
Thursday, February 01, 2007

Eric Jon Phelps and Texe Marrs discussion Part 2

Note by Me: I don't agree with Eric Jon Phelps' racism and I don't agree with Texe Mars' anti-Semitism. I want to make that clear. I do disgree with Roman Catholicism theologically, but I don't support the agendas of Eric Jon Phelps and Texe Marrs. This discussion shows the mindsets of racists and bigots. 
By Timothy

From: Power of Prophecy To:
Eric Jon Phelps Sent:
Monday, January 22, 2007 9:27 AM
Re: Constance Cumbey's Catholicism

Dear Eric:

Appreciate your response and your comments.I understand you are a Baptist. I was saved and baptized in a King James Bible-believing Southern Baptist Church and remain a KJV, "old-fasioned" Gospel, blood-bought servant of Jesus!

Amen! So glad to hear of your faith in the Lord Jesus of the Reformation Bible for English-speaking peoples.

About the matter of whether the true enemy is Zionism or Catholicism, I worry lest we lose sight of the Gospel message and we be caught up in a dichotomous circle of deceit. Both the Zionist Jews—who despise Christ and His Word and continue to plot out a New World Order and a future "Jewish Messiah"—and the Vatican, with its Babylonian-age doctrines, are in opposition to God. The book of Revelation amply warns of the Synagogue of Satan.Until it went out of print, my ministry offered your book, Vatican Assassins. So if I am a Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor, wouldn't that perhaps make you one as well?

You have missed my point. I always attack the Masonic Jewish Labor Zionists and their deeds of blood from the time they were known as Sabbatian Frankists. No doubt they are of the Synagogue of Satan. But I have always blamed the Vatican in Rome as being the center of the devil's conspiracy for world government in Jerusalem. Living in "the times of the Gentiles" until the return of Christ, White Gentiles in command of the Jesuit Order (now ruling the Pope and his Hierarchy) rule the world---not the Masonic Jews deliberately positioned to take the blame for the deeds of the Order. Take Michael Chertoff for example. He is a full-blooded Jew heading the Department of Homeland (Romeland) Security. Yet the real master and creator of the DHS is the Jesuit and Knight of Malta John C. Gannon----a CIA officer for 24 years and given the highest civilian award by George Bush. The Jews are the front men; the Jesuits are their handlers. It is this distinction that you refuse to employ in your work for the last four years or so. You never did this in the past and I now ask you, "Why the change?"

In fact, that would be ridiculous and unChristian—guilt by association. I believe that is what Constance Cumbey does. She is far too quick to label people.

Texe, I am careful not to lay hands on any man suddenly, for good or evil.

I am in my 60s, Eric, and I find that over the years I have become more wise. Many brothers in Christ disagree with me on matters of escatology, etc., but, I do not rush to accuse them of nefarious, intentional conduct. I count them in Jesus' family. If they, or I, am wrong, I trust the Holy Ghost will fix that, if we truly seek His Way and His Truth. Meanwhile, I hold my judgement unless I have definitive proof of apostasy or betrayal.

I feel that you are not being candid with me. My friend Daryl Eberhart has kindly entreated you on this matter for quite some time. Bur your refusal to explain your departure from this most basic and critical doctrine demands our separation. The doctrine you now preach regarding the Jews is is pure Jesuitism. It incites rage against all Jews in general and not the few in service of the Vatican. Rage leads to acts of blood, and I fear that you will stand before the Lord as being chargeable for inciting this nation to curse the physical descendants of Abraham. You are a brilliant man thoroughly versed in the Word of God. I am no one to instruct you on such a basic Bible doctrine as the Abrahamic Covenant.Knowing your brilliance, life experiences, knowledge of the Order and Rome, and Luke 21:24-27 ("the times of the Gentiles" ending with the return of Christ), I can only conclude that you know better. Therefore you must be in some sort of trouble and thus compromised, now under duress to be a vessel for Jesuit anti-Jewish fury. It pains me to think that you are a calculating and willing Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor. Either way, the end result is the same. Please, Texe, stop this fascist enraging of the nation against all Jews in general. This may be a "sin unto death" for you, and I pray that you may be recovered out of this "snare of the devil." You have fallen from your great work of the past. Please repent and return to your previous labors.

"He that covereth his sins shall not prosper; but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy." Prov. 28:13.

If you would admit your mistake and seek forgiveness from the Lord, I would be the first to defend you. Please know that I have considered myself in this matter, realizing full well I too could fall into great error such as this.

You are my friend. Please let me know if I can ever be of help. All God's Best,Texe Marrs

Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric


smashstuff: It's about time someone called Texe Marrs on his Jew hatred. It's ridiculous and boring. Well done Eric!

Mark Brewer: I have yet to see any evidence that Texe hates Jews. Exposing the Talmud is not hateful.

smashstuff: It's in the details. Such as saying that all four members of the Seinfeld cast are Jewish and practise the Kabbalah. Julia Louise Dreyfuss (Elaine) and Michael Richards (Kramer) are not Jewish. If he wants certain people to be Jewish, he just makes it up. Ben Stiller is a 'Jewish comedian', (Ben's father is Jewish, his mother is of Irish-Catholic descent), why not call him Irish?He says that Charlie Chaplin was 'born to Jewish parents'. What is that supposed to mean? Is he Jewish? Never mind that neither of his parents are Jewish.Not once is a celebrity featured in the book and called a 'white anglo saxon', but jews are pointed out every time.My arguement is with his seeming inability to disconnect racial jews, (whatever that may mean), with Judaism, Freemasonry, Talmud and Kabbalah.

TruthSeeker24: Recently, Marrs called Tony Alamo a Cypto-Jew. That's interesting, because Alamo never denied his Jewish heritage. A Cypto-Jew is someone who intentionally hides his Jewish heritage for an agenda. Tony even wrote a note to a rabbi calling himself Jewish and talking about the Vatican's murderous history agaisnt Jewish people. Texe almost seems to align Jews with mighty evil, but this isn't true. Even if someone is Jewish, that doesn't mean that someone is an enemy. Texe Marrs doesn't overtly say I hate Jews, but Texe does believe that the Jewish people rule the world alone. Texe Marrs is right that some wicked Jewish people must be exposed, but the Vatican/Jesuits leadership ought to be exposed as well. On occasion when he exposes the Vatican, he exposes Vatican 2 Catholicism. It's only now, when Texe is more keen on exposing pre-Vatican 2 Romanism. Texe talks about Communists, but he forgot that Engles taught Marx a lot of Communism. Communism itself originated from the Ancient Gentile Mystery Religions, Gentile Plato, Gentile Thomas More, Gentile Jesuits in the Communes of Paraguay all before Marx. He can talk about Bolsheviks, but it was the high level Freemasonry and the Vatican/Jesuits (like Hammer, Bishop Ropp, J. Peter Grace, and others) that influenced Revolution. Most of the original Boslheviks were killed by Stalin (including Trotsky). Stalin by the 1950's wanting to exterminate Jewish people. He can talk about Masonry, but Masonry's obelisk, the all seeing eye, the 2 pillars, JAH-BUL-ON, phoenix, etc. have nothing to do with Torah Judaism or all Jewish people. It's the almost collective blaming of Jewish people that's why many disagree with Marrs. I don't believe Marrs is an anti-Semite.

Interesting links:

By Timothy

wolveshater: Texe Marrs is afraid of the jesuit coming for him, shooting thru his home, or sneaking in their with a poisen cup. he is afraid to pound on the truth looks like to me, why else tip toe around it. makes one wonder for sure.

Alexandria: Meh. I'm a brown-eyed brunette but I don't think I'm Jewish. My great-grandparents on my birth father's side were from Belarus and Poland...don't know if they're of Jewish ancestry but I know they're largely Catholic. I knew Tony Alamo was Jewish; his birth name was Bernie Hoffman or something like that. Doesn't bother me.I do know not all Jews are Zionists, and not all Zionists are Jews. In fact, there's a site up, Jews against Zionism, or something like that.What I don't get is Texe Marrs' interpretation of the Book of Esther. I've read through that book time and again and where he comes up with the stuff he does out of it is beyond me.Pretty sad, seeing people jump on the "blame the Jews" bandwagon.There seem to be basically two kinds of Jews--the Talmudic Jews, who go by that awful Talmud, and the Torah Jews, who simply go by the Old Testament.

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