
Friday, June 01, 2007

More information

Jeff "TEMPORAL COADJUTOR" Rense(Note - To try to make the point for those who still don't quite get it. would cover this story the same way with news and commentary no matter WHICH group had a strangle hold on much of the western world as do Zionists. This is how Mr. Maynard's commentary might read if the Jesuit Catholics wielded the massive control that Jewish Zionists do. It's all about absolute power and the loss of our freedoms...who holds that power is not the primary issue on the table. -ed)Shows his true colours once again! Only because we expose him for what he really is, then he trys to cover his tracks somewhat by allowing this article yet constantly pushing the Zionist Jew control which is utter nonsense. When will Agent Rense have the balls to leave the establishment control and finally speak the truth. When will he understand how Israel and the whole Middle East region are controlled by the Sovereign Military Order of Malta through one of their most powerful Papal Knights, being King Juan Carlos of Spain "The Protector of the Holy Sites of Jerusalem". When will Rense speak of the Israeli Apostate Sabbatean Jews being subordinate to the SMOM and their creation, the Council on Foreign Relations? Question folks, is SMOM Papal Knight Juan Carlos a Jew? I think not my friends! Wake up people and see through these mass alternative media agents promoting many truths in order to deceive you further down the line. Remember who started all these phony freedom radio shows and Shortwave. You'll see its the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and the likes of their Papal Knights like the Grace family and the SMOM's CIA. My friends all the true leadership of the U.S are SMOM Papal Knights. We have George Herbert Walker Bush, Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller all SMOM Papal Knights controlled by Cardinal Edward Michael Egan. The list goes on and on wether it be SMOM Papal Knight Rudy Guiliani and so forth. So if you can name any people higher than the likes of Bush SNR and David Rockefeller in the U.S other than their Roman masters then feel free?


Minuteman Matt: Robert Zoelick a devious temporal cojoadtor Zoellick also serves or has served as a board member for a number of private and public organizations: Alliance Capital, Said Holdings, and the Precursor Group; and as a member of the advisory boards of Enron [17] and Viventures, a venture fund; and a director of the Aspen Institute's Strategy Group.He has also served on the board of the German Marshall Fund and on the World Wildlife Fund Advisory Council, and was a member of Secretary William Cohen's Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee.[citation needed]He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission.[citation needed] He also attended the annual invitation-only conference of the Bilderberg Group in 1991, 2003 and 2006 and will attend the 2007 Bilderberg meeting [18] (31 May - 3 June, Istanbul, Turkey).See this folks he is connected to the Black Nobility & a member of the smoms CFR and rockfellers trilateral commission.

Craig: Robert Zoelick is fully controlled by the SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA who by the way control THE ASPEN INSTITUTE more through their British division known as the Royal Insitute of International Affairs.

Minuteman Matt: I thought Aspen was under control by the Black Nobility? I know SMOM controls the CFR so its obvious both allys have him by the strings.

The Aspen "SMOM" Institute

By Craig Oxley

1st June 2007

Matt who makes up the Hierachy levels of the SMOM? Black Nobility! The Sovereign Military Order of Malta have three commands within the Jesuit United States. St Patrick's Cathedral (CFR), The Aspen Institute (RIIA) and I need to located the other. You will notice Walter Paepcke from Chicago & his brother-in-law Paul Nitze creating the Aspen Institute back in 1950. Now can you now see a SMOM connection? I can! Look at Paul Nitze, what a shock once again a Banker this time with the Dillon, Read & Company. Nitze once was a director of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, financial division. Headed by SMOM Papal Knight Nelson Rockefeller. Who created this Office in the first place?

Teddy Roosevelt who was the very person who was made U.S President thanks to SMOM Papal Knight William R. Grace. Remember Grace was one of the conspirators in the assassination of U.S President William McKinley thus making the vice-President, President. Do you think I'm connecting a few dots here? SMOM Kissinger with Paul Nitze Nitze also was part of the Board of Economic Warfare representing the SMOM Rockefellers. Walter was also a one time attendee in 1959 of the Bilderberg Group created by the mastermind Jesuit Joseph Retinger utilising his Prince Bernard. remember that Bilderberg is not the great all powerful secret society it is claimed to be. Bilderberg is controlled from 'The City' within london. Who controls this area? The Sovereign Military Order of Malta via their inner cores known as the Committee of 300, Order of the Garter and the more powerful Pilgrim Society. In other words the Red Brotherhood levels of power. You should also note that Nitze was married to John Teele Pratt's daughter Phyllis Pratt. John was a financier of the SMOM Rockefeller Standard Oil. Remember how we've exposed the SMOM as the true controller of Hollywood and all forms of Roman appeasement entertainment? Well Paul Nitze was a Chairman of 20th Century Fox until he helped sell it back in 1978. You should also note how highly regarded he was by many and especially SMOM Papal Knight George P. Shultz who called him "The finest public servant" he had ever known.

Walter Paepcke

Notice Walter Paepcke's Festival in Aspen for Masonic Philosopher Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's would be 200th Birthday. Goethe died in Weimar, Germany funny enough on the 22 March 1832. What could be significant about that? Well 22 of the third month meaning 22 3 therefore there may be a connection to the Bavarian Chapter 322 what most know as the Skull & Bones or Russell Trust?. Why does this get highly interesting? Well Walter attended Yale University and gained his Degree in History and Economics back in 1917. Remember where 'The Tomb' is located which is apart of the Chapter 322 (Russell Trust)? Yes Yale University exactly where Bush and others have attended and been apart of. Now heres another SMOM Connection coming forth via Paepcke's father Hermann Paepcke. You should be aware that Hermann controlled the most powerful company of its kind, known as the Chicago Mill and Lumber Company. Now whos been a Chairman of this Company? Allen M. Turner!

What he is exactly? A Knight Commander of the SMOM. By the way check into Turner's connections to the Dutch.Walter IsaacsonYou should be aware of the Biography of SMOM Papal Knight Henry Kissinger. This biography was written by a director of The Aspen Institute known as Walter Isaacson. People should remember that Kissinger is a Sabbatean Apostate Racial Jew working as a loyal Labor Masonic Zionist Court Jew for the Jesuit Order. Henry Kissinger has been a conduit for the Vatican for a long time and recently was made an adviser to the Vatican although they tried to hush this up after it was originally announced. It was SMOM Papal Knight Nelson Rockefeller who bought Kissinger into the spotlight with National Security Issues.

Henry Kissinger has always been closely associated with the Rockefeller family ever since. All of these SMOM Papal Knights are subordinate to Archbishop of NY, Cardinal Edward Egan and other higher level SMOM leaderships within London and Rome. You'll notice that Henry Kissinger paying tribute to the SMOM in the 1955 created Thesis called "The Meaning of History." This outlined how we're living now with all these Wars going on with more to come. It outlined the Society of Jesus's plan for their New World Order which their SMOM help them create via their pyramidal power structure.'Wake Up America' Google Video

The above video talks of the power of The Aspen Institute in Colorado. Its known as 'Wake Up America' and its an amazing lecture by ex British Intelligence agent, Dr John Coleman. You will notice the third command center is most likely also in Colorado as this seems to be a center to the Intelligence agencies which the SMOM fully control. Also notice how much land the Guelph descendant, Queen Elizabeth II owns in this area. Also remember she's the head of the British division of the Protestant arm of the SMOM. You may also be interested to know that she owns over 50% of the U.S Oil Market.


Dear Craig,

Remember these CFR-ruled religious Catholics are racial Jews---Wolfowitz,Kissinger, Greenspan, Bernake, etc. In fact, Jacob Frank's SabbatianFrankists were racial Jews who were baptized into the RCC in late 1700s.They have no king but Caesar---the Pope.Your eviseration of Rense is fantastic and absolutely true.Keep up the great work!

Brother Eric

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