
Thursday, April 12, 2007

More on the controversy over Alex Jones

Daniel: AJ will not have Eric Phelps on his show. I remember AJ saying " I've never even met a Jesuit". Then he said that he won't allow pushy people on who try and tell him what to cover. Since when is Eric pushy in the least? AJ must be an agent.

Craig: Alex Jones is PUSHY, ARROGANT and LOUD! His pathetic actions actually turn many people off listening to him from the get-go

Dear Emily,

You must awaken from your slumber. Alex Jones knows who he serves. It is just that simple. He has no illusions about anything. He refuses to have anyone on his show who will expose the Jesuits. Why? Because his masters at ABC financing GCN are the Knights of Malta who serve the Order. Jones knows all of this as your father, Edward VIII, also knew.So please refrain from attacking me when I exponse Alex Jones to be the liar and deciever that he really is. This is war and the gloves are off. We must name names and until they vindicate themselves, I will continue to do my duty.

Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric

Eric and all, Alex Jones is no hero, nor is he a truth seeker and a truth teller. He is an operative of the ooposition who has been given and has developed a platform from which to subvert those that would resist spiritually wickedness in high places. He has been deluged with e-mails concerning Rome, the Jesuits, and inviting Eric on to speak: all to no avail. An honest man will bring forward those with whom he diagrees and refute them to their face: this he cannot and will not do. Ditto for Jones's crypto-Catholic "pastor" Texe Marrs-neither of them will say Eric's name, for fear someone might hear his name and go to his website. Marrs refuted statements I made about him on my former shortwave broadcast on his own shortwave show, but would never say my name-he and Jones (I have heard this myself, this is not second hand) have stated that they will not say some names as "some of you would go to their website or read their material and might be mislead." Yet Marrs will site and document verbatim the likes of Benny Hinn, Graham, Jakes, and a a host of others. Jones does the same in his realm: He promoted the "Passion of Christ" and is friends with OPUS DEI Hutton Gibson. Alex Jones is a boasting coward, and his job is to rope you in, mislead and neutralize you by misidrecting your gaze and your anger. THE AV 1611 BIBLE IS CLEAR! BABYLON THE GREAT, MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIO0NS OF THE EARTH-THAT GREAT CITY WHICH REIGNETH OVER THE KINGS OF THE EARTH- and Jones is drunk on her perfume....The pogrom that is coming internationally against the Jews here and abroad will make WW2 look like a kindergarden skit-and Jones is paving the road for the Panzers----Pastor N C Turner


Since Alex Jones is against the patriot Act It seems as if he wouldactually speak about who authored it. But he won't. Michael Chertoff iscredited as the architect of the USA PATRIOT Act but he in factco-authored it with Viet E. Dinh of Jesuit Georgetown Law(Jesuit College).Viet Dinh a served two years as a U.S. assistant attorney general, andduring that time was instrumental in drafting the USA Patriot Act. Dinh isalso a member of the CFR. Not only that but John C. Gannon(founder of theDepartment of Homeland Security) is a member of the Jesuit VolunteerCorps. Other Romeland Security Conspirators are Emilio T. Gonzalez whoanswers to Edward Cardinal Egan, and Michael P. Jackson(George town Grad).Feel free to do an infowars search for any articles containing Viet E.Dinh. I promise that you won't find any written by Jones & Co.Since homeland security is one of the largest things Jones is againsteither he is an extremely poor researcher which isn't the case consideringthe evidence he withheld surrounding the Bohemian Grove or he is aCoadjutor.The Jesuit connections with Jones are endless and multiply by the day.-Geoff Taylor

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