
Monday, July 09, 2007

It's time to Sharpen our minds

Everyone ought to be careful of real enemies. It's not a secret anymore that globalists want transnational corporations utilized in promoting globalization and one global system. One elite member is Mayer de Rothschild who endorse the man made global warming myth. He debated Alex Jones. Although, I have my qualms with Jones, he was right to refute Rothschild. The truth is that the Rothschilds are the bankers under the title "Guardians for the Vatican Treasury" funding wars, assassinations, the creation of a central bank in America, etc. for the Vatican/Jesuits (whose bloody history is well known), high level Freemasonry (under the guise of "the fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of man" they murdered William Morgan. Plus in its January 1926 issues of the Scottish Rite New Age Magazine, the Masons called its members to infiltrate the Christian Church. High level Members like Manly P. Hall praise Lucifer in his "Lost Keys of Freemasonry"), the Pilgrim Soceity (which is above the Bilderberg Group, the CFR, and the Trilateral Commission, although all 3 group ought to be fully exposed), etc. for many centuries from Napoleon onward. Mayer Rothschild forgotten that CO2 is good in presence of plant life, there is no average temperature since global temperatures fluctuate constantly, many elites promote global warming & Peak Oil, conspiracies existed since the dawn of mankind, and that many scientists disagree with Al Gore's myth of man-induced global warming. While, folks are silly about this, real environmental issues like toxic waste, the rain forest, animals, clean water, chimeras (or frankenstein creatures), etc. are placed on the back burner.
It's vital to keep my mind sharp. That way you can comprehend issues revolving around the globe better.

New information spiral 247/365 nowadays. The We are change group protested Michael Bloomberg for making a law that a camera taking pictures or shooting video needs $1 million liability insurance and permits to shoot on public streets in NYC. Bloomberg is a puppet, but he deserved to be called on his hatred of the freedom of the press. I do respect their activism since most of us Americans aren't being active. It's important not only to be on the Internet and let our voice to be know. It's also important to be active in our communities to help people and educate other on opposing globalism, against the idea of a North American Union, the new world order, wrong wars, the militarization of the police, and anti-Bill of Rights laws. The We Are Change groups confronted these internationalist criminals like David Rockefeller and blatant Papal agent Rudy Guiliani. I had a thought on religion. There is nothing wrong with expressing religion public or private. I do have issue with mainstream media brainwashing folks and giving individuals lies and false hopes from the Mormons, Dominionists, Romanists, Hindus, the Southern Baptists (who are infiltrated with thousands of Freemasons), etc. What's interesting about Henry Makow is that he's right to expose evil pro-Labor Zionists (like Emil Georg von Stauss [who was a banker for the Nazis], Chaim Weizzman, etc.), but won't exposed how the Sovereign Military Order of Malta or Knights of Malta are so interwined in the power structure of the bankers like Geoffrey Boisi and others. Frankily, it's bigger than just bankers since you need power and ideology to rule the geo policies of the Earth not only money. Paper, fiat money is worth almost nothing, so ideology and agenda are need to plan global circumstances. The truth is that Secret organizations & elite groups control the bankers. Dr. Makow fails to see that.

By Timothy

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