
Monday, April 16, 2007

The Question of Zionism

Dear Jim,

Thank you for your comments.

I have addressed the difference between Biblical Futurism and Jesuit futurism in the past. I realize that my amillennial, historic Calvinist brethren reject all futurism, but that's OK since they secured for me the freedom to speak on the radio here in the US in 2007. I do not disagree that Jesuit futurism was designed to take the eyes of God's people off the Papacy and "look for another Antichrist." But as you know, I keep focused upon the Papacy as the dynasty of the Antichrist, that every pope is an Antichrist and that the final pope (the final Roman king/caesar of Revelation 17:10) will be thee Antichrist (I John 2:18 has the article preceding "antichrist" indicating a specific person---that "man of sin of II Thess. 2).No doubt that the Jesuits with their brand of futurism are the creators of Labor Zionism via the British Labor Party controlled by the Fabian Socialists of the late 19th century. But remember, there are four kinds of Zionism: Masonic Jesuit ruled Labor Zionism, Revisionist Zionism (all leaders murdered by the Order); Talmudic Orthodox Zionism (who deny that the racial Jews have any right to the land prior to the coming of Messiah---which is a denial of the Abrahamic Covenant, and Biblical, premillennial, Christian Zionism which believes that Jews must inhabit the land of Israel, especially Jerusalem, as a precondition for the return of the Messiah, the Lord Yeshua---which is my position.

I am always careful to condemn the Pope's Masonic, CFR-directed, Knight of Malta controlled, Jewish Labor Zionist government ruling and oppressing the Lord's beloved and racially Hebrew/Jewish/Israelitic people now in the land. Further, since the Mosaic covenant is now set aside, the holy seed has a right to live in the land without obedience to the Law. This is the reason the Lord can righteously bring the people back to the land and form the nation once again (Ezekiel 38:8), rebuild the Hebrew temple (Revelation 11:1-2; Matthew 24:15; Daniel 9:27) make a Jerusalem inhabited by Jews (Zechariah 12:6) in preparation for the coming of the Lord to the Mount of Olives when He delivers the city from its Jew-hating, Gentile mass-murdering armies of the world (Zechariah 14:4; Acts 1:11-12).VAIII is not in hardcover but the copyright gives the purchaser the right to take the CD to a copy shop or a printer and put the work in book form. This is a much cheaper enterprise for both the publisher and the buyer.

Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric


hi Eric,

I've been enjoying your work and was just wanting to point out somedifferences in theories.You're saying on radio that the temple will be built in Jerusalem for thisevil AC and I agree with a few exceptions. The RCC papacy is the AC so theyin no way will seat themselves in this futurist temple.The RCC created "futurism" that goes like this:-The Jews returned to Israel that started some countdown where a temple willbe built that the antichrist will seat and be evil culminating in seven yeartribulation and armageddon-The above is all "futurism" and is unscriptural and wrong. I have a threadabout this that is easier to read on Mike Riveros website.

They all chokedon it, but thats why I'm there.

I then found a website that says much of the same thing

They did this in response to the reformation as is documented in the thread.

Take Care,

Jimps: let me know if you have your book in hardcopy


Dear Brethen and Friends,

The Third Edition of Vatican Assassins: "Wounded In The House Of My Friends" is now available. It is an Electronic Book on CD in PDF format. Complete in four volumes when downloaded in book form, it is 1836 pages with 760 photos and illustrations. It covers a general history of the Jesuit Order from its inception in 1534, to its involvement in the JFK assassination, to its present Crusade against both Islam and the once Protestant western civilization. The anti-Jesuit old book CD first offered in the first edition is also included as a gift. Thus, the purchaser will receive a 2-CD pack with a total of over 6000 pages of suppressed Jesuit history.

The price for VAIII is 40.00USD plus 5.00USD for tax and shipping in both the US and Canada. LOWVEHM, Inc., will be coordinating all distributors and can be reached by potential distributors at Phone inquiries can be made to LOWVEHM, Inc., at 610-589-5300. This company holds the copyright to the book and has no legal connection with the author. The distributors through which VAIII may be purchased are:

1. Pastor Nelson C. Turner
In addition to domestic orders from specfic customers, Pastor Turner will handle all international orders through He will also take all orders placed through

2. Pastor David Bay

3. Dr. Bill Deagle

4. Greg Szymnaski

Other distributors are forthcoming.

The author wishes to thank all purchasers for your patience in waiting for the final edition of Vatican Assassins. It has been quite a trek in assimilating the many new sources within the body of the existing text. Many contributors, both pro and con, have greatly enhanced the work placing it far beyond the abilities of the author. An Index is forthcoming, further enabling the student of this most important history to quickly inform himself on the several topics covered, in addition to the searchable electronic book CD/PDF.

Enjoy the read!

Sincerely in the One Faith of Christ,

Brother Eric Jon Phelps

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