
Thursday, February 01, 2007

Info on the Culture War


Leftist Group Seeks To Use ‘God Talk’ To Lure Christians To Democrat PartyFebruary 1, 2007 – A two-year-old public relations firm called “Common Good Strategies” is working behind the scenes to help Democrats convince Christians that they should vote for Democrats of “faith.”The PR firm is headed by Mara Vanderslice, a 1997 graduate of Earlham College. Vanderslice formerly worked as an intern for Jim Wallis’ Sojourners organization, a far-leftist “Christian” group that is attempting to convince moderate or conservative Christians that Democrat policies are best for achieving “social justice.” Jim Wallis has been consulting with Democrat strategists for years to lure Christians away from the Republican Party. TVC’s special report on Wallis reveals the consistent far left policies of the group – which have been more in line with the old Soviet Union than with America. While at Earlham, Vanderslice was a member of the Earlham Socialist Alliance, a group that supports the release of convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal and embraces Marxist-Leninist political views. In a feature on Vanderslice in the Earlham College Alumni Bulletin, Vanderslice notes she grew up in a spiritual but not religious and politically progressive home in Boulder, Colorado.

She arrived at Earlham distrustful of Christianity but after taking Peace and Global Studies class and spending time in Bogota, Columbia, she became more committed to “strands” of Christianity that she found appealing. Vanderslice has spoken at rallies held by the radical homosexual group ACT-UP and has been involved in protests against the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Vanderslice became Howard Dean’s faith advisor and later served as John Kerry’s advisor on faith issues. Her group, Common Good Strategies has worked with the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Senator Bob Casey, Ohio Governor Ted Strickland; the Kansas Democrat Party and others. All of Vanderslice’s clients won in 2006. “Mara Vanderslice’s attempt to convince Christians to vote for pro-abortion, pro-homosexual Democrats (who hide their real goals behind claims of ‘faith’) is working – and the Republican Party should take note,” said TVC Executive Director Andrea Lafferty. “Tragically, Vanderslice’s brand of ‘progressive’ Christianity has more in common with Marxist-Leninist ideals than with orthodox Christianity. I pray that Christians will not be fooled in 2008 – as many were in 2006. Because many evangelicals voted for liberals in 2006, we face a Congress that is openly hostile to biblical values.” TVC will be monitoring the activities of Vanderslice’s organization and will publish future reports on where her PR firm gets its funding.



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‘Amazing Grace’ Tells The Story Of A Hero: William WilberforceFebruary 1, 2007 – On February 23rd, “Amazing Grace” will premiere in theaters all over the world. The film tells the inspiring story of British lawmaker William Wilberforce and his decades-long battle to end slavery in Britain. Access the “Amazing Grace Sunday” link for more information on how your church can be involved. This film was produced by the same company that brought us the “The Lion, Witch, and Wardrobe.” Wilberforce, a committed Christian, fought against the sin of slavery for more than 20 years before succeeding. His confidante and encourager was John Newton, writer of the well-known hymn, “Amazing Grace.” Newton, a former slave trader, inspired Wilberforce to spend his life in service to mankind. TVC’s staff attended a private screening of “Amazing Grace” this week and encourages all Christians and concerned citizens to see this inspiring film. “William Wilberforce’s life and commitment is an example to all of us of the power of one man to change the course of human history,” said TVC Chairman Rev. Louis P. Sheldon. “His life was spent on the noble cause of ending the horrid slave trade in Britain – and his work inspired 19th century Americans to begin fighting against slavery in our own nation. He left a powerful legacy for all of us to emulate.”


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