I'm back. It's a new year now. I took a break to recharge my mind. The funeral ceremony of Gerald Ford ended in Michigan. I will respect people's mourning, but Ford was an example of a Country Club Republican. Gerald Ford was a moderate man politically. Ford was more meek than other Presidents though. Saddam Hussein was executed last year. Saddam was a man used by the West. He had CIA link since the late 1950's. Remember that the Western policies have a strangulation over the Middle East economically and politically especially after WWI. Regardless of him dying or not, the violence in Iraq is still fermenting itself very patenting. The solution is for American and British troops to leave Iraq as soon as possible plainly. George W. Bush according to sources might propose an increase of 20,000 to 40,000 troops into Iraq to stabilize that nation. Pat Robertson said that God told him that thousands of people will die by the end of 2007. I cite this because the media is unnecessarily obsessing over this story. Many of Pat's predictions have been proven wrong, therefore by definition (even in the Bible), he's a false prophet. Now, why is the media talking about this since this isn't a news worthy issue. My view is that they are trying to picture sincere conservative Christians into the category of Pat Robertson, which is false. Many conservative Christians have exposed Pat for years from his promotion of Chinese forced abortion policy to his neutral attitude toward the evil of Big Brother. Pat Robertson is of Scottish and Irish descent. Some say that he's related to Robert E. Lee. Also, his father A. Willis Robertson (an ally of Prescott Bush), was not only a monetary elite, but a 32° Freemason (Freemasons laid the cornerstone of numerous major buildings in Washington D.C. The Jesuits and Freemasons both helped create that city). The Virginian (I'm from Virginia as well) Pat is a tool, a shill, and a pawn (Knight of Malta J. Peter Grace assisted Pat in his endeavors). Now, it's time to move on. It's the hypocritical CFR-dominated mainstream media commenting on Pat's errors, but refuse to expose the millions of unborn babies slaughtered by abortion. It's the same media that won't condemn other intolerant statement said by Rosie O'Donnell (about Asians and conservative Christians), Elton John, Ted Turner, and others. Regardless of these distractions, I will keep on living in 2007.
The Democrats are celebrating in Congress for their victories. Nancy Pelosi is the new House Speaker. Pelosi traveled into Baltimore to eliminate the label peopleportrayy her as a "San Francisco liberal." Pelosi bragged that "she is the most powerful woman in America." The truth is that Bush, Pelosi, and their ilk are puppets of the real rulers of the world (those in Secret Societies and high level political groups like the Jesuits, Knights of Malta, high level Freemasonry, etc.) Now, many Democrats are promoting censorship legislation like The Antibullying Campaign Act of 2005 . It's about to target bullies in sending millions of dollars, but the contents of the bill is ambiguous. Some believe that it can even verbal disagreements on certain behavior may be considered bullying. Steve Watson from Infowars.net on Wednesday, January 3, 2007 wrote about the continued U.N. sex slave controversy. The London Telegraph reported that there are over 20 cases of U.N. sex abuse against those living in southern Sudan (where my people are suffering, especially in Darfur). This is one symptom of the epidemic of corruption in the United Nations. The apparent "good" that many Hollywood liberal tout in some agencies are overshadowed by the U.N.'s agenda of globalization and a new world order. The Telegraph wrote that hundreds of children may have been abused. These allegations are not only confirmed in Sudan, but throughout Africa plus other nations. Even ex-Representative Cynthia McKinney told Donald Rumsfeld in 2005 that Dyncorp was complicity in the selling women and children including other evils. Korea Times at January 1, 2007 from Kim Tae-gyu wrote an article. Kim wrote that a team of South Korean scientists claim to create an anti-aging molecule called CGK733. In aging, cells refuse to divide. The scientists believe that this molecule can make the cells to divide decreasing the effects of aging. According to them, they can even make the cells become younger.
We have many crisis in the United States and the world. There are extremists who want population control in destroying humanity. Many want GM foods present (even without labels) in milk, plants, meat, and there whole nine yards, which are damaging to our health. Other poisons like aspartame, Monosodium Glutamate, etc. are so bad that New Mexico proposed a bill banning aspartame from their soil. The biometrics deal with nano-technology. I believe those who promote want the public to accept it that, so the governments of the world can control people. Singularity or making a human "god like" is apart of it as well. Doctors already have RFID chips in the bodies across the globe. I do like to thank Thomas Richards and those in Unhived Mind with new information about the Bohemian Grove, the JFK assassination (with ties to Permindex all over it. Various Knights of Malta and Freemasons were involved in the Warren Commission and other investigations of K of C JFK's death. George H. W. Bush bashed those who believed in a conspiracy involving the death of JFK. I guess he doesn't want people to know his role in Zapata or working with anti-Castro Cubans) and Louis Farrakhan. Louis Farrakhan on a video that I saw called Malcolm X a traitor and implied killing him for being one. Farrakhan is the leader of the N.O.I. (which isn't Sunni or Shia Islam, but an extremist sect. Malcolm X knew that the NOI preached racial hatred and he left it. He was the first manpubliclyy to say African American. He was the first manpubliclyy in America to oppose the Vietnam War as early as 1964). The Nation of Islam was infiltrated by the FBI. Research by me, Eric Jon Phelps, and other prove that the NOI, the FBI ( John X. Ali was a FBI informant in fact. I don't agree with this hyperlink's promotion of Communism, but this source does tell the truth on this issue), and NYPD all were involved in the death and cover up of Malcolm X's assassination. It's a new year. Regardless of our differences, we should work together to improve the world. I harbor no hate of no human personally anymore.
By Timothy
ReplyDeleteThis is an excellent video for those who really want to find the truth surrounding the murder of Malcolm X. Minister Louis Farrakhan goes in detail and shows the deceit about all of this "love" for Malcolm that the Gov't and schools attempt to show. They have a sick motive and would like to use the love of Malcolm X and direct that love into hatred for Min. Farrakhan.
Jet Magazine Interview
Minister Louis Farrakhan sets the record straight about his relationship with Malcolm X, June 5, 2000