
Thursday, August 02, 2007


In Minneapolis, a bridge collapsed. At least 7 are pronounced as dead. There are dozens of others missing in the whole disturbing tragedy. Some believe it was construction failure. There is no information on why it totally collapsed. People could be still alive since human beings can survive without food or water for several days. Whatever the cause, it is important for the authorities to save as many people as possible. Minneapolis is at the Midwest city near the Great Lakes. What's disgusting is that some say this proves that the Twin Towers collapsed by no explosives. To invoke dead people in an attempt to prove a point is sick to me. The truth is that the bridge was very weakened by stress and cracks were present. Today, more and more information about the truth is spreading across the globe. Vatican Knight of St. Gregory Rupert Murdoch just is beginning to own Dow Jones and a newspaper. This makes him one of the top 10 most powerful media figures on planet Earth. He is worth billions of dollars in his total assets already. I don't accept the disinformation by some. Instead, I accepts the cherished ideals of freedom, the independence of human thought, and the power of our God-given right to embrace authentic liberty.
When I look at the world, the same individuals controlling America and Europe (including China and Russia) are also controlling most of the policies in Israel and the Middle Eastern nations. For example, America's, Britian's, and Israel's governments support Fatah and so-called "moderate" Arabic governments like Jordan, Saudi Arabia, etc. At the apex of this power are the Pilgrims (plus the Order of the Garter, TC, Bilderbergers, etc. The Pilgrims control the Bilderbergers, CFR, and TC and that is why I write them as subordinate under the Pilgrim Society), the Vatican/Jesuits (The powerful Knights of Malta or SMOM are in this group. The SMOM possess some of the greatest bankers or merchants on Earth with influence in Israel, Italy, NYC, London, and across the globe), and high level Freemasonry. Our response to these development isn't hatred of any race or any human being for any reason. Our response should be to expose the criminals, tell the truth, and help all people. Once you understand the real truth on who many globalists want a one world government, GM foods promoted (a real environmental issue. GM crops can ruin real organic crops. GM foods are a threat to civilization), a unified economy, and a microchipped society. I didn't wrote about Michael Vick. Vick is innocent until proven guilty under a court of law. Although, Vick made some bad choices with the company he kept.

By Timothy

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous22:05

    Today, more and more information about the truth is spreading across the globe. [b]Vatican Knight of St. Gregory Rupert Murdoch[/b] just is beginning to own Dow Jones and a newspaper. This makes him one of the top 10 most powerful media figures on planet Earth. He is worth billions of dollars in his total assets already.

    I can't help but think that if MURDOCH hadn't have changed a MEANINGLESS bit of paper to "Call Himself American" and was still 'officially' AUSSIE, he would bearly raise a mention with
    'truthers', kind of like WOLFENSOHN.

    I kept telling folk US WOLFOWITZ was a lame pup, ESSPECIALLY compared to WOLFENSOHN, BECAUSE WOLFENSOHN is "AUSSIE", and it just made them both fall of everyones radar, I was proved right.

    But then, I come from where the likes of BOTH MURDOCHS, PRINCE CHARLES and likes went to school,
    right next door to ROYAL DUTCH SHELL, in AUSTRALIA, and have WATCHED THE WORLD, QUIETLY, for decades, so I don't expect folk to catch on suddenly, but there is a DEFINATE PLAYING DOWN of the MODERN WORLD POWER ALREADY ALL BUT MOVED TO "OZ", despite a "Fat Book's" worth of EVIDENCE that I and a "Very Well Placed" Dutchman
    have been freely sharing, and ASKING folk to debunk!...but, nah,
    it seems to be an "ignore them and they'll go away" situation.

    Anyway, I invite you to at least read the current thread (over 90% of the 26,000 plus hits from regular readers over only just 5 months on a VERY FULL site), that yes, is very eclectict, but there aren't many areas of life we don't cover, because we KNOW EVERYONE must be BRAINWASHED through the "INNOCENT" things/persuits they "LOVE"...we do a LOT of "SACRED COW KILLING" feel free to bounce around the pages, 'til you get the feel of it.


    Oh, and also, keep in mind, that not only will AUSSIE PM JOHN HOWARD be the LAST WARMONGER STANDING after the DANISH PM leaves,
    but AUSSIE wife of the CROWN PRINCE of DENMARK, is ONLY AUSSIE because her ELITE FATHER moved here to BREED AN AUSSIE QUEEN.

    I'll shut up now, as there are over 150 large net pages of all sorts of RIDICULOUSLY OVERLOOKED
    being a KEY area of exploration.


    ps, I belong to NO Group, Movement,
    INDUSTRY or worldly 'church', I'm just a Holy Scripture believing CHRISTIAN, who KNOWS MITZRAYIM is NOT "Egypt".
