
Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Firm with Dedication

Shooting like a star is a similar representation of my mind. I endeavor to investigate many subjects. Gravitating to issues that I've never witness before is my modus operandi as well. It's fine to observe an extra level of information spread around the Internet, literature, various media, and other outlets. That gives us humans an oppurtunity to be wiser and try to assist other people to learn about the truth in the world. A lot of changed transpired sicne 4 decades in America. Some of it was holy and good. Other modifications deacdes ago were wicked and evil. Still, I perserve my core convictions. No compromise is an option for me. Still, I support the life of the unborn to live without being torn limb from limb via abortion.
Recently, a group of British doctors found that abortion can cause a 60% increase of a miscarrage in a subsequent pregnancy (Steven Ertelt wrote about this story. Dr. Noreen Maconochie examined data from 603 women between the ages of 18 and 55). Pedophilia is still wrong. Starving and dehydrating an innocent woman like Terri Schiavo (who was murdered in Clearwater, Florida. That's the worldwide spiritual headquarters of Scientology. Scientology existed from the Masonic OTO. L. Ron Hubbard was its founder and he bashed those in disability, hence it isn't so unusual on why many in that area wanted her to die. Knight of Columbus Jeb Bush did nothing to stop it. He could of send police to prevent her to die) was wrong regardless of the mainstream media's propaganda. Religious expression ought to be exhibited in the public sqaure. No religious expression ought to be banned completely as it being done in certain European nations. Regardless of the proclamations of CFR member/Bohemain Club praticipant Newt Gingrich wanting certain websites censored, the First Amendment (of the Bill of Rights) granted us the right of freedom of speech. Militarized police, checkpoints, spying on peaceful protestors, and building up detention centers (or "concentration camps" by an Halliburton-affilitated company) aren't legitimate displays of authentic freedom. YOu know what. I'm still part of American and have a duty to stand up, to speak up ,and to act against vice.

The Iraqi study Group offical poliocies (made up of Rockefeller Republicans and Clinton Democrats) comes out today with its recommendations. What's interesting is that it very similar to the status quo. It called for beefed up talks and negiotations, but doesn't want any massive troop withdrawl from the nation until 2008. They even want more troops imbetted with Iraqi units. Michael Isikoff and Mark Hosenball from
Newsweek on Wednesday, at December 6, 2006 displayed something suprising. It appears that Democrat Rep. Silvestre Reyes, the soon-to-be chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, seek an increase of 20,000 to 30,000 U.S. troops. Reyes desired that to dismalte the militias. This is exactly what McCain wants. Studies and reports consistently show that continued presence of troops have increase the violence over their. One man like President George W. Bush isn't to be blamed for all of the negative outcomes of the Iraq war like sectarian violence. On the other hand, Bush and the White House do hold responsibility in promoting the war leading to D.U. poisoning, American G.I.s being murdered, torture, and the henious consequences. Robert Gates is expected to be confirmed by the Senate. What is the real history of Iraq. Iraq has been a crossroads of advanced civilizations for thousands of years (like the Sumerans, Babylonians, Assyrians, etc.). After WWI, the Ottoman Empire was broken up by the British primarily. Then through the Masonic Muslim Brotherhood, St. John Philby, and others radicalized much of the Muslims into embracing Wahhabi Islam. Some of the Ba'ath party members became pro-Nazi like the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem al-Hussieini. Later on, the CIA and other intelligence agencies caused more conflict by killing their leaders (i.e. King Qassim in early 1963) whether they were righteous or not. The Iraq war came about and American plus Israeli plans envisioned sectarian strife and a possible partition of Iraq in the 1990's and as early as the 1980's.

All extremist organizations or evil groups should be publiclly exposed like the OTO (who worked with many in NASA. Some of the great technology of the Nazis were given into America through such programs like Operation Paperclip. It was overseen by Knight of Malta J. Peter Grace and Cardinal Spellman), Neo-Nazis, Communist radicals, far left extremists, the New Age Movement, the Process Church, the Jesuits, the Theosophical Society (whose founders held to racist Aryan supremacialist garbage), and on and on. Prage has his free speech right to say what he did on swearing. Therefore, I disagree with CAIR calling him to be dropped off a Council dealing with Holocaust.

Jaikumar Vijayan from
Computerworld on Tuesday, December 5, 2006 described opposition to RFID technology unto all U.S. passport. Even The Smart Card Alliance (a pro-biometric group) called on the government to not put RFID chips in passports for privacy plus security reasons. Randy Vanderhoof, executive director of the Smart Card Alliance in Princeton Junction, N.J. said that the RFIDs cane be snooped or forged. SEANNA ADCOX from the AP on Wednesday at December 6, 2006 focused on how a child was arrested for opening up a Christmass present. Tom Kovach wrote that the GOP blamed the Consitution Pary for their defeat in 2006. NO, the GOP should blame their ownselves. The GOP compromised on their core beliefs and they just lost. This is similar to Rick Warren's trash. They seek to compromise on immigration, abortion, and other issues to expand their base. Then, when they lost they cry and unfairly blame their base. Again I like to thank Joseph Farah for exposing Rick Warren. Warren uses the schmee of lying about Syria then this megachurcher wants unity at all costs to try to achieve some "good." I never believed in the Purpose Driven stuff anyway. On page 164 of his Purpose Driven Lie book, "Christian Brother" Warren say you can't judge or criticize anyone (This is just as blatant as his lies that Syria harbor religious tolerance or that Christian conservatives are equivalent to radical Muslims butchering dissenters to Islam). Warren saying we can't criticize is similar to Masonry and the ecumencials. This neo-evangelical apparently forgotten that humans by nature criticize. Criticizing legitimate evils is righteous and compromising for the sake of doing so isn't courageous on the part of any human. Jesus said "Judge righteous judgment" in John 7:24. These people love to quote Jesus all of the time (or put words in Jesus' mouth) and forgotten that Jesus in Matthew saying "don't judge" refer to hypocritical judgment not all forms of judgment. Judging isn't monolithic. To assume that a man who is praising the globalist CFR like Warren (who is part of the CFR. The CFR wants a new world order blatanlty) is a real conservative Christian is living in a dreamworld. George Chen and Sophie Taylor from Reuters on Wednesday, December 6, 2006 have information that Carlyle Group focusing on Chinese firms.

Even though I don't embrace the occult, you can't understand why things are without comprehending the motivations among world leaders. Many of the men ruling the world are in such secret societies like the Jesuits, the Masonic Lodge, York Rite, Scottish Rite, Mystic Shrine, Skull and Bones, the Knights of Columbus, Papal Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, and so many more groups. WWII is a good example to explain this. Masonic FDR and Masonic Hitler (since Hitler's Thule Society was invented by a Mason. Masons like 33rd Degree Freemason Henry Ford and Thomas Watson directly aided the Third Reich. There is a Vatican/Jesuit connection to WW2. The Vatican and the Jesuits have been caught being involved in the Holocaust and the Ustashi massacres in Yugoslavia. That was where Serbs, Jews, and Gypsies were slaughtered) "battled" each other in trying to win, to create a New Golden Age (i.e. Both FDR and Hitler promoted a NWO), find artifacts, etc. After the war was won, FDR died but his dream of a United Nations was done. Communitarian laws are a threat in society. Niki Raapana and Nordica Friedrich warn that if radical changes are done to avert it, Communitarianism will be very mainstream by 2020. What is Communitarianism?
It is the sick thinking that we must have mandatory volunteering. Communities are treated almost like communes and reporting on your neighbor is key to the stability of the "community." In other words, the community hold sway over individuals rights or indepedent free enterprise. I saw film with Niki Raapana talking about this issue. It's trying to merge ideologies into one framework (i.e. a new world order). Dr. Nick Begich made great stride in researching how certain people in government are using mind-control technologies. Over 100 years, this stuff was science fiction. Today, we have HAARP, propaganda, other secret devices that can influence the human mind. Huge obstacles is a normal part of life. Well, I must contiue being firm, but acquire dedication.

By Timothy

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