
Thursday, February 15, 2007


Thursday is the day now. "Jihadists", wars, politics, distractions, and problems are words that come to mind depicting the situation in 2007.
The Seminal on February 13, 2007 wrote that Congress is proposing a law to monitor the Internet. The truth is this is uncalled for. Representative Lamar Smith (R-TX) proposed the law. What does this have to do with freedom. It makes ISPs to report all all users' surfing activity, IM conversations and email traffic indefinitely . This is done under the guise of "helping the children." The total title of the Bill is entitled SAFETY (Stopping Adults Facilitating the Exploitation of Today's Youth) Act . This is one of the greatest threats to free speech and privacy on the Internet. Already you've got enemies wanting to silence alternative, indepedent voices in the Net. It isn't just the SAFETY Act, but Viacom (a media pro-monopoly giant. They own CBS with its use of the "All Seeing Eye") trying to brainwash children having censorship. A Youtube video (though I disagree with its views on Aliens) exposing Viacom listing interesting information. They use the "V" occult symbol meaning the law of fives, the "Vav" (a Hebrew alphabet," and a secret code word for Satan (according to dissenters with occultism). Dr. Cathy Burns document the pagan origin of the "V" sign. It's accepted by the New Age Hippe Movement. As for me, I will speak my mind and write about many issues under the sun. Michael Kanellos from CNET on Thursday at February 15, 2007 foucused on doctors rejecting RFID chips. Slow sales have occured dealing with Verichip or biochips implanted inside the body of patients. Approximately 1,200 doctors and 66 hospitals have agreed to try out the VeriChip system, assuming patients request it and databases support it.

People now are talking about Hillary Clinton. Hillary was from the surburds of the Chicago area. Now, she's living in New York state running for President. Some assume that she will become the first Democratic female President. She cuts from the same cloth of elitists even going into a Pilgrim-invented Bilderberg Group. Her husband is the blatant Jesuit Temporal Coadujtor Demolay Freemason William Jefferson Clinton. One interesting thing about her is her justification for her vote for authorization of war against Iraq. Hillary said that she wanted the vote to be a vote for a last resort not a sudden war, but if she had the chance against she would vote against it plus she wouldn't take America to war. Does this justification sound convoluted or what? The truth is that Iraq back then and now doesn't pose a direct threat to American soil, so there was no need to give the President authorization via a Resolution in the first place. It seems that with people like Guiliani, Hillary, Obama, Edwards, McCain, and others very little real indepedent candidates are up in the polls. As for Ron Paul, I support him the most even if he has little shot of winning the Republican nomination. Time will tell who will become the next President, so I will not outline bold predictions. Brother Nicholas Rivera eloquently described that Secret Orders run Congress in fact. For example, pro-Stephen A. Privett SJ Catholic Nancy Pelosi is the House Speaker, the House Minority Leader is K of C John Boehner, Freemason "Baptist" Roy Blunt is a leader in the House, and Mormon Harry Ried is a powerful player additionally in Congress.

We can't play games anymore. Either we will be for truth or be for deception and evil. One of the greatest deceptions around is Witchcraft. Supposedely, Wiccans feel they are connecting with the forces of Nature. Actually, Nature is extremely finite. Our concerns mostly should be about connection with the Creator God who created the Universe. Nowadays, book glorfying witchcraft are commonplace like Harry Potter (in fact JK Rowling loves Halloween and embraces "magical experiences" Potter is blatantly pro-Witchcraft as exposed by ex-Wizard Pastor David J. Meyer), Charmed, and the Book of Shadows. They were still extremely popular when I was in high school during the late 1990's and early 21st century. ANother deception is the obsession with pharmaceuticals. There is Forced Drugging, the No Child Left Undrugged, New Freedom Initiative Act, and the promotion of mercury, which I strong disagree with. There is a controversy over the Bank of America sending bank accounts (& credit cards) to illegal immigrants without an ID (i.e. it's for free). It's certain wrong to do that, because it is immoral to break the law and be rewarded with more capital. This violates federal immigration laws dealing with aiding and abetting illegal immigration. That plan doesn't stabilize illegal immigration, but encourages leading more people to earn low rages. Also, the border isn't protected with drug gangs killing people on the border and little even National Gaurd troops on the border.

If we don't fight, then America will be like Europe where if you publiclly dissent with a lifestyle, you could go to jail. HR 254 is proposed here in America. We have no choice to live before we died.
In Europe, a priest is facing jail time for criticizing "abortionists, some are calling the phrase "natural family" hate speech in America, and the like. If you can be arrested in Europe for even doubting genocides, it's possible that it can happen in America. I wish I was making this stuff up, but these occurences are very real. With this mind, the skeptics said that this is all made up. That is false since Operation Ajax (the CIA instigating terrorism against Iran to control its oil resources. That terrorism included blowing up mosques and making lies against Mossadegh), the Gulf on Tonkin incident (a fabricated incident that provoked the escalation of the war in Vietnam), Project Shad, the SPP Document (promoting a North American Union or eliminating American borders to create a North American nation made up of Mexico, the USA, and Canada), the Tuskegee Experiment, Chinese organ harvesting, and the Patriot Act (which has been utilized against innocent citizens. Section 802 very ambigiously defines terrorism. Regardless of what you hear, China is not overpopulation. China's fertility rate decreased since 1970, its population density is one-fifth that of Taiwan, and its one-200th that of Manhattan) are all real negative themes. I list more and more examples. Now, there are the new BBC documentary which seems to be a hit piece omitting the history of proposed terror or real terrorism (including real 9/11 info) like Operation Northwoods, the wargames, etc. The BBC called 9/11 Truth almost mythological. It's really mythological to assume that passport can survive blasts and fall hundreds of feet into the ground during. It's fantasy to assume that Building Number Seven collapsed by al-Qaeda alone. That BBC hit piece won't work since tons of people in this generation realize of corruption and evils in the world. Therefore, no one ought to trust the government 100% anyway. Just look at the histories of Stalin and Mao. I like living.

By Timothy

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