
Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Wintertime is extremely close presently. Rosie O'Donnell days ago mcked Chinese people in an odd way (by mocking their ascent). It wasn't hateful, but Rosie's rant was bigoted and stereotypical. This is a typical double-standard in the secular far left media including the entertainment industry. That "crowd" rightfully condemn the bigotry of some people like Richards (a 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemason). Although, they rarely revile other real intolerance achieved by far left people. For example, Rosie's intolerant statements about Asians and Christians wasn't greatly condemned. Elton John's view of wanting all religion banned from society wasn't reviled greatly. It's more exorbitant than the far left "clique." The Secret Societies (Jesus condemned secrecy in John 18:20) and high powered political groups (i.e. the Aspen Institute, the Pilgrim Society, Le Cerle, Mount Perlian Society, etc.) run most of geopolicies on Earth. Other such groups are the Knights of Malta and Opus Dei with Freeh and Hanssen (he's in prison for espionage) still achieved great power. Many of them are in the Black Nobility families. They seek to shift society into a new world order. This is evident of the globalist organizations, the quotations of elites wanting a NWO or global government, and the existence of regional groups (like the European Union). Today, Thomas Richards showed me new information about the Riggs Family, Thomas More, and the Jesuits. The Riggs family had ties to Yale, Catholicism, and the banking powers of America. Thomas More was a British man who promoted death against those he disagree with. He called them "heretics" and slandered William Tyndale, who was a heroic man in translating the Bible for the common people (in fact 90% of the KJV is similar to Tyndale's version of the NT). I hear extra crying by Republicans (Freemason Roy Blunt, Boehner, and CFR member Newt Gingrich are prominent ones) again. They like Michael Reagan comment that since people like me didn't vote for them (and I'm a social conservative), we should forsake our values and get along with a Rudy Guiliani in 2008 if necessary. Let me tell individuals like Michael Reagan and Dick Armey something (This liar tried to minimize the death of Terri Schiavo, who was starved to death). Forget your establishment aims. I will never forsake my ideas to endorse a man or a woman that's 180 degrees opposite of my tenets (or go along with falsehoods along with obscene compromise). These things are antithetical to authentic courage, intelligence, and truth (Ultrasound technology proves the complexity of unborn life. Scientists readily say that at conception, human life begin with the development of DNA plus its growth). The Constitution Party and other third parties have a right to transpire with humanity joining them. They ought to exist without intimidating, without reservation, and without folly from these establishment parties. Ward Churchill is something else. Ward accurately described the mistakes of some leaders of America in praticipating in imperalism, genocide, and exploitation spanning centuries. Churchill is wrong in blaming the innocent victims of 9/11 as somehow responsible for the 911 attacks. Ward is an extremist and is certainly not representative of the 911 Truth Movement. Political analyst Dick Morris constantly believe that Hillary Clinton will be the next President of the United States. He described Hillary as "very ruthless and an European socialist." Barrack Obama was on Monday Night Football, the news, and commentators speculate on his Presidental run as well.

Nic Fleming from
London Telegraph on Wednesday at December 13, 2006 reported on new possibilities. Fleming wrote that a cube sized computer in the future can record seconds of years of life. These are called human black boxes that can be used in medicine, history, and other themes. Professor Nigel Shadbolt said that this is very possible in 20 years. Here's some health tidbits. Anticholinergic drugs impair our memory, because it interfere with acetycholine (the memory moleculte in the brain). According to some estimates, 51% Americans use these drugs. An obsession of prescription drugs by their inherit dangers make their obsession totally unnecessary. There was a Holocaust Conference in Iran. I believe that the Holocaust existed. Jews and Gentiles died in it. The Vatican's Ustashis killed thousands in SE Europe. Muslim radicals killed many in that same region as well. Also, Hitler's allies met with many Muslim radicals from Iran and other places in the Middle East. Human beings from all sorts of backgrounds died in the Holocaust even black people in Germany, so the Holocaust is real even if only 600,000 Jewish people died in it (I feel that 6 million Jewish people died though). Also, I don't subscribe to laws jailing people who endorse Holocaust denial or Holocaust revisionism. Censorship isn't my thing, but condemnation of lies is my thing.

As for Iran, invading that nation isn't my intension as well. As far as I'm concerned, Iran presently isn't directly attacking any nation with any warhead or bombs nationally. They aren't a direct threat to America. If we used the criteria of warring with nations who have extremist leaders, then China, Saudi Arabia, and Sudan ought to be invaded not just Iran. The International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA) repeated confirmations that Iran has not violated any laws or regulations of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). The West gave Iran nuclear technology in the 1970's and now they have no God given right of self defense and building nuclear power. It doesn't make sense. It's similar to Iraq. The USA and Britian built up and funded Saddam's torture chambers (as well as some of his chemical weapons), then we invade thier nations with dire consequences. Tiller the doctor is just a criminal. He allows late term abortions for any reason under the sun in a mostly red state like Kansas. There are other news on life issues. A new report by UNICEF finds that India's practice of abortion on female unborn children is still alarmingly high. This immoral policies are birthing more boys than girls has happened in China, not just in India. In fact, In September a report from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences found the gender imbalance rose to 121 males were born for every 100 females in 2004. The rate was 117 boys to every 100 girls in 2000. That's wild. One Chinese province banned sex selection and Gender ID for non-medical purposes. Scientists at the Medical College of Wisconsin have found what may be another alternative to embryonic stem cells. This alternative involve the usage of Hair Follicle cells. Scientists found that the epidermal neural crest stem cells (which make up hair follicles), they a high degree of plasticity and be very pure similar to embryonic cells. Like adult stem cells, ENS cells, they are easily accessible without the controversy of embryonic stem cells. ESC never have a single cure or treatment on any human, yet adult stem cells do have does positive outcomes. Sieber-Blum subscribes to the view that the hair follicle cells may be useful to treat Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, Hirschsprung's disease, stroke, peripheral neuropathies and ALS. The UK know disgusting approves of experimenting with animal/human hybrids in embryo form called chimeras. None of these creatures have ever been allowed to form fully.

Going on in the world are changes. You have old school conservatives and neo-conservatives. You have liberals and neo-liberals. Regardless of the labels, I still subscribe to common sense principles. GATT, NAFTA (signed under Rhodes Scholar & DeMolay President Clinton. He was trained by the Jesuits in Georgetown University), and CAFTA (signed by Bonesman George W. Bush) are programs I oppose since they violate national sovereignity and damage the middle class economies of the USA plus other countries (like Mexico). So much issues ought to be made manifest from weather modification technology, Big Brother, private property rights, extremist organizations, and the right to bear arms. There are those who say don't be too open in what you believe. Don't mix such and such. The truth is that people from many political perspective utilized religious justifications for their political policies. Many Americans laws were implacted by moral values like the civil rights laws and the laws giving women's suffrage. So, to have that religious themes shouldn't be shown publiclly is being historical and intellectually illiterate. All men, women, and children should be open about what they cherish, regardless of their political views.

By Timothy

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