
Friday, June 08, 2007

Other news


Phil Jayhan June 7, 2007

Thursday night, June 7, Greg interviews Phil Jayhan, longtime 9/11 activist and critic of the corrupted alternative media, whose top broadcasters refuse to deal honestly with Vatican control of the NWO. This should be a spirited interview as Phil rarely holds anything back!!



Walt WilliamsJune 6, 2007

Hour 2Walt Williams, patriot who exposes Vatican corruption.



Dear Friends and Brethren,

The gold fringe bordered on three sides of the US flag is a military flag according to Title 4 of the USC. It is the flag of the US President as "Commander-in-Chief. And since the US has been in a declared state of war since 1941 we have been living in a military dictatorship for nearly 70 years.The Pope's flag is also trimmed in gold fringe for he is the Commander-in-Chief over the Vatican Empire. The Jesuit Order is his Praetorian Guard.The Holy Roman Fourteenth Amendment Corporate Fascist American Empire has been modeled after Rome's Vatican Empire.

Brother Eric

3rd Degree Knight of Columbus Jeb Bush was also present.Knights of Columbus march during Red Mass in Florida.


Its through the SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA that all Banking, Finance, Politics, Intelligence, Media, Entertainment, Religion and Education are controlled. Education is ruled via their secret society known as ENCYLOPEDAS and the Robert Mueller School. Remember its not true education its an ILLUSION. Now remember Egan is the head of the Americas SMOM and Guiliani is one of his loyal SMOM Papal Knights as is David Rockefeller. You should also be aware that the SMOM utilise their Mafiosi for much of the control over Hollywood and the U.S. The Jew front is just that pure front. The SMOM have everything locked down. The Mafiosi answer to the local Archbishops. The United States is controlled by the Jesuits-Vatican-SMOM-Mafiosi utilising their secret criminal societies and 14th Amendment "New Holy Roman" Empire Military. -2tuff

Hollywood Puppets, Director Ron Howard and Actor Tom Hanks, Meet With Illuminati Grand Master In Rome To Discuss New Propaganda Film, Angels And Demons.

Bush also set to meet with his evil master, Pope Benedict XVI, on June 9. And according to the head of the Monte Carlo P2 Lodge as told to high-level defector, Leo Zagami, the Pope has a 24-year-old gay lover!

By Greg Szymanski, JD

May 23, 2007 to researchers not afraid to tell the truth, the Vatican and the Jesuit Order appear to have their "dirty hands" into most every aspect of American culture including banking, the press, Hollywood, politics, education and religion.For example, according to Eric Jon Phelps, author of the Vatican Assassins, Americans are being hoodwinked and brainwashed by the big shots in power who owe their allegiance to the Pope not the American people. "When the truth is suppressed, people make bad decisions, based upon only what they know, not upon the truth they ought to know," said Phelps, a staunch Calvinist who believes Bible-believing Christians are being targeted by Rome and Washington. "You won't see any of the truth about the Vatican in the mainstream media or on shows like Alex Jones, Jeff Rense or John Statdmiller's as behind the scenes RBN and GCN are nothing but Jesuit controlled stations like all the big networks in the mainstream."Phelps warns people that if Vatican tyranny isn't confronted and exposed, the Pope's modern-day inquisition will soon wipe-out and persecute Americans by the millions.To further illustrate America's obedience to the Papacy, President Bush will hold his first meeting with Pope Benedict XVI June 9 at the Vatican, the White House has announced. U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See Francis Rooney said Bush and the Pontiff would discuss the "shared commitment of the United States and the Holy See to promoting human dignity around the world." The President and his wife, Laura Bush, will stop in Vatican City after attending a Group of Eight (G8) summit on 6-8 June in Heiligendamm, Germany, as critics said Bush will feel right at home with his other Nazi friends.Regarding Bush's meeting with the Pope, Leo Zagami, former high-level Illuminati defector from the Monte Carlo P2 Lodge, said:"What will Bush really say to the Pope is a different story, we can only imagine the pious Bush in front of his evil Master, Pope Ratzinger.

The U.S. President is a degenerate individual and a slave of the satanic system promoted by the Vatican and some of most prominent Zionist families, as Bush is being used as a good actor for their evil play."Zagami, a former high-level propaganda artist for the Illuminati and the Vatican, also said Hollywood and its big players are also deeply connected to the New World takeover, including people like media mogul Rupert Murdoch, producer and director, Ron Howard, and actor, Tom Hanks as well as Da Vinci code writer, Dan Brown."We find also very interesting at present the meeting to be held in Rome in secret this month between Dan Brown and the Vatican clergy , a meeting organized by the illustrious Freemason and Grand Master of the Illuminati Giuliano Di Bernardo," said Zagami, adding that Brown has been a long time Vatican shill and propaganda artist"This meeting will include the presence of the powerful Cardinal from Bavaria Friedrich Wetter, Bishop of Monaco and the Billionaire Illuminati Rupert Murdoch plus actor Tom Hanks and Scientology film director Ron Howard."So what a mix for this Illuminati dinner in Piazza di Spagna 35 in Rome just a month before the arrival of the U.S. President George W. Bush one of their most prominent Illuminati puppets of the New World Order.

The Illuminati in Rome are officially discussing the release of the film Angels and Demons. I think that's a very appropriate move and it's going to be b a very special dinner between "Mind Controllers" of the highest levels."Zagami has also told Americans that he has first hand knowledge that the 9/11 truth movement has been infiltrated by a highly-organized pysops campaign in order to suppress the truth. He further adds that he has spoke prior to 9/11 with the head of the Monte Carlo P2 lodge and head of the New York Rotary Club, Georgio Hugo Balestrieri, who both knew about 9/11 before it took place."The investigation of these individuals will lead to the true masterminds of 9/11, including Cardinal Egan and former Mayor Giuliani," said Zagami this week on Greg Szymanski's radio show, The Investigative Journal, now on "The supposed 9/11 truth leaders like Alex Jones won't touch this stuff and further won't even have me on his show. What does this tell you? It tells me he is hiding the Vatican's role in the the New World Order and is probably working for them and their propaganda machine."Talking again about the Bush meeting with the Pope, Zagami added:"But let's go back to George and his Papal visit to submit once again to the mighty man in white sitting in St. Peter's throne, a visit clear like the light of the day that will finally get a few people thinking that this is the real thing, this is the USA submission to Vatican Luciferian Powers!"In the meantime, Zagami said Italy like America is being rocked by satanic, drug-induced sexual abuse cases in in the schools. "Children say they were forced in satanic sexual abuse and forced to drink blood in rituals," said Zagami. "For this reason six persons were arrested in Rome accused of sexually abusing 15 children from the age of three to the age of six at the nursery school, Olga Rovere of Rignano Flaminio,in the vicinity of Rome.

"Satanism is expanding and on the rise and we have to stay aware of this problem especially in these times. Today, Satan has free hands. This does not mean that he has more power than in the past, but the door is wide open to him. Primarily, today we live in a period of little faith. It is purely mathematical: when faith declines, superstition grows. When we abandon God, we give ourselves to practices that open the door to Satan."There is no doubt that today's media piloted by the Illuminati have done much in favor of Satan, first by the immorality of certain shows, the abundance of movies showing violence, horror or sex.

Well it seems we have to fight Satan now more then ever and I don't think that sitting down doing nothing is the right solution."We need to be active against all the evil promoted by Satan and his followers around the world we need to start a dialogue with those people who like us want a better world. Let's pray and hope God will give us the strength."