
Thursday, September 27, 2007

I will not back down

Never a dull moment consumes the Earth. There is another controversy involving Bill O'Reilly. Critics like liberal Roland Martin believe O'Reilly was racist in being shocked over the good service of an African American owned resturaunt in Harlem. My belief is that O'Reilly may have used ignorant words, but it wasn't hardcore racism (Media Matters reported on this, but I believe O'Reilly tried to expose stereotypes, but used a bad linkage. Media Matters is funded by CFR member George Soros). Although, O'Reilly is documentated as using extremely bigoted, racist statements other than that incident. I think CNN is showing the story since most people there are liberal and sometimes margalizes conservative thinking. O'Reilly isn't a conservative since he's for the Patriot Act and other authoratarian philosophies. O'Reilly is a media puppet presents half-truths and deception to con American in accepting the premise that killing in the Middle East is in our best interest (Although, war is never going to work as a solution to the problems in the Middle East. It's just like in Iraq via SMOM-controlled Blackwater caught in a scandal. We have to change our mindset towards that region). This situation is bigger than CNN or O'Reilly. The truth is that the mainstream media is controlled by high level political groups (like the CFR, whose members include media kingpins like Papal Knight of St. Gregory Rupert Murdoch and Richard Parsons) to promote the agenda of the establishment. Subsequently, they are funded by American/European banks (i.e. The head of the Bank of England is Gentile Mervyn King). Many of these international bankers are Sovereign Military Order of Malta members like Alexander Haig, Edward L. Hennessy, Geoffrey T. Boisi, Gustavo Cisneros, and Lord Guthrie. Ultimately, the elite (made up of Secret Societies & high level political groups like the Vatican/Jesuits, the Pilgrim Society, high level Freemasonry, the Order of the Garter, the 1001 Club, the Privy Council, the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, etc.) want a new world order. Many of them are quoted as blatantly advocating that (like David Rockefeller and French President Nicolas Sarkozy). Only a select couple thousand mostly Gentile men rule the world in the since of controlling most of the political policies on this planet. That's why the globalists are promoting the Trans-Texas Corridor, the anti-sovereignity NAU agenda, population control (I never support population control), and globalization. They promote it to monopolize the world's infrastructure, so they can easily control the power of this Earth.

Recently, Alex Jones ofuscated the issue of the Vatican/Jesuit link to the present world structure. The truth is that Jones don't elaborate on the Vatican/Jesuit link to the NWO (i.e. like how SMOM Steven Saxton is the head of Hollywood International, the Jesuits' support of illegal immigration, the Jesuits' support of gun control like "Rev." Michael Pfleger SJ. who's an ally of anti-gun black Freemason Jesse Jackson, the Vatican's role in the ecumencial movement, and the Vatican's role in WWII. This has nothing to do with all Catholics, but the heirachy. The Vatican/Jesuits to me is the missing link into understanding how the world works). This isn't demonization of this man. Neither is this part of some COINTELPRO plot (as Alex Jones lies about without any evidence). This is legitimate dissent. The truth is that Jones is a friend of the anti-Semite racist Hutton Gibson (who collectively blame Jews for much of the evil in the world), supports the unbiblical Passion film, omit the truth of the Papal saint John of Nepomuk is the offical patron saint of the Bohemian Grove, supports ecumencialism, and can't stand those with even legitimate criticism against him. I'm moving on since Jones is Jones. This isn't to say that everything he says is false (some of his information is very accurate). It's dissent with some of his ideas. Now, Christians are demonized all of the time. A SF poster pictured sadomachist people mimicing the Last Supper. Now if similar poster were mocking Jews, Muslims, homosexuals, etc. the outrage would be intense. The reality is that righteous people exist, but the globe is composed of vice. The Democrats had their debate yesterday on MSNBC. Many commentators said the Edwards won since he offer some proposals and answered back to Hillary in a firm, yet respectful manner. The Democrats are right on some issues like wanting to control spending, creating new jobs, and the like (and they are wrong on other points). It's a shame that the 3 front runners either are member of or have ties to the CFR. Both major parties have corruption issues and lately the Republicans have more of it. It's time to expand our mind in talking about the evils of abortion, our health, education, the evil of eugenics (it's apparent that those in the Elite want many of us dead mentioned in the NSSM 200 document and their actions. Even Bush 41 back in the 1970's was part of a population control group), vaccines, our civil liberties, the corruption of the WTO (one Pilgrim kingpin in it was Peter Sutherland, who was a corporate leader and Bilderberger) & IMF, and economics. I will live my life in truth, honor, and not in paranoia. I will not back down.

By Timothy

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