
Thursday, February 01, 2007

Life is Stronger than Deception

A lot of Subterfuge is made mainfest in the world. Bill O'Reilly in my opinion is introducing much duplicity. For example, Bill constantly proclaim that there is no evidence for a justification of impeachment of Knight of Eugolia George W. Bush. An impeachment is simply a response against a President for crimes and misdeamanors. The truth is that the White House authorized warantless wiretapes (in violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act or FISA), 2 wars came up without a Congressional declaration, he passed illegal laws, he endorsed the Security and Prosperity Partnership plan (that's against our national soveriegnity), and the President executed a continuation of other forms of corruption. That's more than enough proof for the impeachment for the President. CNN tried to demonize the 911 Truth Movement days ago, but it will never work. Paula Zahn cried at how 1/3 of Americans according to news polls) believe that 9/11 was a product of an inside job. CNN tried to imply anti-Semitism to some in 911 Truth (i.e. in trying to demonize Christopher Bollyn for outlining the Mossad/Israeli link to 9/11), but that's another lie. Anyone that collectively blame all Jews or all Arabs for 911 is a liar and not in 911 Truth. Zahn said that al-Qaeda did the attacks, but this isn't true. There is no evidence that al-Qaeda made NORAD stand down. al-Qaeda didn't make Building Number Seven collapse symmetrically when no plane hit it. Al-Qaeda didn't make the witnesses to hear explosions in the Twin Towers (even at the basement) before their collapses. al-Qaeda didn't even create the CIA drills on 9/11 and definitely the anthrax attacks. So, al-Qaeda isn't involved in all of 9/11. Al-Qaeda is a CIA creation via Operation Cyclone, etc.

Now, one word stand out to me firmly. That word is solutions. Typically, it's perfectly normal and legitimate for us to outline mistakes in government. It's just a vital responsibility for us (the citizens) to promote and try to enact basic solutions. This is done to alleviate the suffering surrounding the Earth. On the monopoly-controlled media in America (with only 5 corporations running most of it in the USA. 2 of their heads are CFR member Richard Parson of AOL/Time Warner and Papal Knight of St. Gregory Rupert Murdoch. At least 118 people comprise the membership on the boards of director of the ten big media giants. This is a small enough group to fit in a moderate size university classroom. These 118 individuals in turn sit on the corporate boards of 288 national and international corporations.), there needs to be a decentralization of the Big Media. Therefore, more competition (plus media choice) are avaliable. Reforming our education by establishing discipline and using more effective education techniques, banning posions (like aspartame, flouride, etc), making investments, and other plans can be done. I believe in dialogue, but I never get along with compromising moral values in exchange for acceptance. A real man at times must suffer rejection to preserve his adherence to authentic moral values. An interesting historical footnote is that Francis Cardinal Spellman was America's most powerful priest ever. Spellman was even President Roosevelt's main intelligence officer during WWII. Spellman was a key man in promoting the destructive Vietnam war (that involved the slaughter of Buddhists. One of the leaders of the early 1960's genocide was Diem, who was a Vatican agent). This history is regular rejected or even mocked by individuals like Michael Collins Piper (who wrote a book called "Final Judgment") and Free American. They are right in exposing the Zionists like Louis M. Bloomfield and others related to the JFK assassination and cover up. On the hand, they refuse to acknowledge that Louis M. Bloomfield, DeLoach of the FBI, CIA Counterintelligence Chief James Jesus Angleton, Alexander Haig, CIA Director John McCone, and other players in the November 22, 1963 event (plus the cover up) are Knights of Malta (not to mention that the Mossad was helped to be invented by Papal Knight Nazi Reinhard Gehlen). Darryl Eberhart did a great thing to write about this. on Thursday, February 1, 2007 had interesting info on the North American Union situation. I realize that the JBS is controlled oppostion, but the JBS is right on this issue. It reported that Princeton University sociologist Douglas Massey, director of the Mexican Migration Project, called for a North American Union to solve the immigration problem. Massey even called for Canada and America to pay for Mexico's infrastructure. This is one smoking gun outlining the reality of a North American Union. The Global Warming debate is heating up. The Drudge Report on Wednesday during January 31, 2007 reported on 2 new books that disagree with man-made global warming. They are "Unstoppable Global Warming Every 1500 Years", by physicist Fred Singer and economist Dennis Avery. The other is called "The Chilling Stars: A New Theory of Climate Change", by Danish physicist Henrik Svensmark and former BBC science writer Nigel Calder (Icon Books), which is due out in March. Singer and Avery wrote that most of the Earth's warming existed on Earth before 1940. They view that the sun and atmospheric gases are the main culprits in climate change.

My other blog isn't working. I wonder why. Regardless, I'm going to still outline facts on real history and exposing what's really happening now. Recently, I've been exposing the real power players like the Pilgrim Society (with more power than the Skulls and Bones, the Bilderberg Group, the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bohemian Grove), the Vatican/Jesuits (including the SMOMs, Opus Dei, K of C), high level Freemasonry, Labor Zionists (whose philosophy is interrelated with the Sabbatian Frankists), and other heavy hitters. Some even in the "alternative media" rightfully expose evil Israelis. Yet, they omit the Muslim radical Nazi link (The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem al-Husseini was Hitler's ally and he led Muslim armies to kill Serbs in SE Europe. Many Muslims praised Hitler in Syria and in Israel. Many Jewish people were persecuted and 800,000 Jewish people escaped from Middle Eastern nations in the WWII period because of that. In fact, there was always a continous presence of Jewish people in the land of Eretz Yisrael in the time of the Roman Empire, Byzantinum, the time of the Crusades, the Ottoman Turkish Empire, etc. Also, there was a continious presence of Hitler was a baptized Catholic and al-Hussieini was a Muslim. From my years of research, it's apparent that there is a connection between Romanism and Islam. Both religions "venerate" or "worship" Mary, both have beads plus perform repetitious prayer which was condemned by Jesus Christ in the book of Matthew, and some of its leaders spanning centuries possess a hatred of Jewish people). Even today, real Muslim terrorist is happening in Africa and other locations.

The Associated Press on February 1, 2007 devled into the terror hoax at Boston. Suprisingly, the electronic brinking devices are a promo for an adult cartoon show. That show is called ``Aqua Teen Hunger Force.'' It's about a french fie, a burger, and other foods discussing their life in a lot of profanity. Those type of show in the Cartoon Channel is called "adult swin." This electronic images were places across the nation. Lawsuits can be done against the 2 arrested men and even Turner Broadcasting. Boston Mayor Thomas Menino promises prosecutions against those reponsible. The lesson for that instance is that no one ought to send that object near buildings (even if you're intent is not criminal or violent). Also, it shows that many of the "terror" related events are actually frauds. I'm not going to quit because of internet problems or time. The trial of Scotter Libby is going on. You have the mostly Democratic Congress where individuals will see if they will tow the neo-con line for years on end. Life is always stronger than deception.

By Timothy

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