the levees to purposely cause the flood or do you think they broke because of the surge. Jxxxxxx


Dear xxx

Thanks for the additional info.

No, I did not receive the info on Leo XIII.

Brother Eric

Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 11:42 AMSubject: Re: blasted levees?

Hey Brother Eric:

I've been in contact with two parties about the levee blasting. One, who goes by the blog name xgovgirl and does use the name Christine Meyer, I've caught passing disinfo about a nuclear plant leaking radioactive waste into the flood waters. Another party--a couple actually--are claiming the 16th street canal was blown to save the business district and upscale section from flooding. They seem far more credible, but I'm asking them to come on Friday night and repeat the assertions. So far, no answer.There's a great deal of disinfo being peddled out there; alot of charges without substantiation.

Indeed, but I know the levees were blown as the Jesuits are in complete control of New Orleans with the fortresses of Xavier and Loyola colleges in town.

By the way, did Wilcox send you that editorial cartoon from 1893 about Pope Leo's designs on America?

God bless,xxxx



Alex said i was co-intellpro after he hung up on me. He said im being paid by the globalist i wish someone would pay me. He gets so mad at some silly questions, hes an idiot. First asked him if he ever interviewed Marc Stevens from , he said he might have but doesnt remember??? He didnt, he's afraid of Marc. Marc has real solutions. Then i said lots of people on David Ickes forum say GCN is an ABC affiliate.. is that true? he says NO and before he starts ranting i asked about the John Gray family that alex interviewed and then sold it to abc's 20/20. He said he helped the John Gray family... See for yourself how he helped them. ABC still sells the video they bought from mr. jones Then Alex Jonesbaugh ranted for 10 minutes about a bunch of stuff i never even said, he implied i was calling him a scientologist or something...


moosedog: I like to call alex and heckle him every other month or so, I'd call more but its hard to get thru and he makes ya sit on hold for an hour. Next time i call i'll ask him if he knows what a Temporal Coadjutor is... then ask if he is one. Heres his phone # if anyone else wants to call him 1800 259 9231

Me: Live now, (on 2:29 pm. EST) Alex Jones is saying that Weishaupt was trying to infiltrate the Catholic Church and denies that the Catholic Church was involved in Bavarian Illuminati in the interview with Barry Chamish. Sorry, Alex, but Adam was a Jesuit priest and the Jesuit help fund the Third Reich as well. Why doesn't he talk about that? What do you guys think about this?By TruthSeeker24.

ALexandra: I think you know as well as I do. The Illuminati, Freemasons, etc., are basically Jesuit fronts.As Jack Chick points out in one of his comics, people are forever writing books "exposing" the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, etc., but don't even touch the organization that links them all together.


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