
Friday, April 13, 2007

An Awakening

Day by day, awakenings come up. Victor Gold (a veteran GOP campaign operative) said that the White House neo-cons would create a false flag operation if not for 9/11 similar to LBJ and the Gulf on Tonkin incident. The truth is that 911 is similar to the Gulf on Tonkin incident (Declassified LBJ presidential tapes discuss how to spin the non-event to escalate it as justification for air strikes and the NSA faked intelligence data to make it appear as if two US ships had been lost) as both events were created as a pretexts for wars. Gold is a critic of the GOP. I feel that's it's bigger than one party. Both major parties and the neo cons are manipulated by the CFR & the more powerful Pilgrim Society. High level Freemasonry (Clint Murchison, Al Sharpton, H. L. Hunt, Chuck Schumer, and others are notorious members) and the Knights of Malta (with such famous membes as Louis M. Bloomfield, William F. Buckley, Patrick Buchanan, and Rick Santorum) are heavy players as well with more influence than the CFR in history also. Hundreds of experts and professionals in all sectors of government, etc. are speaking out against evil in high places. 9/11 Hero William Rodriguez has been speaking up about the 911 inside job for many years now. He was in the basement of the Twin Towers and heard explosions in that locations (which wasn't from the higher floors of the Twin Towers). On Sept. 28-30, 2007 it's the North American Regional Meeting of the Trilateral Commission in Cancun, Mexico meeting transpiring. The North American Union is moving rapidly for full activation.

As for free speech, I'm all for it. Free speech is also the right to petition. That's free speech too. It's hypocritical to say I believe in a man's right of the First Amendment, but another section of the 1st amendment like the right to petition is expelled. It's also being a hypocrite for those who criticize rap music, but say nothing about the Satanism, murder, drug use, and occultism in heavy metal rock and roll. It's hypocritical to say that I love the First Amendment, but want limitations on certain speech that you don't like. So, my opinion is that all men have a right to say what they want. Also, men have a right to criticize what you say and protest what you say as well. There are more important issues than Don Imus like the Iraq War, race, eminent domain, our health (Monsanto's GM corn MON863 shows kidney, liver toxicity in animal studies. That's what's wrong with GM food and why organic foods are better) abortion (I don't agree with abortion), religious liberty, etc. Global warming hysteria is growing higher and higher. Al Gore now wants concerts to support his tax credit propaganda. The truth is that man's output of CO2 is finite compared to the sun and natural resources (some scientists say that man's total output of CO2 is only about 3 percent on planet Earth). There is no such thing as normal temperature, there is only average temperature. Temperatures naturally flucuate throughout history. In the periods of some time in the Middle Age was warmer than today. Natural CO2 is not a pollutant, especially in the presence of plant life. The whole solar system is getting warmer with any intervention by mankind. Notoriously, the sun has the majority of cause of climate change on Earth. Some parts of the South Pole are getting more ice and the polar bear scare has been debunked by mainstream scientists. Gore doesn't get it. I do believe an awakening is taking place to a degree.

By Timothy

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