
Friday, May 11, 2007

words on Collins Piper

Antisionist: 17:39 - 19:25(of that backup mp3 Gneiss has. Not the other one. I have both and they're a bit different.)

Eric: To understand the third Reich we have to go back to what the jesuits were saying in their bi-monthly periodical, Le Saville Catolica (I bet that's not right. I can't spell it and I've never heard of it. Apologies) - which by the way Michael Collins Piper quotes all the time. And LSC, from 1880 to 1930, they continued with the jewish question agitation. They advocated the jews be removed from Europe. And when Lance Von Liventhals (sp?) came around in the late teens and twenties - er, he was a Roman Catholic priest who left the order, met Hitler as a boy, became a Lutherman minister and freemason and he wrote a work on the jesuits' Bull of Suppression. But he advocated a burnt offering of all European jews. This really was the jesuit doctrine being worked out in LSC. So when the SS came along, they were merely implenting the policies spoken of by the jesuits in their periodical. When the enabling act was passed, as John Cornwall writes in HITLER'S POPE, it enabled Hitler to engage in his first treaty and the first treaty was the Concordat with the Pope and that concordat silenced all Roman Cathlic bishops, archbishops and priests from saying anything against Hitler.

ANtisionist: So he paints Piper as a coajutor. Sounds like another strike against Szymanski. I can totally bet Greg was privately fed the line by Stadmiller, "How dare you let Phelps smear your fellow RBN host Michael Piper. We don't tolerate disloyalty. You're outta here." Because you know, it's not like John would give Greg the real reason - and we all know why Greg had to go.

Antisionist: Szymanski goes on a rant about his early work. He talks about working for a small paper in Idaho and a guy who owned a drug store threatened to pull Greg's ads when he would get into the real spiritual controllers of the NWO. Greg told him he didn't care and things worked out. But then he says he got out of the small time local scene he used to be in and then when he get a little more listeners and thought that hey he could really help spread truth and freedom of speech...

Greg: I find the same thing in the alternative media. Many of the outlets that used to treat me like I was the best thing since sliced bread, as soon as I started about the real spiritual controllers, and as soon as I started bringing on key people, and in my articles and on websites, as soon as I was showing the connections, every place dropped me like a hot patato. All these so called broadcasters who spread freedom did it. The only place left is this station and this show. And I fear that if you don't hear me on the networks in the future, you'll know it's the same reason. I want my listeners to know that no matter what happens, this message will not end. And you do not have freedom of speech in this country. But how can I back down, from a journalistic point of view, when there is so much evidence that there is a conspiracy to commit crimes and take away your rights by all parties in the media, alternative and mainstream? It needs to be discussed. In San Fransisco right now, there is a case indicting the Vatican for what we're talking about. Why can't we have freedom of speech? Eric, what's your point of view? How can they control so many people?

Eric:Well when you control the money you control the culture. As I show in my book, the jesuits founded control the Federal Reserve Bank. The top men that have ruled that bank, especially the gold hoard in New York City have been Knights of Malta men like William J. McDonough, CFR Member, Knight of Malta and Irish Catholic and many others I document. The jesuits have been involved with the Federal reserve board. They rule all the credit in this country. With that, you can give money to men you want like Donald Trump who gets three billion dollars in grants a year, or you can withhold money from people that begin to expose you and cut you off. And they can cut them off so they have no voice to talk. Such as men like Father Bruce Ritter...they drove him to an early death because he was investigating the pedophile ring. When you control the money, you control wall street, the issuing of the currency, you control the department of treasury. And with that, you can say who gets the public forum and who doesn't.

Greg:Which is contrary to what freedom of speech means.

Eric:Right. Burke McCarty in her 1924 book THE SUPPRESSED TRUTH ABOUT THE ASSASSINATION OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, said the press in 1924 was controlled. Nobody was going to get the message out about the Vatican and the Jesuits. That is one reason why they successfully assassinated Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley and Harding and got away with it.

Greg: And that moves on to Kennedy. And that's how you got started in this whole thing. Being depressed about Kennedy's murder.

Eric:Exactly. It was distressing moreso that it was unsolved. That led me to many years of reconsidering and finding bits and pieces here and there. But the greatest article that opened my eyes was written by a Roman Catholic named Martin Lee, an authority on the Knights of Malta and the rising fascism in Europe. He wrote an article WHO ARE THE KNIGHTS OF MALTA published by the National Catholic Reporter on October 14 1983. When he listed all these top knights of malta it was....

AntiSionist: At this point, 44:48, Eric is cut off and music plays for the rest of the mp3. That stinks. Craig, if you're reading this, you correspond with Eric regularly. Could you ask him if it is possible for him to get back on that trian of thought he was on when he got cut off. I would like to hear where he was going with that.

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