
Monday, February 12, 2007

Believing in Truth and Exposing Lies

Yesterday, the Discovery Channel issued a story about Freemasonry. I've seen it and it has so many lies that I've lost count. It presented Masonry as just a benign organization. Now, it was right to point out that Hiram Abiff was a mythical character presented in Masonic ritual. The documentary was right to point out that all Masons are not involved in great evil internationally. It was definitely wrong to outline Masonry as having no international agenda and just expressing a story about King Solomon. The truth is that in the May 1950 New Age Magazine (a Masonic Magazine created by Masons), it outlined Masonry's agenda as promoting a new age, a new religion, and a new race for society (they praised "Nordics"). Freemason C. William Smith wrote the previous words. Also, in Masonry, no one is allowed to soulwin for a specific faith. In its more than 3 degrees, Mystery pagan religion symbols are throughout its ceremonies. Writers like Albert Mackey and Albert Pike call Masonry a Temple of Religion or a Religious institution. I have their own quotes. Pike goes as far as saying that God is in all Nature promoting pantheism. Freemasonry promotes secrets in each degree, yet even Jesus said I said nothing in secret. The Discovery channnel lied about William Morgan, because an trial and one conspirator admitted that Masons were involved in the kidnapping and murder of William Morgan. Historically, Freemasonry has been involved in formenting revolutions (some had negative consequences like the French Revolution) , creating false religions (like Mormonism, including occult Secret Societies), going out and promoting Ecumencialism, and other nefarious things. They can talk about the Nazis' "supposed detain for Masonry," but the truth is that the Nazis had Masonic roots from the Thule Society. They murdered many Masons and that was wrong. Although many Masons like Henry Ford, Lindbergh, the Prussian Lodges, and the English Lodges (i.e. British Royatly) funded the Third Reich. I can't omit the Vatican/Jesuit's connection (The 1933 concordat was never revoked and united Hitler with many Vatican officals. The Jesuit and Franciscian-led Ustachis murdered thousands of Jews, Gypsies, and Serbs in Croatia. Many SMOMs heads the bankers funded both the Allied and Axis Powers of WWII), to the Reich as well that Eric Jon Phelps, Greg Szymanski, Brother Nicholas Rivera, and others have written about. There are Masonic symbols in the Great Seal confirmed by Manly P. Hall and others. So, the Discovery Channel's lies and deception didn't make me to confirm to the Lodges' agenda. Jim Marrs was one of the few men in that documentary trying to present some truth.

The more you realize the foolishness of Big Brother, the more you can comprehend that it's really unreasonable. KOAT on February 10, 2007 reported that urinal cakes are telling anti-DWI messages. They want to decrease drunk drivers. UK Mail On Sunday on February 11, 2007 had prose created by CHRISTOPHER LEAKE. Leake wrote that a camera the size of a fingernail is utilized to record the movements of individuals inside airplanes. Their microphone system is said to even record whisphered. It can also monitor brinking eyes. Scientists from Britain and Germany are spending £25million developing a system in attempting to inhibit the chance of a hijacker. Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama are in the headed consistency throughout the mainstream media. I don't agree with both of them on some issues.

Recently, the White House claimed that the Iranians sent IEDs and other devices to blow up people in Iraq. Before commenting on that, it's time to look at an overview of history and politics. Back in the early 20th century, the British Empire failed to create a colony of Iraq. Riots existed during WWII and the Ba'ath party controlled the nation after WWII. By the 1960's, Qasim ruled and he was overthrown. Over the course of the time of Saddam, funding was given by American/European corporations. We're in a war in Iraq today. There has been deception going off. As for Iran, Iran is trying to project their power and increase Shia domaince in that country. Yet, American and Israeli documents propose divisions in Iraq. Also, according to Kurt Nimmo much of the technology in those explosives existed from Britian. Despite, the White House's claims of no intensions of invading Iran, Seymour Hersh claims that exercises by American military forces are done near Iran. There are battleships now near Iran in the Gulf of Hormuz. These activities magnify fears of some that a war with Iran is soon approaching. All of these circumstances is basically bigger than Bush (a Knight of Eugolia), oil (though oil is a big component of how events transpire. That can't be ignored), or America. I look what's been happening and it seems like certain people are still (irregardless of the outcome of the Iraq conflict) yearning to promote internationalism, extreme biometrics, globalism, and a new world order. Former National Security Advisor and founding member of the Trilateral Commission Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote a book called the Grand Chessboard saying that the U.S. could be used as a tool to expand their hegemony in Central Asia as a product of a terrorist attack. The CFR-authored PNAC document called for a military & political takeover by the West of the Middle East (a Pearl Harbor is what they predicted as a catayst for more military involvement in the Middle East).

It's kind of interesting to see the same people promoting the war on terror are the same ones promoting the SPP and the North American Union (or creating one North American continent made up of Mexico, USA, and Canada. CFR member Robert Pastor went as far as wanting one currency called the amero for trade purposes). These proposals were done by Congressional approval. These people say we have to fight to prevent terrorism from coming over here, yet the policies of the SPP and doing nothing about immigration will result in a decrease in American sovereignity. The funny thing is that most Americans don't want this. Most Americans don't agree with an American Union, with the present war in Iraq, with toll roads, with eniment domain, with the bashing of private ownsership of firearms. Even on abortion, most Americans don't agree with abortion on demand (or having an abortion for any reason whatsoever.
Margaret Sanger, one of the founders of the modern abortion movement promoted camps for "defective individuals" called the Plan for Peace. That was in the 1920's). Even if you talk about the 911 Truth, polls show that over 1/3 of Americans believe that 9/11 was an inside job.

This isn't the end of my communications. I'm not with fascism, communism, or anarchy.
I read Henry Makow's views on Communism and Jewish people. Makow is right that many evil Jewish people were involved in murdering folks in the Soviet Union. He omits that Jewish people were also killed in the Soviet Union. Stalin ordered the murder of Lenin. Many of the original Jewish Soviet Communist Party Politburo members members were hunted down and killed. Stalin by the 1950's wanted to extreminate Jewish people. I personally don't blame one religion for the activities in the Soviet Union in that period. As far as I'm concerned Stalin and his Communism primarily were influenced by atheism and humanism in their duties. Also, Makow seems almost collectively blaming his own race for Communism, but Communist ideals existed before pro-Frankist Marx was born (
Marx got his views from Engels and Carlyle not by himself. Marx hated his own race also even writing a book called "A World Without Jews"). Now, Jewish people that are indeed involved in the evils of Communism were secular, pro-Reform, and anti-Torah. In fact, there were 2 Revolutions in 1917. One was headed by Alexander Kerensky (a Scottish Rite Freemason). The other involved the Grand Orient Lodge Mason Lenin. Makow omits that these Revolutions were funded by high level Freemasons, the Pilgrim Society, (who invented the Trilateral Commission, the CFR, the RIIA, and the Bilderberg Group. They have more power than the CFR), and the Knights of Malta (who have more power than the Jews outwardly formenting the Second Revolution. Also, Paul Warburg opposed the 2nd Revolution because it promoted Communism). Some folks who hate Jewish people in general obsess with this issue.

By Timothy

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