
Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Life is full of suprises. I just heard that hypocrite Elton Jon said that religion ought to be banned in society. That hypocrite is so tolerant of his lifestyle, yet is intolerant of religious expression shown by religious conservative. They want tolerance for some people, but not for all Americans. Many religious people made inventions and contributed greatly in the Fourth corners of the Earth, while athiests (plus secular humanists) were slaughtering millions in Russia and China. Elton's lies prove that the cultural war is here. The Middle East is still red hot with violence and agitation. Never forget that all of the modern nations in the Middle East were carved up by European nations like Britian and France after World War I. None of them in the Fertile Crescent exist automously before 1918, but was controlled by the Ottoman Empire. The Europeans (via the Jesuits and British Freemasonry like closet British Mason Lawrence of Arabia. King Farouk of Egypt was a famous Egyptian Freemason who lost his throne to the Muslim Brotherhood [some of its members educated Osama bin Laden. His CIA code name is Tim Osman]) carved up that land (via the Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916 and the deceptive Mc Mann agreement) to earn resources and control the political establishments of those nations. St. John Philby of Britian was one of the key men that allowed Ibn Saud the throne of Saudi Arabia. As for Israel, the Masonic Rothschilds allowed many Jewish to live in Israel via the many Aliyahs. It's interesting to note that King Feisal made an agreement with Chaim Weizmann of January 3, 1919 to support an Arab nation in the Middle East along with a Jewish nation there as well. I would say that Jews and Arabs were already in the land living peacefully before 1948. By 1948, Cardinal Spellman and Masons like Harry Truman and his brother 33rd Degree Freemason Chaim Weizzman (who gave Truman a Torah as a gift when it's a known fact that Truman said degatory comments about Jewish people. I guess he accepted it since both were Brothers of the Lodge) helped the Israel state to be a nation. The flag of Israel is the Star of David. Few people understand that this star originated from the Hexagram (confirmed by OJ Graham's book) used by many cultures from Babylon to the Philistines. Some of the ancients called this star Saturn. For the past couple of decades, all nations in the Middle East (including Isreal) did good acts and made mistakes. I believe that Israel ought to exist, but not run by the corrupt leadership it has today. I believe every nation in the Middle East should be independently run without corporate interesting ruling its leaders almost like puppets from the House of Saud to King Hussein of Jordan.

Gregory Bonnell from the
Canadian Press on Tuesday, at November 14, 2006 talked about Canada. In Canada, a poll shows that more than half of them support a national ID card. Here in the USA, we already have a National ID card system with the passage of the Real ID Act in 2005. The reason is that the Real ID Act federalizes standards for drivers licenses. By 2008, citizens are required to have it to drive a car, get money from a bank account, etc. This signifies the apitite for ID cards globally. Even Bill O'Reilly wants an ID card system to stop illegal immigration. I never endorse National ID cards since it violates our privacy. I realize about China more. Really, China today is a corporate dictatorship. China is still run heavily by the Li family for centuries colloborating with Americans and the British. Also, China posseses forced abortion, forced population control, forced land confisication, and other problems. Yet, we gave them Favored Nation Status. It isn't just one specific nation. In some quarters in Europe, I can't say that I dissent with certain views without possible being arrested. They are trying to do more of that in Canada as well. It's kinda of shocking that the Anglican church recently supporting killing infants if they are disabled. I don't know how low we can go as a society when some want infants to die.

It's doesn't take a rocket science to realize that Big Brother has gone too far. It's wild to realize that IBM was critical in funding the Nazi Third Riech (men like Hitler and Mussolini during that time were influenced heavily by Jesuits like Pietro Tacchi-venturi and Bernhardt Staempfle). Alternet on November 13, 2006 had an article written by Evan Derkacz that suspect of putting powder on the mail of Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Jon Stewart, etc. is Chad Conrad Castagana. Chad is an admirer of Coulter, Malkin, and Ingraham. I agree with Michelle Malkin on some issues like partial birth abortion. What do I think of this? I don't agree with joking or intentionally putting powder in someone's mail because I disagree with someone's politics. Also, I don't agree with extremist vandalizing Pro-Life displays as well and assaulting Pro-Life people. I haven't seen anymore in the mainstream media reporting on this point.
By Timothy

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