
Monday, April 02, 2007

More on Alex Jones

Alex Jones says many truthful things and has accomplished some truly great work. But he fails to even entertain the Jesuit topic. Because of this dishonesty and his disdain for all who attack the Order he is ipso facto a Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor. I would be remiss in my duties if I let this go.

Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric


It seems to me that Rosie McDonald is just a pawn to make the "conspiracy theorists" look like a bunch of idiots. You can see how she is upsetting O'Reilly and his other analyst colleagues. He squawls and rants about the "kooks" so that the listening audience will learn to laugh, or better still, be belligerant towards anyone who goes beyond the bounds of media propaganda. This seems obvious to me. Their mind control game continues.Bro. xxxxxxxxx

You have made the perfect analysis and drawn the right conclusion. The Order, controlling ABC via its CFR in New York City, could not have chosen a better agent to discredit the truth about 911. Let us watch what happens to "Rosie."The White Middle Class (Catholic and Protestant) must be moved to right-wing fascism. This is the corner into which Fox coadjutors are attempting to push us. This great feat will never be accomplished if the public begins to believe that 911 was an inside job of the intelligence community.

Brother Eric


Daniel: Fox News is not Right-Wing, nor is fascism right-wing. They are gun-grabbing, anti-private property. Fox-news is so far left that they put Karl Marx to shame. Eric speaks about the agenda yet he falls for the left/right nonsense? Why?It's either your a Republic (right) or your on the left. Everything is left: Fascism, Communism, Socialism, Theosism, Collectivism and all the other "isms" are leftist and not right.So unless Alex Jones is pushing us all to the LEFT, he cannot be supporting Fascism, see?DanielP.S Alex is pushing toward "nationalism" and not "national-socialism"

Menses: I have always believed certain aspects to the 911 story were meant to be uncovered as it would serve to destroy American Morale. The Patsies of course being the Royal Court Jews (Neo-Cons) & Silversteins already in place to take the blame. Why else would Temporal CoAdjutor Jones be allowed to pubicly reveal certain aspects of the coverup on mainstream networks like CNN & MTV Canada, which is now being filmed from the Masonic Temple in Toronto..?In spite of that, I believe Eric is right in his estimation that Rosie is merely another Charlie Sheen. A disgraced high profile celebrity who can conviently be ignored by the power worshiping sheeple whos opinions are swayed in the direction the media wishes their opinions to go. Is it mere coincidence then that the Rosie's conspiritorial rant came right upon the heels of her embarassing and in my opinion staged tv showdown with Stone Mason Donald Trump..? A stunt designed to discredit her and at the same time tease the public with the possibility that perhaps their government isn't as honest as they once thought....The fall out is minimal but just enough to get the ball rolling. The documentary Loose Change we must remember was financed by CBC broadcasting up here in Canada. Jesuit controlled through and through. This movie is hitting theatres one day and so we have to assume that much of what we see now is planned in advance...the exposing of 911...chaos...a black president in Obama who perhaps will be assassinated by the Order as a way of inducing the race riots they have planned for decades....wild cards but food for thought nonetheless

Hi, Eric I recently e-mailed you about your mention of Alex and I have come to my own conclusion regarding his denial of the vatican led nwo. I have wondered about him for some time and others too who dont mention it. I just red Greg Szymanskis article on the subject and it is making me wonder if in fact Alex and others are really working for the other side. I recall asking pastor Butch Paugh via e-mail toexpose the real story behind Mel Gibsons movie-The Passion and got no reply and never heard him mention it on his show. Im sure you know of the occultic origins of that film. I also wondered why if people like Alex were such a thorn in the side of the nwo, they didnt attack him like they do people like Tony Alamo. Thank You for your work in exposing this great evil. In the name of our lord and master,

Yeheshua Messia xxxxx

Unfortunately, Alex Jones is indeed a Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor. The detailed work he has performed and his many lower-level conclusions are absolutely correct. But when it comes to the grand question of "Who Rules?" he fades away into the woodwork refusing to even mention the "J" word. This keeps people agitated and produces the fear he seeks to induce. His intense facial expressions, his abrasive voice and his obvious collusion with coadjutors of power such as George W. Bush, Michael Moore and David Gergen, reveals his true part he has been ordered to perform. All your points are correct. Butch Paugh has an allegience to Opus Dei Hutton Gibson that he will never break. Of course Opus Dei Mel Gibson is the dear friend of William J. Fulco, the Jesuit who oversaw the all-seeing-eyed Jesus of The Passion. Tony Alamo has paid the price for resising the Order with his time in prison. But he remained faithful, and is a great encouragement to me. My request to you is that if you believe Jones is the Coadjutor that he in fact is, then please join with me and others in exposing this agent provocatur. For he will ultimately lead his followers to blame all Jews in general (as does Piper, Makow, Marrs and others) when the blame for the NWO---the return to the Pope's Dark Ages---should be cleary placed on the Jesuits and their master, the Black Pope.

Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric


Daniel wake up and smell the coffee please before its too late. Do you see Dr John Coleman, Eric Jon Phelps, Alberto Rivera, Gary Webb, Brian Downing Quig, William Cooper, Phil schneider, Jim Arrabito, Fritz Springmeier and other TRUTHsayers past and present upon mainstream TV? NO! Do you see Alex Jones now and then on mainstream? YES! My God he's even in a movie haha. Who controls all U.S Media? The Council on Foreign Relations. Who controls the CFR? The SOVEREIGN MILITARY OF MALTA! Therefore its all controlled and if they don't want something out then no one is saying anything. Do you honestly think they would allow people like Rosie to air their views unless its all a set-up?These cretins like Alex Jones are deceiving the public and out to highlight dissidents as well as rattle up the people ready for whatever sick agenda the Jesuits have lined up for us to follow wether it be Civil War or whatever. William Cooper highlighted Jones antics in that audio file recently just nicely.Nothing gets on TV, Commercials, Political announcements etc without it being known and PUT THEIR ON PURPOSE. Both Jones and Hilder have connections to HOLLYWOOD which isn't controlled by the Judiac peoples as your lead to believe. Hollywood is controlled by the Sovereign Military of Malta and the Mafiosi. The Mafiosi are subordinate to the local Archbishops who rule the roost. Now remember that the Druids used MAGIC WANDS always made of the WOOD of HOLLY. Hollywood is the illusion creater, the alchemist of the mind. Its used to slowly condition the people to lies, myths and coming agendas.Alex Jones was never fit to lick WILLIAM COOPER's boots and never would have been. Look where William Cooper is right now for being one of the biggest AMERICAN Patriots, yes in a wooden box. Alex Jones couldn't lick the boots of Fritz Springmeier and where is he now? Locked up in a small jail cell, fitted up on phony robbery charges.Stop falling for all the crackling and banging fireworks surrounding Jones as he looks great mouthing off outside Bilderberg meetings. None of the Black Venetian Nobility inside gave a damn and probably laughed at how their simply controlling the situation at his poxy level. The Jesuits have been the masters of controlling situations and as Hitler, Himmer and others all knew and have spoke of, they are the masters of organisation etc. Do you honestly think the Jesuits would allow true opposition have this much spotlight unless they controlled it? You control the sheep with people like O-Reilly working for BRITISH INTELLIGENCE and their FOX NEWS channel. You control the awakening/so called awakened sheep or so they think with AGENTS, TEMPORALS. This is Thesis and anti-thesis, then what do you get? SYNTHESIS which is you still control both sides of the population. The Jesuits know x-amount of the so-called 6 billion population will wake up especially when we get the media like the internet etc. So they get in first with their agents. Some of these agents were genuine in the beginning but go over to the dark side eventually through greed. Some are forced into shutting up by the likes of assassins from FBI Division #5 which is controlled by the Defense Industrial Security Command.Take Care


Daniel: That Alex Jones wasted so much of my time already that believe me, I'd like to strangle him right about now.Craig, I want to set this guy up and 100% expose him. How dare he come across so self-rightous and do this to us! I must come up with a way to expose this pile of thilth in front of all his fans. My buddy just told me that recently someone called Jones about the Jesuits and Alex basically hung up on him - after lecturing him. I would like to EXPOSE him with more than Bohemian Grove. Guys, what else can we dig up on him? If he is this bad, he has left us all clues and we can nail him! What are his biggest mistakes?Daniel

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