
Monday, December 04, 2006


So you made accusations without proof? -Reminds me of Phelp's on the Black Pope.

Madthumbs do you read? I have only recently announced Michael A Dyer has been a spammer. I know its him now and this is why I have disclosed it now. So where you get your pathetic made-up words from I'll never know.Now lets see a debate between you and ERIC PHELPS and lets see who destroys who. Lets see who can be backed up and who cannot. Lets see who gives the REAL history and who don't. Eric Phelps is proven whilst your disinformation JEW bashing agents have served The Vatican well and will continue to sucker people like yourself in. Now your a Jew basher and you probably don't even know any of the history of the word Jew and Israel. Do you realise that the word Jew wasn't even used till the 18th/19th Century. Why don't you listen to Michael Tsarion and others on all this Jew nonsense. While your there, notice how they are aware of VATICAN power and agree with Eric Phelps on Georgetown University etc. So whilst people like yourself and other ignorant attackers, gatekeepers and suppressors try to keep people ill-informed. I and a few others will continue to expose the likes of Georgetown University, Fordham University, St Patrick's Cathedral, Aspen Institute, Mont Pelerin Society, House of Gesu & Black "GENTILE" "Venetian" Nobility. We will continute to expose how the Sovereign Military of Malta control all Media, Banking, Intelligence etc. We will continue to expose how the Sovereign Military of Malta control the Middle East using their Papal Knight King Juan Carlos of Spain "The Protector of the Holy Places of Jerusalem". We will expose how Shimon Peres is subordinate to King Juan Carlos and the Vatican.

We will continue to expose the Israeli deputy prime minister Peres as educated and trained by the Jesuit Order in Poland along with being a Vatican Spy and Assassin of Rabin and cabbaging of Ariel Sharon. We will also continue to expose how this Vatican/SMOM stooge Peres gave the Holy Places of Jerusalem over to the Vatican back in 1993 as found in newspapers at the time and highlighted by Barry "TORAH BELIEVING JEW" Chamish from Israel. We will also continue to expose how the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry created B'Nai B'Rith and control it to this day. Now BN BR are the most powerful Jewish organisation whos hierachy are amongst the Order of Illuminati. So when we realise that the Scottish Rite is actually a Gentile Order in reality it also highlights the truth. BN BR are totally subordinate to the Scottish Rite. Do some damn real homework! Now we will go further and actually expose how the Jesuit Order created all 33 degrees of the AA Scottish Rite of Freemasonry which include the ones instituted by Fredrick the Great II. Notice the Jesuit Motto of "Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam" within the 32nd degree of the Scottish Rite.We will continue to expose the Council of Foreign Relations as the power over not only the United States but ISRAEL also. We will also expose how the Sovereign Military of Malta created the CFR in 1921. We will also expose how the United Nations were created by the CFR and it was the United Nations who created the State of Israel in 1948. GENTILES RULE THIS PLANET AND ALWAYS HAVE! I think that destroys your jew nonsense.

Keep listening to the jew bashers and common knowledge disinformation every man and his dog knows and comes across by agents planted giving you exactly what the real masters want you to know.Remember truthseekers that its the Sovereign Military of Malta which controls all banking/finance/insurance CURRENCY (Venus). They do this through ' Mission control' The City, New York, Dubai and the 'Headquarters' in Switzerland. The most powerful and wealthiest people on the planet belong to the Sovereign Military of Malta hierachy and their the Templar Knights/Bankers of the Black Nobility with the *Venetian/Italian* families being the highest banking/wealth power. Remember also that the SMOM contains over 50% Black Nobility Gentile bloodline. Notice how powerful the Committee of 300 (Black Nobility) really are! Also notice how Banking is controlled by International Maritime Admiralty Law (Venus) and how its based on VATICAN Canon Law. Also notice how our system is based on the first known International Banking which was due to the Knights Templar who were subordinate to the Roman Catholic Church at the time.


This week Rabbi Avraham Goldstein of the Diaspora Yeshiva of Mount Zion announced that a deal with the Vatican had been done and his yeshivah would be the first in a series of accords to replace Israel as master of Jerusalem. Well, at least now HE knows. -Barry Chamish 11-30-6

2tuff: Papal SMOM Knight King Juan Carlos of Spain has always been the covert controller of Jerusalem thanks to his medival titles of "King of Jerusalem" and "The Protector of the Holy Places of Jerusalem." Remember folks that Israel was created by the Jesuit Order through their Sovereign Military of Malta. Israel was created in 1948 by the United Nations which itself was created by the Council on Foreign Relations. Who created the Council on Foreign Relations? The Sovereign Military of Malta. This is why the SMOM have permanent observer status at the United Nations. The CFR controls Israel Foreign Policy just as with the U.S. Papal Knight King Carlos is the head of the Middle Eastern Region. Remember his title is Medival meaning its a very very old title. Remember Israel is only a creation since 1948 haha. The Papal Templar Knights of Malta go back to the 11th Century same as the Black Nobility which make up their Hierachy and 50%+ of the membership.

Minuteman Matt: I have known madthumbs is a dis-info agent for along time in fact I pmed you awhile back and warned you of him. I first found out when he was heavly attacking Alex Jones the guy who has woken up alot of people. You and I know AJ is a NWO gatekeeper and frontman however, Alex Jones has his uses for the NWO and the sheeple alike. If it was not for AJ I would of not been intrested in learning about the occult and I certainly would of never found this forum or learned about the Jesuit Order/BN/KOM/Illuminati

2tuff: I've known about Madthumbs for some time before you had even come across him but I just left it while he wasn't affecting me then I wouldn't affect him. He recently made a pathetic lying sarky remark towards me and against Eric Phelps and this is why I've highlighted him. I think his forum is linked from Jew bashing JudizialBiz which is a highly Temporal Coadjutor site. This same site ran an article smearing Joe Vialls knowing that because Joe had been assassinated using a Bio-Virus a few months before that he could not defend himself of the false charges they laid. Funny how someone trys to make out someone is an agent when infact they've been assassinated as well known haha. What it was to do was to try to discredit Joe's work as much of his work contained data relevant to even now. Joe Vialls was one of the best around and I'd say almost always 80-90% correct if not 100 in some cases. I personally emailed Joe a few times and I had an email from him about 24 hours before his sudden relapse and death from his kidneys if I remember now.Alex Jones is a Temporal Coadjutor and does his job well of helping to highlight and enrage the awakening sheep and also keep them stagnated in knowledge within only a small arena allowable to be known. So now awakening sheep are highlighted as they are ANGRY and getting on the net to find more out which HIGHLIGHTS them. They will be fed the Bohemian Grove and normal Bankers nonsense whilst the real Jesuit/Vatican SMOM/Black "Venetian" Nobility information is kept hush hush. Thats the game they need full control of both sides which they've got. Now Michael Moore is a worse Temporal with the job of just showing a tiny tiny opposition side to the SHEEP themself and certainly not going no where near as deep as Jones. My friend its controlled opposition for the levels of consciousness out there. They would rather have their man feeding you 10% diversion and you following them. They certainly don't want you following someone like me who they have NO control of whatsoever. Understand? Yes I utilised Alex Jones and David Icke to get into this and David Icke is by far the better of the two. But my friend it was not either of these people who got me started on this. It was the actual attack of Sept 11th. This is why the Jesuit Order have agents all around because they know that certain events etc will trigger minds to hunt for information.

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