
Friday, December 01, 2006

Near the Weekend

It was interesting to see the New Black Panther person projecting his words to Hannity and Colmes about Freemasonry (a secret society that accept men of all faiths as long as it accepts the existence of one God). The controversy revolve about the first Muslim Congresman (named Keith Ellison. Ellison once was a Catholic) wanting to swear on the Koran. Me personally, I don't believe in swearing at any circumstance. If I were in that position, I will just say "I affirm" citing the First Amendment condoning the freedom of religion. Do I believe he should do it if he wants to? Every man has a right to believe in what creed they want. If a man feels they must swear on the Bible, Koran, or whatever, that's their personally business. I have no problem with that even though I disagree with Islam or swearing an oath. The was true about what he said. Islam did have a strong role in American history. Many of the Presidents were Freemasons and Shriners like Roosevelt. As a Shriner, you have to study the Quran and swear an oath to Allah and Muhammad. They wear hates with the Crescent, the star, and a female Goddess of ancient Egypt. Some of those who constructed America knew about Francis Bacon's dream of making America a "New Atlantis" (Its kind of strange that that the United States Declaration of Independence was publicly issued on July 4th, 1776. 1776 was the year of the origin of the Bavarian Illuminati under Adam Weishaupt. July 4th, 1776 is exactly 66 days following the beginning of the Pagan holy festival of Beltane which begins on April 30th with Lilith’s Eve. Not only that the Jesuits like the Caroll were firmly responsible for the building of Washington D.C. [nickname "Rome on the Potamic], but D.C.'s pattern was based upon the star of Sirius [a code name to Satan according to numerous conservative Christians. Astrologer David Ovason published a book in 1999 entitled "The Secret Architecture of our Nation's Capitol: The Masons and the Building of Washington, D.C." {endorsed by Masons, so it has no anti-Mason bias} proves the D.C./Sirius connection as well]). Sean Hannity is funny and compared swearing on the Koran to Mein Kampf. I believe that the Koran is not equivalent to Mein Kampf. Whether you agree with that, Hannity is escaping the issue on that point.

Counterpunch on November 30, 2006 had prose written by GARY LEUPP. Gary commented that the CIA said that Iran has no nuclear program. The non-American direct threat of Iran isn't going to stop many neo-conservatives (Dick Cheney, David Wurmser, Elliott Abrams, Stephen Hadley, Stephen Cambone, Eric Edelman, Elizabeth Cheney, with Abram Shulsky, David Addington and John Bolton. Some of the Neo cons were educated at Jesuit Georgetown University) from jerking up the falsehood of Iran being a nuclear threat to America or Israel. Even IAEA headed by one of the UN's most respected officials, Nobel Peace Prize laureate Mohamed El Baradei said that Iran is pursuing no nuclear program. Cheney and his OSP (Office for Special Plans) came to promote such deception which led to the 2003 Iraq War to transpire. like It's some disgraceful garbage that "Christian Brother" Rick Warren is doing. I knew something was up with not with being. Being a member of the globalist Council on Foreign Relations, he knows what he is going. I may not agree with Farah on every issue about terrorism, but I commend Farah for exposing Rick Warren for what he is. Like Rosie O'Liar, Warren equated fundamental Christianity to radical Muslims cutting people's limbs and forming real theocracies. Warren proclaimed that churches must change or die. Well, real churches never changed their core beliefs for thousands of years. Guess what, they aren't dead Warren. Warren attended the UN interfaith prayer breakfast. "Brother Warren" doesn't seem to get that these places advance the agenda of compromise and the one world religion. Warren lied and then "apologized" that Syria promotes tolerance to Christians, Jews, and Muslims.
Now, Syria has Assad as its leader. Rick Warren's global PEACE Plan mixing government, business, and religion to promote "positive" goals. Some of its goals may seem good, but I rarely seen anything in that Plan causing to strong condemnation of sin. I saw Rick in CNN this morning past 6:00 am. EST. The news media loves to parade a fraud or a cowardly Christian who isn't afraid to confront serious issues like Warren. That's why most of the real Christians are either in certain locations or on the Net. Warren today is having Illinois Senator Barrack Obama to this church. Many Christians oppose this, because Obama is very far left, despite his meek demeanor. Obama supports abortion (which is very ironic since black people are getting butchered on very high levels by abortion. You need to look at for more proof), even partial birth abortion (which over 60% of Americans oppose), pro-gun control, etc. Warren wants Obama to speak at a summit entitled ""Global Summit on AIDS and the Church" to find more solution to decrease the AIDS epidemic in Africa plus globally. Many churches today are infiltrate by the Masons and the Jesuit. It isn't just one religion. Many other creeds have been infiltrated by New Agers (the essence of the New Age is the revitization of the ancient Egyptians and ancient Babylonian mysteries. Jesuit Pierre de Chardin was a godfather of the New Age Movement. Masons Theodore Reuss, Eliphas Levi, Hargave Jennings, and Nietzsche were followers of occult teachings. One of the mottos of this Movement is expressed by OTO and Freemason Aliester Crowley scribbing the words “Do What Thou Wilt, for This Is the Whole of the Law!”) as well.

AIDS is a serious illness. Millions have it each years. Is AIDS really not as it seems to be as shown by the mainstream media. For centuries, groups invent diseases to extreminate groups of people. Many real doctors believe that HIV doesn't even cause AIDS. Solutions ought to be made my folks suffering. I don't pigeonholed individuals with it since those of multiple backgrounds acquire it. Aaron Dykes from the Jones Report on December 1, 2006 describe more Bohemian Grove photos. The Grove is a spot where some of the elites do pagan rituals, worship Molech (the false god of death for the ancient Caananites. This is done in the Cremation of Care ritual), and burn a human effigy. This isn't very wholehome let alone holy. This is not holy at all. I would reject distractions. I would oppose hate-filled behavior (Like at least 32nd Degree Scottish Rite Freemason Michael Richards. Some say he's a 33rd Degree Freemason), but I don't agree with some "hate crime legislation" that censors speech. It's near the weekend, so goodbye for now.

By Timothy

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