
Thursday, May 10, 2007

More Jesuit information

Dear Mr. Phelps,


I firstly want to thank you for your fantastic research exposing the Jesuit Order. The truth-seeking community owes you an inestimable debt.Secondly, as a Seventh-Day Adventist, and noting that you bill yourself as a Seventh-Day Baptist, I am curious on your views regarding the Sabbath versus Sunday controversy, especially as concerns the traditional Adventist theory that the mark of the beast refers to enforced Sunday-keeping. Also, just as a quick aside, I am wondering where you got the information that Clay Shaw was a Knight of Malta, a question Michael Collins Piper (whom Christopher Bollyn has accused of being an agent of the ADL) asked you on Greg Szymanski's radio show, but which you never got a chance to answer. Thanks again, so much!-- In Christ, and for the gospel of the kingdom,


Dear Brett,

Thank you for contacting me.My source that CIA contract agent Clay Shaw was a Knight of Malta has chosen to remain anonymous. Thus, I prove Shaw was a SMOM by his intimate association with Canadian Knight of Malta Louis M. Bloomfield, SMOM Spadafora, "the Black Prince" of Italy during WWII, SMOM Winston Churchill, SMOM Allen Dulles and SMOM Ross Buckey, the brother of SMOM William F. Buckley, Jr., who lived a block away from Shaw in New Orleans at the time of the JFK assassination. Shaw was a diehard fascist and sought to return Rome to the preeminence she enjoyed during the Dark Ages via Permindex and CMC---the World Trade Center in Rome.Shaw was also tied to the Jesuits of Loyola University in New Orleans via ex-priest David Ferrie and Dr. Alton Oschner who received a very highest award from the Order's Loyola University in 1978---"Integritas Vitae."Concerning Michael Collins Piper, "Michael Collins" being a Jesuit coadjutor used in the breaking away of Ireland from the Protestant British United Kingdom in 1921, I am not surprised that he would be accused of being a member of the ADL. For that wicked group is totally controlled by the Jesuit Order via its high Jewish Freemasons including Abraham Foxman---that traitor to his own race! The ADL not only works with the FBI but it creates anti-Jewish fury within the US with the intent to drive out or kill out every Jew in North America.

The ADL gives its highest award which is named after a notorious Jesuit who participated in the Eurasian Jewish Holocaust---"the Cardinal Bea Award." Piper has also worked for years with that Knight of Malta and noted Roman Catholic fascist, Willis Carto, that dear friend of the late and most powerful American SMOMs Edward Bennett Williams and J. Peter Grace---JFK assassins!.Concerning the Seventh Day, I believe in keeping that day over the First Day, since "the Sabbath was made for man [all men] . . ." according to the Lord Jesus Christ. I believe the mark of the beast is not keeping Sunday but a literal mark of a man---the final pope risen from the dead and possessed by the devil.I trust this is helpful.

Sincerely in faith,

Brother Eric


Hey Eric,

I just remembered that the Jesuits were heavily involved in the slave trade.Maybe here is something new in there for you…“There are many organizations in America that benefited by slavery. This list could include Georgetown University, which owned slaves until the Holy See in the 1840s insisted that they be sold.”

Here in their own words;

“Canada's first known African settler, Olivier LeJeune, came to Quebec as a slave boy in 1628, owned by a Jesuit priest, Father Paul LeJeune from France.”“The Jesuit order was a major player in the slave trade, and "by the time of their expulsion in 1767 ... were the largest ... slaveholders in the Americas" (p. 14). Jesuit haciendas were also some of the most successful, and in Sandoval's time the order's college of Cartagena managed several, including one called La Ceiba, where 111 slaves were working at the time of the expulsion.”

The Jesuits are the greatest slave-traders in the world, both then and now. They then blamed the past slave trade on the Protestants when the Protestant nations of England (via Wilberforce) and America (via Jefferson) were the first nations to officially abolish the trade.Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric


Both sides shown in the Ron Paul issue:

I call Ron Paul a fake and a traitor because of his compromising and cowardly stand with regard to the federal government. Aaron Rousso's interview of him in From Freedom to Fascism furthers this conclusion. Instead of resigning as a Congressman over the Federal Reserve Fraud, the theft of our gold and silver coins and the Income Tax Fraud, he still files his tax returns and votes for Congress to accept money from the Federal Reserve at the beginning of every fiscal year.Ron Paul should resign from Congress and publicly state that the State of Texas is the slave of the Federal Reserve System---and thus the Papacy. He should advocate secession of the State of Texas and work diligently to that end. He stands by and watches the alien Mexican invaders swarm into Texas thus driving the Whites to the extreme of right wing fascism beginning with the "Minutemen." If Ron Paul was really an enemy of the system he purports to resists he would have been silenced or murdered years ago---like Senator Paul Wellstone.No, Ron Paul is one of them.

Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric

Mark Brewer: The Minutemen are not, "the extreme of right wing fascism" and they are made up of all different nationalities. Jim Gilchrist was once a Catholic but left the church over its support of illegal aliens. He has removed the white supremacists who have tried to infiltrate his organization and has actually slowed down the amount of illegals entering the country. That is why the government hates him.

Alexandria: I agree there--the Minutemen are simply doing the job that the government won't do! From what I understand, all they're doing is sitting there with binoculars and a phone and reporting people illegally crossing the border.

wolveshater: Ron Paul may not have done anything to us that is visible at present, Im researching his voteing records now at the Congressional Globes and seeing what hes been up to. And we must research what he has done for Texans. then you can make a decision as to his true self, Ive dealt with these people over the years and they are all dirty. Helen Chenoweth was up in Congress four years and she had enough of it and left, She told me it is so corrupt it sickened her. She also told me she Dare not bring up the 16th amendment fraud as she feared them so bad. I Know Ron Paul is aware that the 13th thru 17th Amendments were never Ratified legally. They all know this. I find it incredible that you say Matt that Eric Phelps dosent prove his case with the Vatican and all the Jesuits in history when in fact he does just that. Even the courts records concerning Lincolns assassination show this to be true, The 13 support books also prove phelps is aiming directly at the true enemy, and The Secret history of the Jesuits also supports the history as well. I have studied the Constitution and Communism for years, and fully understand the Magna Carta And Common laws that the Vatican hates, And I understand and HATE their dammed Roman Civil law that is 100% Communism. That also proves Phelps case. Rome is about slavery, Catholism is slavery as well, and 100% false dogma nonsense.

Hey Folks, Ron Paul is ahead in every poll inthe country. He is a Libertarian that has had to run as a Republican. His voting record is excellent, to say the least. He is a pro GUN, anti-illegal alien, close the borders, shut down the IRS, BATF, get the HELL out of Iraq, America First, Patriot! What more could you want. Stop the North American Union dead in it's tracks!choose to refuse,

John, I urge you to dig deeper and take a closer look at Paul-He is a trojan horse, just like Jones who promotes him. He talks big on Jones's show and then goes up to D.C. and kisses Jesuit hindquarters. Ron Paul is knowingly working inside a corrupt government-if he were an America First patriot he would not be working with co-adjutor Jones, and showing respect and deference for his hopelessly corrupt colleagues in the house. His job is to soak up any real opposition and give them false hopes of change, and he is good at it. Have you ever seen Jones promote anyone who will really get to the heart of the American problem, which is Rome on the Potomac- by naming the Vatican as the source of our troubles? Has Paul ever taken aim at Rome one time? Being in D.C. for as long as he has been, he knows who runs the show, but has told no one. That is why they are letting him participate in the little dog and pony show election, the outcome of which has been determined already. What more could you want? When Paul calls for treason trials of Bush, Cheney, Rice, and calls for expulsion of the Vatican ambassador, then I'll believe him. When Paul advocates the abolition of the Federal Reserve Bank on the floor of the House, names the Jesuits and Catholics as the cause of the illegal immigration tsunami, calls the Iraq war a Papal Crusade, then I will believe he is an America first guy. His work is to garner contributors/supporters and help build the lists for the internment/death camps-JUST LIKE CO-ADJUTORS ALEX JONES, JOHN STADTMILLER, JOYCE RILEY, STAN MONTEITH, BUTCH PAUGH, JACK BLOOD, EVERY OTHER HOST ON GCN, REPUBLIC RADIO NETWORK AND MORE. I am going to send this around, and let's see what info other people have on him.

Blessings to you brother-N C T

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