
Monday, January 29, 2007

Heaven and Earth,DC%20Cherry%20Blossoms%202.jpg

A couple days ago, I saw the anti-war protests in Washington D.C. (this city has tons of secret occult symbols as explained by David Ovason's research)
on C-Span. They carried the mantra of send the troops home. Many speakers ranging from Jane Fonda, Susan Sarandon(trained by the Jesuits at Georgetown University), Jesse Jackson (a 33rd Degree Freemason), Tim Robbins, Michigan Representative John Conyers, and others expressed their opinions. They exclaimed that the war was immoral and one prime solution would be to immediately withdraw troops from Iraq. The pro-abortion World Can't Wait organization(which is proven to be a controlled opposition group) was present. Some members of such cliques are Communist influenced. Some of these people want to have the Fairness Doctrine, which is a violation of the First Amendment. The First Amendment never declares that speech must be speech. It declares that all citizens have a right of freedom of speech. There are plenty of outlets (especially on the Internet) to get a wide spectrum of points of view. I do believe that the mainstream media is a monopoly and that's wrong. Some of the protestors were saying was accurate like the destructive nature of war. What strike me as odd is that this crowd pointed their finger at George W. Bush like he's the #1 enemy of the world. Bush is acccountable for his error, but the problems in this nation is bigger than one man. I don't blame one man for all of my problems in life and those protestors should blame one man for the violence and negative situations in Iraq. It was interesting that I saw posters reading "911 is an inside job" and "911 Truth." That appears to me that the 911 Truth Movement is 10 times stronger than it was even 2 years ago. Unfortunately the DC March didn't discuss about 911 Truth at all. The truth is though that Iraq was illegally carried and caused death of American G.I.s and Iraqi civilans.

Reuters on January 28, 2007 had prose written by Emma Thomasson. Emma wrote that in Europe, they are considering the first global trial. This trial might be executed by The International Criminal Court (ICC). Thomas Lubang is the man that could be charged for killing individuals in the Congo. 104 countries back the ICC. Thomas denied the charges that he led child militias to go out and kill those of the Lendu ethnic group in Ituri. What do I think of this? Since WWII, there has been a move to more global organizations in a higher level. By definition, the ICC will permit those (possibly in America) to be charged beyond the oversight of American law (that's in the Constitution). There is nothing wrong with working with other nations. There is something wrong with activating globalism and internationalism that goes above and beyond the jurisdiction of American law and American sovereignity. The ICC is another example of that. Donald A. Collins from VDare on Friday, January 26, 2007 talked about how Big Labor, Big Business, and Congress wants "Comprehensive Immigration Reform." I guess that clique plainly forgotten that labor reformer Casar Chavez and Ralph Abernaty opposed amnesty. In fact, both men protested it in 1969. Bush's guess worker program is only giving the illegal immigrants lower wages with plain citizenship. That's isn't real reform. Even today, protestors exist that are adamantly against open borders.

Alternet on January 25, 2007 had an article written by Jason Mark. Jason Mark wrote that the government has a problem with food safety. Mark writes about the "National Animal Identification System" that will give a 15-digit tracking number to every cow, chicken, pig, turkey, goat, sheep and horse in the United States to trace animals' every move from birth until slaughter. Farmers like Debbie Davis rightfully criticize NAIS as a Big Brother scheme under the guise of "protecting against diseased animals." Critics of this NAIS plan say the government is promoting this so food can be sent overseas more without addressing real issues of food safety. Some of the problems with livestock are poor diet and confinement. Natural foods, natural sunlight, and natural space can disease epidemic not a Big Brother scheme instituted by the government. National Vaccine Information Center on Monday at January 28, 2007 reported on something. It said that some in Maryland can't go to school, because they haven't submitted to mandatory vaccinations. Vaccinations aren't perfect and mainstream doctors have documented the errors of vaccines. It's perfectly reasonable to voluntarily not give a child a vaccine if parents want to. Vaccines, aspartame, flouride, and other poisons are real threats in society that are more threatening to me than so-called "terrorism."

The threat of the North American Union is ever clear from even mainstream news sources. New information details that big, foreign toll road corporation bought out newspapers in Texas and Oklahoma that oppose the Trans-Texas Corridor Superhighway. Macquarie Bank is Australia's largest capital raising firm is the name of the corporation that purchased 80 newspapers for $80 million. Former World Bank economist and Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz, this is part of the plan of foreigners buying up American infrastructure in increasing globalization. The vast majority of Texans oppose this oil plot. Sal Costello, the founder of, is greatly opposing that agenda. Even CNN's Lou Dobbs have expressed his disgust with the pro-Council on Foreign Relations North American Union plans that threaten Amercian sovereignity. I do have respect for Dobbs for speaking out on such issues and promoting the ideal that the middle class must be strengethen if any economic improvement is maintain in the USA. As for the neo-cons like Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Glen Beck, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham can't refute me. Recently, Rush said that if you're against the war, you're for al-Qaeda. That's one sign of desperation on their part since most Americans disagree with the war and Rush (a man who bashed conspiracies and denies even the existence of the CFR years ago) can't stand it. They can't stand the truth.

One group that's more powerful than the CFR, the Trilateral Commssion (it was invented in1973 by David Rockefeller his Harvard University roommate, George S. Franklin Jr. Both men are Pilgrims), and even the Bilderberg Group is the Pilgrim Society according to the research of Charles Savoie. They are not only connected to the Knights of Malta (or SMOM since SMOM Elmer Bobst once the head of Warner-Lambert Pharmaceutical Company was a member of the Pilgrim Society. SMOM J. Peter Grace is a Pilgrim as well), but they are one of the links with powers spanning into central bankers, cartel monopolists, globalists, and the elite. They were created in 1902 in London. Fritz Springmeier rightfully wrote that the men who truly the world (when they become older after they are part of such groups like the Skulls and Bones, Scroll and Key, and the Bohemian Grove), some go into the Pilgrim Society (who make up many CEOs, FED members, etc.). Fritz wrote about the Pilgrim Society and now is in jail. Savoie estimates that less than 1500 human beings are in the Pilgrim Society. Some in the alternative media refuse to talk about the Pilgrims like they refuse to talk about the Jesuits, SMOMs, Opus Dei, K of C, and the Vatican. Robert Drinan Died 86 recently. He was a Jesuit priest who supported abortion and was a famous figure in dividing America much more along political lines.

By Timothy