
Monday, February 26, 2007

Brother Nicholas Rivera

Absolutely! No chance this is coincidence. It is just impossible! They are all Jesuit-trained and controlled because this Papal Crusade is a war of annhilation both of the Muslim peoples and the apostate Protestant West. Youth like myself are especially targeted for the coming draft. This is means of population control. This war has been called "our children's children war" by CNN. SMOM and 33rd Degree Freemason Tony Blair will be pulling out troops as well as other "Coalition" nations and their forces until the Armed Forces of the Unholy Roman Fourteenth Amendment American Empire will find itself going solo and by the time this diversionary war concludes (when the Muslim is reduced enough to ensure Israel will not be ransacked) the purposely sabotaged (the troops are ill-equipped because this is a war they are meant to and will lose. Rome is through with America-she has been drunk with the wine of the Whore's fornication since the illegal ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment. I believe the death toll will surpass all wars the U.S. has ever fought and even now is greater than what the Order's CFR reports because only soldiers killed in action are counted, not those who die as a result of injuries, wounds, suicides, poisons in the form of pills, depleted uranium, etc. I believe as a result of the HPV vaccine Merck wants to give pre-adolescent girls will make them sterile in the long-term. She has caused the America to forget God and now we are witnessing His judgment U.S. defense will be beyond recovery and absolutely powerless to resist our coming invaders from China, Russia, the remaining Muslims who will forget about Jerusalem and the Jews and wage a jihad against what they call "The Great Satan" whom they will blame for the destruction of the Dome of the Rock, Al Aqsa mosque, Mecca, and Medina.

-Brother Nicholas N. Rivera

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